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Joined 02/12/2020 Achieve Points 90 Posts 6

Zozoth's Comments

  • Zozoth's Avatar
    90 6 Posts Joined 02/12/2020
    Posted 3 years, 2 months ago

    Thanks for your feedback and I'm glad you enjoy it! I do understand that a lot of the cards are quite powerful, but it is like you said with Blizzard increasing the base power level of cards, and I am just trying my best to keep up.
    As far as Delta Elemental goes, your first assumption is correct, where all spells deal 3 damage and any spell that has a modifier to it set to 3.

  • Zozoth's Avatar
    90 6 Posts Joined 02/12/2020
    Posted 3 years, 2 months ago

    "Climb aboard, for the greatest vacation in the universe!"

    Once a grand vessel for the Draenei, this dimensional ship suffered a crash and lay dormant for centuries. It used to function as the home of the Draenei, but ever since their relocation the ship has sat there, empty...until now!
    Rebuilt and refurbished into a wonderful cruise ship prepared to give its guests a safe, comfortable, and enjoyable journey to their destintations!

    What destination you may ask? Well, that's where you come in! Ten lucky guests who received our special tickets at random will be able to choose a destination from our wonderful selection.
    So pack your things and prepare for adventure and wonder as we embark on the Maiden Voyage of the Exodar!

    Expansion Mechanics:

    • Warped: Like a reverse Dormant, this keyword gives the cards a 'count' which causes them to die after the number of turns specified on their text expires. Also like Dormant, the counts will begin at the start of their controlling player's turns, but taking place after any Start of Turn effects.
    • Travellers: The 'class cycle' of the expansion similar to Schemes or Projects. These are among the many guests on the Exodar, excited to see what adventures its destinations have to offer. But like most vacationers, they never leave home unprepared! All of these will draw a spell when played, and have an additional effect depending on its Cost, allowing for some strategy during deckbuilding.

    The Cards:

    (Author's Note: Formatting might get a bit tight with how I uploaded these, so I have included imgur albums with the individual cards. Just click on the class name to get their corresponding album!)

    Demon Hunter:
    Demon Hunter










    Neutral Cards

    All journeys have their potential dangers, and travelling through the void of space is certainly no exception! But do not worry, dear guests. Our staff members are trained not only for your enjoyment, but for your protection! So sit back, relax, and enjoy everything this cruise, and this galaxy, has to offer!






    Note: The class borders are simply for flavor and do not affect which choices the player will get when they play Astra. Players will always get a choice from three of these ten cards.

    Bonus Stuff

    With all Blizzard expansion releases come a plethora of bonuses! Here are my takes on how those would be should this expansion be 'a real thing'


    Preodrer Bonus: Yrel Paladin Hero Skin and 'Lightforged' Cardback (Already in game, but does fit Yrel thematically)


    Celstial Coin: Awarded to Players who have at least one copy of every card in Maiden Voyage of the Exodar set!


    Battlegrounds Heroes: Space travel takes a long time, so some of our guests (and a staff member!) Have joined the Battlegrounds to entertain themselves on our journey.


    Final Author Notes

    Well I hope you enjoyed the Maiden Voyage of the Exodar! I've been working on this project off and on with fellow designer Mega-Pixel over the last few months. Huge thanks to them and their design of the Logo as well as a ton of cards on here.
    Space-based expansions are a rare sight, and I wanted to go for a unique theme rather than Mechs and Sci-fi. Hopefully everyone reading this enjoyed everything it had to offer and found some cards they wish were in the game. Stay tuned as Mega-Pixel and I are working on a mini-set similar to Darkmoon Races.

    If you do like the cards, you can also check out another Expansion Mega-Pixel and I collaborated on: Crusade of Light

  • Zozoth's Avatar
    90 6 Posts Joined 02/12/2020
    Posted 4 years ago

    Thanks so much! I'm glad you enjoyed them! It's always fun to theorycraft decks once you see a ton of class card you like from expansions like these.

