MARVEL SNAP's newest featured location, Klyntar, has inspired an assortment of strategies so far, and there's still plenty of time to take advantage of its increased appearance. With that in mind, we've gathered a list of decks from the SNAP community that can feed the Klyntar Symbiote, for players at every level of Collection: from the very beginners to those near the end of Series 3 and beyond.

As a Featured location, Klyntar will have a 40% chance to appear for 48 hours, from 7 PM PT Tuesday night to 7 PM PT Thursday night (2 AM UTC Wednesday to 2 AM UTC Friday) - that gives us just enough time to try out these decks that want to see it more often.

Series 1

Our budget recommendation for Klyntar is a Zoo deck that can boost its Symbiote with Ka-Zar and kill its opponent's with Elektra (we'll be seeing more of her). We're running more than a few 1-Drops that have the potential to get extra Power in Rocket Raccoon and Hawkeye, to feed the Symbiote or diversify to other locations.

Klyntar Zoo (Pool 1)
A Deck created by . Last updated 1 year, 4 months ago

Series 2

For Series 2, we're first featuring this Ongoing Spectrum list that uses big-statted cards Lizard and Ebony Maw to put a lot of Power in our Symbiote, then protect it from enemy Elektras with Armor, Cosmo, or Professor X. Yes, we're running Elektra, why do you ask?

Klyntar Spectrum (Pool 2)
A Deck created by . Last updated 1 year, 4 months ago

Another option with Klyntar is to go all-in on the Featured Location with this Jubilee deck that has plenty of big bodies for Jubilee to pull out of the deck and onto Klyntar to make a humongous Symbiote. Our cheaper cards consist of Domino, to give us an early play that won't disrupt Jubilee, Groot, because it might be easier to predict our opponent's turn 3 play, and Armor as the way to protect our large Symbiote from Elektra.

All-In Jubilee Klyntar (Pool 2)
A Deck created by . Last updated 1 year, 4 months ago

Series 3

This deck shared by TLSG has the Ramp to get to its late-game plays, and is even packing a cheeky Control combo with Wave letting it play Doctor Octopus to Klyntar on 4, which feeds four of its opponents cards to the Symbiote and then kills the Symbiote with Elektra.

TLSG's Klyntar Ramp (Pool 3)
A Deck created by . Last updated 1 year, 4 months ago

This deck from Alexander Coccia baits its opponent into relying on the Klyntar symbiote, then destroys it - either with Killmonger, Elektra, or a combo from Polaris and Kingpin. Since most of that stuff costs 3, Silver Surfer is the perfect way to get enough power to out-muscle the opponent.

Alexander Coccia's Counter Klyntar (Pool 3)
A Deck created by . Last updated 1 year, 4 months ago

Series 4

This deck from RegisKillbin has Zero synergies in the form of cards with high Power and drawbacks. The Symbiote can eat some of those drawbacks, but for the rest we have the aforementioned Zero, Enchantress, and Venom (who can also eat your Symbiote to save it from Elektra). This deck splashes into Series 4 with Titania, a large 1-Drop who can feed the Symbiote or make the game very interesting.

RegisKillbin's Silence Klyntar (Pool 4)
A Deck created by . Last updated 1 year, 4 months ago

Have your own ideas for taking advantage of the featured location? Create and share your deck using our MARVEL SNAP deckbuilder! Don't forget to include a guide!

Having fun with the featured location? Let us know in the comments below!