Another Thursday is here, which means more Epic Games Store freebies! One singular title this week, and it's a surreal first person horror game that will have you make use of the W, T, F, and S key a lot. Let's get into it!

Golden Light

Do you find your horror games aren't uncanny enough for your liking? Are the graphics on the Resident Evil 4 and Dead Space remakes too clean for you? Good news, Golden Light is here to offer a uniquely dirty and creepy horror experience. The game is also a roguelike FPS where you fight all manner of weird creatures as you try to survive. You also gain various bonus effects by eating your weapons. Tasty.

What do you think of this week's game? What other titles would you like to see Epic give away for free? Let us know in the comments below! See you next week when we get EARTHLOCK and Survivng the Aftermath.