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Decks and Card Page filters

Submitted 4 years, 11 months ago by

Writing to suggest that the Decks and Card pages have a more robust filtering process, I'm guessing it's "on the list" but wanted to offer suggestions.

Having filter values of "unknown" as default values is bad design, IMO.  Don't think you should have "unknown" as a choice at all.

Same with the Archetypes, none or blank instead of "unknown".  Also who defines the archetypes? Is it a self assigned thing? Do people pick from a list or do they just make it up on the fly?

It would be nice if it was possible to sort decks like "the site that will not be named" does by "Hot", "New", "Top-Week", "Top-month", "Top-all-time".

Cards don't have the ability to search by minion effects (deathrattle, battlecry, etc).

Will we have the ability to view the cards in a list (as it currently is) or as images?

Do you have a list or schedule of all of the up and coming changes on the radar?

Thanks for all of the work you do on this site!

  • stevebob's Avatar
    105 10 Posts Joined 06/04/2019
    Posted 4 years, 11 months ago

    Writing to suggest that the Decks and Card pages have a more robust filtering process, I'm guessing it's "on the list" but wanted to offer suggestions.

    Having filter values of "unknown" as default values is bad design, IMO.  Don't think you should have "unknown" as a choice at all.

    Same with the Archetypes, none or blank instead of "unknown".  Also who defines the archetypes? Is it a self assigned thing? Do people pick from a list or do they just make it up on the fly?

    It would be nice if it was possible to sort decks like "the site that will not be named" does by "Hot", "New", "Top-Week", "Top-month", "Top-all-time".

    Cards don't have the ability to search by minion effects (deathrattle, battlecry, etc).

    Will we have the ability to view the cards in a list (as it currently is) or as images?

    Do you have a list or schedule of all of the up and coming changes on the radar?

    Thanks for all of the work you do on this site!

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