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thecupismine's Comments

  • thecupismine's Avatar
    45 1 Posts Joined 08/21/2020
    Posted 3 years, 2 months ago

    Hey guys, thecupismine here. Solid guide to the deck! One quick note though: the matchup against scouts is at least 70/30 favored to dragons.

    The key thing to think about is scouts wins by going 2 for 1 with a lot of trades, which is next to impossible with the beef in this deck. If you have plaza down and play a dragon, you lock them out of doing anything meaningful with their mana that turn as you'll challenge the important unit, win the trade, and then continue widdling down their board. This often leads them to not play anything, to which you end the turn without attacking and destroy their tempo. 

    When I was climbing with the deck, I probably played scouts over 20 times, and lost once due to a bricked hand. 

    Draven Jinx is a little closer, but if you pull for judgment you can often just blow them up on turn 5 and end the game that way. I built the original version of the deck in the Fearsome aggro meta, and this deck was designed to destroy them off a big judgment blowout that they can't play around (which happened during the live stream of the tourney :)). Draven Jinx is a little faster, and if you don't get a 4 drop down that can use judgment on 5 it can get sketchy, but with all the healing it's usually not too hard to stabilize. 

    I'm probably going to refine the list as we get closer to the seasonal, but thought I'd add my two cents in on a couple different matchups given I'm probably the only one who's played the deck so extensively :) 

    P.S. One reason Shyvanna is great too is the removal the opponent uses on her is very similar to what they would use on ASol, which provides a more stable situation to play him in. Dragons with their stats also level Asol faster than any other deck out there. 

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