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tehARD's Comments

  • tehARD's Avatar
    45 4 Posts Joined 04/12/2021
    Posted 2 years, 11 months ago

    Yea, but so far everyone I've seen reporting found a legendary within first 10 packs. We'll have to wait and see.

  • tehARD's Avatar
    45 4 Posts Joined 04/12/2021
    Posted 3 years ago

    It's there only because there are a lot of APM Mages with Ice Block as it can shut this deck down, especially Mozaki variant and it's not as bad as many tech cards can be (still a spider tank after all).

  • tehARD's Avatar
    45 4 Posts Joined 04/12/2021
    Posted 3 years ago

    I know that these cards are powerful and I think devs should look closly at them. IF paladin/mage continue to opress the meta I think those might be great targets for nerfs. I would still rather have it nerfed slowly in a 2 week cycle rather than bringing down whatever stands out right now as history has shown us even one card nerf can be enough for meta to shift.

    As for mage, as someone who used to play mage a lot, the biggest downside of the deck was consistency and catching up without pulling some BIG RANDOM BS from Yogg box or poof!ing board with Reno. If Lunacy is going to be too slow, no-minion mage might have a bigger problem pulling multiple tempo swings and even Pot of Greed might not help the lack of big, endgame high value cards that lunacy provides. I think actual outcome will be somewhere in the middle between broken and helpless - just as the deck used to be, just a little less random and actually viable.

    I think current policy of more frequent, yet a bit more subtle approach to nerfs is much better than what we had in the past and I believe there is a light at the end of a tunnel, it just might not look like everyone is expecting it to be.

  • tehARD's Avatar
    45 4 Posts Joined 04/12/2021
    Posted 3 years ago

    I think that a nerf should bring card's power level back to where it's supposed to be, not kill the card - just because a card is too good now it shouldn't be made unplayable later.

    No minion mage was my favourite deck up until Barrens - wacky, interesting, and borderline Tier 3. It was kinda fun to play and wasn't overwhelming for the opponent. Right now it's oppresive and I hope they nerf it to the point where it is actually a fair deck.

    What I think you don't realise is how significant Pen Flingers are for paladin and how that might impact the deck. Even if that doesn't hit that hard, it might create enough space for other decks to emerge and create diverse meta without killing a class. If not, hey, there can be another round of nerfs soon.

    Your presented solution for paladin is "kill every good card for the class". I understand your hate for paladin right now, but every class has some better, outstanding cards, but only some see play, even if those are really good on paper. Why? Because meta is not in a vacuum and those cards depend on other cards and what is popular at that time. Why nuke pally if few minor nerfs might do the trick? Devs have much more data on cards winrate and emerging archetypes than we do and they decided that this is enough for now.

    Besides, I don't think there is anything wrong with no-minion mage and libram palladin to still be Tier 1 decks. I just think they shouldn't be Tier 0 decks that opress meta. Good decks should be allowed to exist as long as there is enough space that ladder isn't comprised of only 2 classes.

    All of that said, f**k lunacy mage as a top tier deck, I think hearthstone has much more to offer than that :P

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