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Trevolock's Comments

  • Trevolock's Avatar
    60 4 Posts Joined 08/20/2019
    Posted 4 years, 8 months ago
    Quote From iWatchUSleep

    Quest shaman has literally never been above a 50% winrate so far. Not even at legend.

    Yes, it is most definitely ridiculously overpowered and warrants an immediate nerf.

    Thanks for agreeing. It does need a nerf.

  • Trevolock's Avatar
    60 4 Posts Joined 08/20/2019
    Posted 4 years, 8 months ago

    It is too easy to pull off and the reward is pretty ridiculous, especially in wild. Ive ended up in an endless Shudderwock loop where I just concede several times. A slight increase to its requirement wouldn't be bad.

  • Trevolock's Avatar
    60 4 Posts Joined 08/20/2019
    Posted 4 years, 8 months ago

    I've been messing around with hunter and came up with an intriguing idea

    One of the reasons the class has traditionally gravitated toward aggression is because of the hero power. What if Blizzard introduced a mechanic that changes your hero power at the start of the game? 

    We already have cards that upgrade or change your hero power, and we have quite a few. 

    What I am thinking is a mechanic similar to Genn or Baku, where if you have X it changes your hero power. For example, a new rogue legendary could have a mechanic that triggers at the start of the game. I know a lot of people despise those cards and how they shaped decks, but those were neutrals. The new hero power could involve some beast synergy or something. 


    In reply to New Mechanic Idea
  • Trevolock's Avatar
    60 4 Posts Joined 08/20/2019
    Posted 4 years, 8 months ago

    Hey guys

    late last night I was messing around with some a wild warlock when I stumbled across the dread steer + defile interaction. I know dreadsteed was changed but I found some videos pre-nerf

    anyway, I got the idea to try a knife juggler + necrotic geist OTK in wild after seeing Hysteria’s video. 

    So, the combo is as follows: Summoning Portal, Knife Juggler, Necrotic Geist, 2x Deathspeaker, Defile, Summoning Portal Tuskarr Fisherman. As long as you get 4-5 discounted it’s fine.

    Here’s  link to both the Hysteria video to see the combo and the wiki. (Under notes in wiki)

    You drop Emperor hoping to discount the deathspeakers, defile, and Geist. The combo takes advantage of the discount from Emperor while also getting a 2 mana Summoning Portal discount. According to the HS wiki, and is consistent with Hysteria’s video, this combination can produce 0 cost minions, as the Summoning Portal effect is applied first and then the Emperor one. Basically, you’ll be playing the 2 and 3 mana pieces for free....or so I thought. You drop the portal, geist, then juggler. After that, you give immunity to both juggler and geist, and apply +1 spell power to either. Casting defile after this creates a loop with Necrotic Geists effect that will kill your opponent no question. Although defile can cast only 14 times, it’s way more than enough for the number of knives being shot. 

    I’ve set this up three times and Summoning Portal will not make the minions cost 0 even with the Emperor combination. If you read the wiki and watch the video, you’ll see that the minions cost 0. I watched the video a few times now, and I don’t see any other way he could’ve gotten 0 cost minions. Looking at his discounts, he only managed to get a single tick. Each time I set this combo up, none of the minions will cost 0. I know Summoning Portal is supposed to keep minion cost at 1, but the wiki states that when used with Emperor, the minions will cost 0 if they cost 3. Again, this is what happens in Hysteria’s combo, but for some reason my minions aren’t behaving this way. 

    I can’t find any evidence that the way these card interactions has changed or been patched. The only thing I can think of it is that blizzard silently changed it to prevent another OTK. 

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