Over the past two installments, I covered the concept art for the Guardians and the card backs in the game, or at the very least, the ones that are currently buyable and not associated with any particular event. In this installment, I'll be covering both the Guardians and card backs that came with the Spirit Blossom Festival event which ran from July 22nd to August 19th of this year. The Guardians do not appear in the in-game store anymore, and they are no longer obtainable. The card backs, however, are still present.

As with the past two installments, all the artwork in this article is courtesy of Kudos Productions.


Both regular Kitt and Festival Kitt were added during the event. As with all the Guardians added to the game via the event, they have left the store and cannot be bought anymore.

Kitt's changes over development focused very much on secondary details, mostly their collar, which was at one point removed but was eventually added back into the final product. Design B appears to be the design that went forward.

Festival Kitt

Here is Kitt as it appears in Spirit Blossom form. This version of Kitt received a significantly larger amount of changes in development than the normal version, with changes to the color patches and accessories. The final product appears to use the top-right design and given pink designs on its ears.

Spirit of Nature

The Spirit Blossom event brought over new card backs, depicting several notable champions in new designs specifically associated with the festival. All card backs added with the event are still available in the shop.

Spirit of Nature depicts Teemo, featuring designs playing a flute and other designs simply trekking the forest. Design B would eventually be used as the basis for the final product.

Crossed Spirits

This cardback depicts Yasuo and Yone (who appears in LoR as Yone, Windchaser which appears to depict an older version of the character), creating a "duality" flavor in the card back. This notably makes it one of the few card backs in the game to depict a character which is not a champion.

Spirit of the Bloom

Spirit of the Bloom appears to depict Corina Veraza, making this the only card back in the game to use a character who does not appear in LoL and another card back to use a character of whom is not a champion. The final product appears to use a mirrored version of design B as the base.

Spirit of Obsession

Upon a first glance, Spirit of Obsession does not appear to depict any character in the game. Internally, however, the card back is referred to as "thresh", giving the implication that the character in the card back appears to be a living human version of Thresh, which is supported by the lantern found in design F.

Spirit Tree/Spirit Flower

No such card back called "Spirit Tree" or "Spirit Flower" exists in the game, and there are no card backs with these designs anywhere in the game. Judging by the name and aesthetic of the card, these appear to have been early interpretations of what would eventually become the Spirit Blossom card back.

Festival Spirit/Nightshade Spirit

Two concept designs of Festival Spirit (referred to as "Kami" in the image) and Nightshade Spirit (referred to as "Yokai" in the image). The first design of both card backs would be used as the basis for their final respective designs.