Ahoy, me fellow champions! Surely ye haven't been so preoccupied with yon Mount Targon to forget that September 19th is International Talk Like a Pirate Day? If'n ye forgot, do not despair -- Out of Cards has ye covered with these 3 pirate-themed decks.

What's that ye say? These aren't "optimized" decklists? Afreard of losing some of your precious LP are ye? Spoken like a lily-livered land lubber. In case ye forgot already, these are pirate-themed decks, and a proper pirating adventure requires a few key ingredients -- namely:

  1. An old salt for a captain that takes no gruff and will lead ye crew to profit
  2. A 2nd-in-command that can be trusted (so no partnering Miss Fortune with that cur that cut down her parents!)
  3. A crew of disreputable seadogs who will do what needs to be doin' when the time comes
  4. A dependable vessel to be ferryin' ye booty back home after the job is done

So ye can listen to what ye precious "meta reports" tell ye to do and heel like a wet-eared hound, or ye can take control of ye one destiny and raid the seven seas with heart! If ye be having no more objections, 'tis time to raise anchor. And don't be forgetting to speak proper during ye adventures!

Gangplank + Twisted Fate Monkey Pirates

Gangplank Card Image The Dreadway Card Image Monkey Business Card Image

Thar Swain + The Leviathan combo may be getting all the glory, but have ye seen the Gangplank + The Dreadway combo yet? And if that doesn't scuttle their ship, ye can always cut loose with a Riptide Rex dealin' double damage!  We be making fine use of Powder Monkeys to help stall and to be leveling Gangplank, but to be honest many an opponent will find themselves out of HP before you hit Round 9.

Miss Fortune + Quinn Pirate Scouts

Miss Fortune Card Image The Syren Card Image Crackshot Corsair Card Image

This ain't yer grandmother's scout deck, mind ye! Take notice that we've jettisoned many of those self-righteous Demacian scallywags to make room for some proper seadogs the likes of Crackshot Corsair, Hired Gun, and Razorscale Hunter. You'll be wanting to take extra care that Miss Fortune levels up in this deck as she is a right menace when The Syren is attacking.

Sejuani + Trundle Overwhelm Pirates

Sejuani Card Image The Tuskraider Card Image Ruthless Raider Card Image

Many a soul doesn't think Sejuani a true pirate on account of her not harboring in Bilgewater. Me thinks it is because her Winter's Claw tribe does not leave enough survivors in their fierce raids to spread word of her exploits. Regardless: here be a plunder deck to show off her skills. Ye should have little problem leveling Sejuani, what with all the overwhelm and early units like Legion Saboteur and Ember Maiden. Once leveled, Noxus spells like Blade's Edge and Death's Hand provide AoE frostbite at fast speed. If they somehow survive until Round 8, The Tuskraider will double the pressure. 

What be ye favorite pirate deck, mateys? Let us know below.