In an announcement today on Twitter, Wizards of the Coast has announced they won't be doing any Magic streams over the next two weeks.

The lack of streams coming out of Wizards is due to the Coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak which has forced them to start a work from home policy. Since the streams are all done at the office, and the goal is to prevent people from being physically interacting, they won't be able to produce them from home.

We'll remind everyone once again, stay safe! Wash your hands frequently with soap and water for at least 20 seconds - scrub under those nails and between your fingers. Make sure you also don't touch your face and if you need to cough, do so into your bent arm rather than your hands. This is all good to keep in mind for your whole life, not just during outbreaks =)

Quote From @wizards_magic

Like many companies in Washington state, Wizards of the Coast has instituted a work from home policy during this period. While business will continue as usual, we’ll be cancelling regular D&D and Magic: The Gathering streams for the next two weeks.