We've got an interesting video from Riot today that teases a new lab coming in Patch 2.8.0 this week on May 19.

The lab is titled "Duo Queue: Shared Spoils" and lets you queue up with a friend and together you will both be fighting separate opponents. Here is everything we know so far about the lab:

  • You can queue into it with a friend.
  • You and your friend will fight another duo queue pair, fighting two 1v1 matches.
  • You can select up to 3 decks to bring into the lab. Decks appear to be shared with your friend.
  • There are starting bonuses.
    • Trickery: Create in hand a copy of a random spell in hand.
  • "Supply Drops" provide you and your friend with a special card.
    • You can use the 2v2 lab emotes to help communicate which cards you want in the drops.
  • If a tie occurs, one player is selected to play a 1v1 tie-breaking match.





Duo Queue: Shared Spoils Rewards

There are end-of-game rewards in the lab for winners and both you and your friend will get to decide who gets which rewards.

  • These rewards are in the form of a capsule.
  • Two different capsules have been seen but we have not yet seen their possible contents.
  • Card Jackpot Capsule
  • Cosmetic Jackpot Capsule

Duo Queue: Shared Spoils Teaser

Here's the video from Riot teasing the new lab.