Lee Sin Card Image

In case you missed it, Lee Sin is getting some significant buffs this upcoming patch! Namely, his mana cost and L1 health are dropping from 6 to 4; to compensate, his level up requirement is increasing from 7 spells to 8. His signature spell is also changing from the niche Dragon's Rage to the much more utilitarian Sonic Wave. The combination of all these changes should allow him to reach the board sooner and make a mid-game impact instead of relegating him to late-game combos. With those changes in mind,  here are 4 Lee Sin decks that we're excited to try once the patch hits.

You can always find the latest Lee Sin decks in our deck listing!

Glop's Taric + Lee Sin OTK

Taric Card Image Zenith Blade Card Image Hush Card Image

Let's start with our strongest deck, one that Glop used to make Rank 1 on NA just a few weeks ago: Taric + Lee Sin OTK. The idea here is simple: if you give his attacking L2 form overwhelm and use his passive Dragon's Rage ability, then he effectively hits the opposing nexus twice: once when his Dragon's Rage skill resolves, and again when he does his normal attack and there is no blocker. Pre-CotM decks resorted to Noxus and Might to achieve this combo, but Targon brings with it Zenith Blade to give permanent overwhelm and Gems to both progress and active Lee Sin. Taric provides some natural support (his casts count both towards Lee Sin's progression and activation) as well as an alternative win conditions when Lee Sin isn't available.

This is a high-skill, high-reward deck. A lot of its potential lies in the flexibility in tools like Hush, Bastion, and Spacey Sketcher.

Mogwai's Draven + Lee Sin OTK

Draven Card Image Might Card Image Kato The Arm Card Image

As foreshadowed earlier, the other strong Lee Sin deck is a pre-CotM deck that looks to do the same combo with either Might or Kato The Arm. But whereas that earlier deck plays like a control deck, this plays more like a SMOrc deck. Draven provides a lot of early pressure, and his Spinning Axes help progress & activate Lee Sin. Now with Lee Sin's lower mana cost, will this be the superior tactic? We're providing this pre-CotM code as-is, since this archetype hasn't really gotten any support (yet) from CotM. 

SilverFuse's Lee Sin + Shen "Lee Sin to Your Heart"

Shen Card Image Greenglade Caretaker Card Image Shiraza the Blade Card Image

Never one to pass on a good pun, Silverfuse put together a fun deck that partners Lee Sin with Shen. Although there are some obvious synergies between Lee Sin's passive ability and Shen's barrier-loving package, the secret weapon is the 2x Shiraza the Blade who can actually regularly strike nexus thanks to Lee Sin's challenging, Sonic Wave, and a 1x Ghost

Jinni's Lee Sin + Teemo Shrooms

Teemo Card Image Chump Whump Card Image Puffcap Peddler Card Image

Finally, we have an interesting deck from up-and-coming streamer Jinni that partners Lee Sin with a Teemo / mushroom package. Even though there's no direct link between the two champions, they both benefit greatly from spam-casting Mushroom Cloud. With Lee Sin's level up requirement also increasing from 7 to 8, could this be the way to go?

That's all the Lee Sin decks we've got for right now. Are there any decks you're looking forward to playing after the patch? Let us know below!