Hail, Champions! It's Monday, and we thought we'd start the week out with a round-up of some of the Legends of Runeterra decks we've seen in masters over this past weekend.

Aphelios Decks

Most of masters players are busy at work trying to discover optimal decks for the new champion, Aphelios, so we're going to again split this round-up into 2 sections: those with Aphelios and those without. We have a few interesting decks to share, starting with Jasensational's Zoe + Aphelios Temple. This looks very similar to the popular Zoe + Scryer Invoke decks that we've seen except Jasensational makes the bold decision to cut Scryer to run more SI value tools like Withering Wail, Vile Feast, and The Box.

Next up is Gameb0yr0b Aphelios + Viktor deck, which has a bit wider curve than most other Aphelios + Viktor decks. Subpurrsible + The Veiled Temple provides some interesting midgame potential, and the always-reliable Starshaping can fish for a win condition in an emergency.

4LW's went hard for Tri-beam Improbulator Zoe + Aphelios deck which includes 12 3-mana cards before considering any invoked The Tricksters or Crescent Strikes. It resembles the popular Ezreal + Draven Tri-beam decks, except 3x The Fangs and 3x Starshaping allow it to play more conservatively when desired.

Finally, we have this interesting deck from eMOEtional that takes the familiar TF / Burblefish formula and tries to partner it with Aphelios and The Veiled Temple instead of the more common P&Z / Iterative Improvement version. It may look a bit greedy, but Veiled Temple will prioritize Wiggly Burblefish over other 3-attack units ("strongest" uses its full mana cost of 6), meaning he can snowball fast if left unchecked.

Non-Aphelios Decks

Next, we have ZincElemental's update to TF + Fizz Burblefish -- still in the P&Z + BW combo that's been so popular, but squeezing in a 1x Stress Testing.

Mtuck isn't playing with any of the new cards, but this Teemo + Ezreal Foundry deck is still very competitive. The frostbites provide some excellent stall potential, and a 1x Avalanche can be used to clear out a wave of elusive Burblefish.

And speaking of Teemo, Stan has been playing this Teemo + Sejuani Puffcap deck lately. Again no new cards, but it has plenty of cheap spells which should allow you to push multiple Puffcap Peddler shrooms and then finish with either Teemo or Sejuani.

What decks have enjoyed playing? Tell us below!