Last Saturday was the home of Bandlewood's Seasonal tournaments on all four shards, and after all the action four new champions were crowned. You can re-live the action with our spoiler-free post below.

Southeast Asia

If you missed the action, here's the VoD of the matches shown on stream. The decklists of the finalists and result discussion can be found in the spoiler below the video.

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Vietnam had a strong performance this season, as the SEA top 8 consisted of five Vietnamese, one Thai, and two Singaporean player. Unfortunately for them, the Singaporean players were matched against each other already in Quarterfinals but the winner of that clash, OPM Hammerhead, made it all the way to the Grand Final. He was eventually unable to stop a Vietnamese victory as GM Nezykk took a clean 2-0 win, losing only a single game during all Saturday.


If you missed the action, here's the VoD of the matches shown on stream (with Japanese casting). The decklists of the finalists and result discussion can be found in the spoiler below the video.

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The Asian streams did not share the nationalities of the players and I was not able to find the information easily anywhere else either, but if Hearthstone players' battletags are anything to go by, the Pokemon-inspired winner Mawile could be Japanese. The final was decided by the overtime rules, as match 3 was forced to end at the 55 minute mark at 1-1. Teal Red had the inevitability with [Hearthstone Card (The Bandle Tree) Not Found] already on board but their timer was about a minute ahead of Mawile leading to their loss.


If you missed the action, here's the VoD of the matches shown on stream. The decklists of the finalists and result discussion can be found in the spoiler below the video.

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Europe had a stacked top 32 coming into the tournament, and as the competition boiled down to top 8 only Czechia had more than one representative left. The duo shared the luck of SEA's Singaporeans and had to fight each other in Quarterfinals. BaJAtak, who won the match and already attended the World Championship earlier this year, eventually won the whole Seasonal with UK's Spaiikz being the runner-up.


If you missed the action, here's the VoD of the matches shown on stream. The decklists of the finalists and result discussion can be found in the spoiler below the video.

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Australians enjoyed a good Saturday (or Sunday I guess) in the Americas tournament as they both reached the top 8 of the tournament. As half of the quarterfinalists were American, it was no surprise that the final was an all-American showdown, with Ociti coming out on top with a narrow 2-1 victory over the Rally-enjoyer Kochua.

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Did you watch any of the finals? What did you think? Share your thoughts with us below!