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Joined 01/30/2020 Achieve Points 50 Posts 2

Vexac's Comments

  • Vexac's Avatar
    50 2 Posts Joined 01/30/2020
    Posted 4 years, 3 months ago

    Ruination is something every card game needs. There's nothing wrong with the concept, never.
    You can discuss about being it over/under-costed, but I think it's fine tuned at 9 mana, meaning that you can't generally cast it until turn 6 at least.

    The concept is simple and impactful, zero issues about it. You can argue that makes a strong value advantage, but it's not that easy, for example:

    - If you clear 4 enemies, how many of them were really threatening?
    - If you clear threatening enemies, how did you survive until then? You should at least have lost some blocker or other disadvantageous trades to survive
    - If you're dying and it's opponent's turn, you're probably super dead, being it a slow spell
    - If you clear advantageously in your turn, then opponent has 6+ mana to restart

    Every other situation makes it a good/strong card, but as far as I remember good/strong cards always existed in every card game. And they usually are far stronger than a 9 mana spell.

  • Vexac's Avatar
    50 2 Posts Joined 01/30/2020
    Posted 4 years, 3 months ago

    Elusive is a fine mechanic, it's the same as Flying in Magic and it's never been problematic in that game for nearly 30 years.

    I acknowledge the problem here, but it's not tied to the mechanic itself imho:
    - Runeterra has way less efficient removal spells than MtG. This is obviously getting fixed with time and expansions
    - Elusive appears almost only in Ionia. Both Demacia and Freljord have just one (bad) card to block elusive attackers. MtG has answers in each color
    More importantly
    - The most used elusive cards are definitely undercosted
    - Runeterra enables attacking in the same turn a follower is played. This specific ability in Magic costs +mana or -stats

    Magic version of [Hearthstone Card (Shadow Assassin) Not Found] is a 2/1, and was printed after 25 years of power creeping and tuning
    Magic version of [Hearthstone Card (Navori Conspirator) Not Found] costs 3 mana. There are also many worse versions
    Magic version of [Hearthstone Card (Greenglade Duo) Not Found] costs four mana (and is a 2/3)

    These are just examples of how the elusive mechanic went always well in a ~30 years old card game. Runeterra definitely needs to fix something about this mechanic

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