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Joined 12/14/2020 Achieve Points 30 Posts 2

YandereAmpharos's Comments

  • YandereAmpharos's Avatar
    30 2 Posts Joined 12/14/2020
    Posted 3 years, 2 months ago

    Honestly, no. The lack of Targon support will make it hard. I'm thinking about getting rid of Golden Aegis since Cataclysm will allow you to Dragon's Rage multiple times a turn. Especially if you have Jarvan leveled and get one every turn. I might consider adding another Sonic Wave(gives 2 spell triggers for Lee Sin) and another unit to help Jarvan's level up. 

  • YandereAmpharos's Avatar
    30 2 Posts Joined 12/14/2020
    Posted 3 years, 4 months ago

    Hello everyone. Give this deck a shot, I won 7 straight games with it, only losing to Go Hard. (Which clapped me pretty badly, but I did have really bad draws) I know a lot of people may think this region combination is weird, but trust me, I was beating meta decks with it. Monastery of Hirana provided so much value since I always had card advantage, the card it produces was discard fodder when I needed it most, and so forth. I am thinking about replacing Chump Whump with Ballistic Bot, but maybe not. 

    Whenever I played Yasuo decks, Yone was such an awkward card because your opponent always played around it, so a lot of the time I just used it in less than optimal situations, not getting the full potential out of it. It is especially bad when Yasuo is not on the board, but Hirana existing makes me not care anymore since I can recall it whenever. Stunning your opponent's cards when Yasuo isn't on the board doesn't feel as bad anymore. 

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