  • Zozoth's Avatar
    90 6 Posts Joined 02/12/2020
    Posted 4 years ago

    I had so much fun making this set and doing this interview! Thanks to Demon for making this happen and thanks to anyone who was able to check out my expansion in its entirety!

  • Zozoth's Avatar
    90 6 Posts Joined 02/12/2020
    Posted 4 years, 1 month ago

    "Whispers of an ancient tomb..."

    The events of Dragonblight left many in gloom,

    "...Fire made flesh! Dragon's breath! Teeth and claw and flame..."

    The damage has been done! Its EVIL to blame, 

    "...This is the place of funky magical phenomena. Anything goes..."

    We now must act before others' power grows!

    "...Power alone is not to be feared. Fear instead, those who wield it!"

    To stop any more mayhem as these villains see fit.

    Join us; returning to places of old, We've won before, so don't cower, be bold!

    Do not yield, do not fear, do not give up your fight, For united, none can oppose this CRUSADE OF LIGHT!

    This is a "revival" expansion of sorts similar to Rise of Shadows. Here, the "bad guy" and "good guy" classes are reversed, with the bad guys being the Old Adventure Expansion Bosses and the good guys being the Crusade of Light to stop them before another "League of EVIL" arises.

    Expansion Mechanics:

    • Safeguard: Effectively granting the minion 'Immune' for a turn, Safeguard works for both offensive and defensive purposes, allowing usually frail minions to guarantee an attack or slower minions to get off their ability trigger.   


    • Shaded: My take on the potential "Twinion" idea. Shaded allows the player to double-dip on powerful Battlecries, Deathrattles, or other similar effects as they would with cards like Anka or Jepetto Joybuzz. Additionally, Shaded cards with passive effects can be saved for combos due to their cost of 1.

    • Dispel: A simplification of the 'Elusive' effect so that card text can be shortened.

    • Cleave: Similar to Dispel, this effect is rather common in Hearthstone and making it a keyword would help with its simplicity.

    • Lieutenants and Avengers: The 'class cycle' cards similar to Schemes or Projects. Lieutenants all have an ability keyword and a Deathrattle that is a callback to their class' Classic Legendary. Avengers also have an ability keyword and gain an additional effect if a friendly minion died the turn you play them.

    The EVIL Classes

    "Whats this? More Adventurers dare to besiege our great fortresses?  And why to they speak about  a 'League of EVIL 2?'  No matter; we have grown much more powerful in these slow times and will give them a fight they shall not forget!"

    Druid (Blackrock Mountain)

    Hunter (One Night in Karazhan)

    Mage (Curse of Naxxramas)

    (AN: Apologize for weird formatting with Baron, for some reason I lost the individual files and only had the combined one)

    Paladin (Knights of the Frozen Throne)

    The Crusader Classes

    "It seems these villains are more powerful than we thought!  But  stay strong! For we too have powerful allies who have joined our cause! If we beat these bosses before, we can do it again!"






    Neutral Cards






    Final Author Notes

    Well there is Crusade of Light! It's kinda unbelievable to see this set complete after working on it off and on for the past few months. I'm sure not everything is 100% balanced, so please feel free to leave any suggestions and/or improvements in the comments below; I'd very much appreciate it!

    • Some of you may have noticed that the Crusade Classes have a legendary based on an alternate hero skin except for Shaman, but that is because Lady Zarog is the planned free Hero reskin for the Shaman class planned to be given to all players who opened a pack from the set should it be 'released' by Blizzard.

    • I am also working on an Adventure mode for this titled 'King of the Raid' where you fend off pesky adventurers as one of the four Evil bosses. I am unsure when this will be completed, so stay tuned!
    • This is technically the second "Set" in my Hearthstone year, with the first being Deepsea Imperium. If you don't mind a trip to reddit, and are interested in deckbuilding with these two sets, please take a look at it here.



  • Zozoth's Avatar
    90 6 Posts Joined 02/12/2020
    Posted 4 years, 2 months ago

    Excellent to see everything together! It was a blast making this with everyone.

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