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Joined 08/13/2019 Achieve Points 80 Posts 4

TheDreamer's Comments

  • TheDreamer's Avatar
    80 4 Posts Joined 08/13/2019
    Posted 4 years, 8 months ago

    I despise the current state of HS so much. All the meta decks are so dull to play. These nerfs made the meta even worse than it was. Warrior is still here, the stupid mana cheat murloc paladin is still here, the ridiculous druid quest is still here, float 4 mana in first 4 turns to make a 10 mana play on turn 5, Highlander Hunter is pretty much the only normal deck to play against

  • TheDreamer's Avatar
    80 4 Posts Joined 08/13/2019
    Posted 4 years, 8 months ago
    Quote From YJHS2000
    Quote From TheDreamer

    Why do so many people want to nerf so many cards that are nowhere near problematic? Do people want zero powerful cards in the game? With this logic everything except vanilla minions would have to be nerfed.

    People want something new, Blizzard comes with something new, deck defining quest, powerful hero cards, powerful Legendary spells and people complain these cards are too good and dont want them in the game. Then people complain about the game being stale.

    The problem with these too-powerful cards is that the games become super swingy and devolve into a contest of who draws their OP card first. As someone who played this game before there was a "standard," I miss a lot of the back-and-forth minion play the used to occur. Games felt tighter and more uncertain. Now, once a certain card is played or quest completed, the game is pretty much over. Old insane combos like priest inner fire or Warlock faceless>Leeroy or freeze mage used to take an entire game to set up (maybe old druid Savage roar being the exception), but now, draw the right two cards, and on turn 5 or 6 the game is over.

    Agreed, but I dont think there is much of a way to bring the game back to the minion combat. Most of the current decks are built around these super swingy cards, or around one specific. I personally think LPG is fine and should not be nerfed. LPG on 5 is extremely powerful, but so is Secretkeeper in Secret Hunter on 1 or having Myras UE ready for turn 5-7 or even having Zephrys to pull you out of a situation your deck and your class is not supposed to get out of.

    I personally dont like the paper, rock, scissors matchups so much more than these “draw THE card” and win. I have absolutely no idea how to fix the game. Im not enjoying the current meta and Im not enjoying the current decks. 

  • TheDreamer's Avatar
    80 4 Posts Joined 08/13/2019
    Posted 4 years, 8 months ago

    Why do so many people want to nerf so many cards that are nowhere near problematic? Do people want zero powerful cards in the game? With this logic everything except vanilla minions would have to be nerfed.

    People want something new, Blizzard comes with something new, deck defining quest, powerful hero cards, powerful Legendary spells and people complain these cards are too good and dont want them in the game. Then people complain about the game being stale.

  • TheDreamer's Avatar
    80 4 Posts Joined 08/13/2019
    Posted 4 years, 8 months ago

    Im not a fan of this card, I think it has very limited use and its worth to be used on when you are 100% sure what it will offer. If you play it outside the usual Twisting Nether, Fireball, Shadow Word: Death, the card rarely gives you the card you want. Also Im very against the “perfect card” phrase on the card, I had 7 mana left, was at 2 health, there was a 5 health Shudderwock on board and this card offers me 3 bad choices instead of Holy Fire, the card is a scam.

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