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Grand Crusader
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  • Sykomyke's Avatar
    Grand Crusader 780 985 Posts Joined 05/30/2019
    Posted 2 years, 8 months ago
    Quote From meisterz39

    This proposal seems...<snipped>

    Let's address a few things about your reply to the OP... with one base assumption that I agree with: The average warlock card does 3 "self-harm" damage.  That much I do agree with.

     In that sense, your proposal looks a lot like a convoluted way to remove the lifesteal from the quest

    It's not, but even assuming that was the case:  in standard that isn't so bad.  I've literally seen warlocks heal for more damage than they've dealt to themselves through the use of soul fragments, Soul Shear, Drain Soul, Blood Shard Bristleback, and Touch of the Nathrezim. Coupled with Tamsin (legendary) they can duplicate many of those spells because they are all CHEAP spells that are easy to copy with Tamsin for 0 cost, free healing.

    I also think you care too much about fatigue

    Yes, because up to this point fatigue has been a rather immutable point of decisive game-ending power.  Barring select circumstances such as Archivist, dead man's hand, or Jade Idols...fatigue has largely been both the savior and adversary of control.  It's the final "countdown" (no pun intended) of games.  It treats both players equally fairly and requires playing around it to win in drawn out matches.

    It's not some boogie man "ooh, I hate fatigue games, they are so boring and take forever", it's there to END drawn out games.  And despite your protests of 'caring too much' it's not something that should be avoidable permanently.  (Cards like mal'ganis which allow you to be immune to damage but the vulnerability of taking out malganis still exists are ok).  But a permanent battlecry is not cool.  

    And even Kibler himself agreed that it ignoring fatigue feels like an odd design decision. (not that I'm citing Kibler as some gospel, but as someone who worked on the physical WoW card game...effectively the precursor to Hearthstone, I feel like his opinion usually isn't far from the truth)

    but it's very rare that any game actually goes to fatigue

    Currently, yes.  However, the main problem is that warlocks with the quest accelerate TOWARD fatigue in an attempt to just kill their opponent with their own fatigue damage.  Unavoidable, un-counterable fatigue damage.

    I don't know that this proposal would do anything to impact the most popular version of Questline Warlock - the Handlock/Flesh Giant version

    We are talking about ALL versions of the deck.  Just because one particular version got weakened does not mean that it doesn't deserve nerfing.  Again as I was Kibler the other day respond to someone in chat:  "Something can be not overpowered, but also still need fixing/adjusting"  Not to mention that warlock in both wild and standard is warping the meta.  The meta is still entirely warped around Warlock.  Hunters have hyper aggro decks TARGETING warlocks.  Just because a deck isn't doing "well" doesn't mean that the meta hasn't adapted to it, but it means that the meta has adapted to target it.

    All in all...

    OP's proposal may not be the best, and will most likely not be the result that Blizzard goes with, but the premise and the understanding that something is fundamentally broken with Warlock is accurate and well founded.   You seemed to miss that point and focus entirely on the details and not the whole picture...

    Or as the saying goes "Can't see the forest for the trees."

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