Legends of Runeterra Realm

Legends of Runeterra

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The Leaked Rotation List

Submitted 1 year, 1 month ago by

Let's discuss the champ rotations and what they mean for LOR's future "new format'

I'm gonna play legacy still but its no doubt that most LOR players will be in standard:

1. Ziggs - midrange landmarks is a deck I hate to see die I really dont think the mountain man is gonna get it done

2. Poppy - literally sees 0 competitive play although I think she is decent and I run her in yordal tribal

3. Rumble - having a uninteractive all in one style champion is important for the game so let's kill him too?

4. Gangplank - like yeah midrange plunder is one of the best decks since rising tides so obvious rotation choice, but again people like that deck and now it's dead

5. Tf - this one they said already but he's the only champion that levels off draw ans now he's dead

6. Tahm kench - he has some combo brews that aren't fun to play against but once again he's an "important" card in lor

Note: not MF aka the pirate aggro super star???

7. Fiora - another important card that doesn't see a ton of competitive play a little here and there

8. Lux - umm k well 6 cost decks are gone hope you didn't enjoy that play pattern

9. Aniva - wow got that 1 hard core aniva player since vanilla rip that guy I guess

10. Braum - poros too strong confirmed I guess I heart of the fluffed 1 too many pro players

11. Trundle - once again I'll wave as the 1 hard core ramp player left in LOR rip me

12. Lee Sin- that was obvious I already said he can't exist when coins are a thing but its a shame I like his design

13. Irelia - people actually play her a lot and she didn't really need to be rotated so rip azir irelia fans I guess

14. Lulu - lulu Jinx too strong confirmed cuz you know I've seen the discard challenger combo once this year?

15. Yassao - okay this format is dead to me yassao is LOR - not because he's good but because he isn't and that's the point

So without going into any more of the leaks I had said that rotation was gonna be a shit show and man the show has been pooped hard.

I feel like this rotation list was chosen by the pro players who got mad at off meta but niche effective list and decided to kill them.

Like hallowed is still a thing right?

Because it's competitive cancer?

But noooo yassao too strong boys I don't like losing to bad decks cuz it makes me look like a bad player.

Well guess what hypothetical LOR player you are bad, like really bad and killing half the well designed Champs in the game won't change that.

----bold prediction---

This is the gold card phase of LOR for those familiar with Gwent.

Where a perfectly amazing and well balanced card game gets killed because the pro player community gets whiney when the linear set of plays and decks doesn't work under new circumstances.

Well guess what this ain't chess card games evolve, they change, they become something new. Just because you were top 50 one year and now you're only rank 0 masters doesn't mean the game is broken it means you're set in your ways and killing LOR to satisfy your competitive ego won't change anything cuz the game will just die and then where will you and your hard-core ego driven ass be? 

On the road looking for a new game like the rest of us.

----more leaks---

1. Zoe yeah cuz you know I tried bard zeo lately and it is in fact aaaaa deck like there are cards in a pile that you can play no she isn't too strong so she has to die

2. Taric ummm what? He isn't even niche good like he's just straight bad

3. Aphelios - come on I know gravitum spam is annoying but he's a cool card let the meme stars meme Jesus

4. Katarina - yeah rally spam I understand that since all rallies became 4 mana Katarina is literally better than all rallies but she dies to mystic so let people have her I say

5. Ezreal - literally non competitive for a while now I know the spell play priority change made him frustrating but he's well designed now after 20 balance changes

6. Vi - again what does P and Z not get bad challenger champions now?

7. Viktor - he's a bad card for bad players so let's kill him? Again why so many non competitive cards?

8. Vlad - I knew this and guess what I still don't like it shockers. He is a well designed bad card and I like that he exists

9. Draven - he's as LOR as Yassao and now Draven doesn't have his fan and I'm no longer a fan of LOR simple as that

10. Xerath - yep niche competitive decks like sundisc have no place in the new LOR it's too uninteractive and frustrating for the hard cores sooooryyy

11. Zillian - what's the deal with time bombs he just gets infinite draw thats sooooo broken? Sarcasm

12. Sivir - spellshield too op guys you mean she doesn't get vengenced kill the card too broken

Okay now it's just wtf? 

I went from incredulous, to frustrated, to just defeated and sad reading this list.

The more competitive the champion the more likely it survived rotation.

The more niche and intriguing the more likely it dies.

Hearthstone players ruling the dev team I see?

  • Nifty129's Avatar
    Banned 590 1235 Posts Joined 05/29/2020
    Posted 1 year, 1 month ago

    Let's discuss the champ rotations and what they mean for LOR's future "new format'

    I'm gonna play legacy still but its no doubt that most LOR players will be in standard:

    1. Ziggs - midrange landmarks is a deck I hate to see die I really dont think the mountain man is gonna get it done

    2. Poppy - literally sees 0 competitive play although I think she is decent and I run her in yordal tribal

    3. Rumble - having a uninteractive all in one style champion is important for the game so let's kill him too?

    4. Gangplank - like yeah midrange plunder is one of the best decks since rising tides so obvious rotation choice, but again people like that deck and now it's dead

    5. Tf - this one they said already but he's the only champion that levels off draw ans now he's dead

    6. Tahm kench - he has some combo brews that aren't fun to play against but once again he's an "important" card in lor

    Note: not MF aka the pirate aggro super star???

    7. Fiora - another important card that doesn't see a ton of competitive play a little here and there

    8. Lux - umm k well 6 cost decks are gone hope you didn't enjoy that play pattern

    9. Aniva - wow got that 1 hard core aniva player since vanilla rip that guy I guess

    10. Braum - poros too strong confirmed I guess I heart of the fluffed 1 too many pro players

    11. Trundle - once again I'll wave as the 1 hard core ramp player left in LOR rip me

    12. Lee Sin- that was obvious I already said he can't exist when coins are a thing but its a shame I like his design

    13. Irelia - people actually play her a lot and she didn't really need to be rotated so rip azir irelia fans I guess

    14. Lulu - lulu Jinx too strong confirmed cuz you know I've seen the discard challenger combo once this year?

    15. Yassao - okay this format is dead to me yassao is LOR - not because he's good but because he isn't and that's the point

    So without going into any more of the leaks I had said that rotation was gonna be a shit show and man the show has been pooped hard.

    I feel like this rotation list was chosen by the pro players who got mad at off meta but niche effective list and decided to kill them.

    Like hallowed is still a thing right?

    Because it's competitive cancer?

    But noooo yassao too strong boys I don't like losing to bad decks cuz it makes me look like a bad player.

    Well guess what hypothetical LOR player you are bad, like really bad and killing half the well designed Champs in the game won't change that.

    ----bold prediction---

    This is the gold card phase of LOR for those familiar with Gwent.

    Where a perfectly amazing and well balanced card game gets killed because the pro player community gets whiney when the linear set of plays and decks doesn't work under new circumstances.

    Well guess what this ain't chess card games evolve, they change, they become something new. Just because you were top 50 one year and now you're only rank 0 masters doesn't mean the game is broken it means you're set in your ways and killing LOR to satisfy your competitive ego won't change anything cuz the game will just die and then where will you and your hard-core ego driven ass be? 

    On the road looking for a new game like the rest of us.

    ----more leaks---

    1. Zoe yeah cuz you know I tried bard zeo lately and it is in fact aaaaa deck like there are cards in a pile that you can play no she isn't too strong so she has to die

    2. Taric ummm what? He isn't even niche good like he's just straight bad

    3. Aphelios - come on I know gravitum spam is annoying but he's a cool card let the meme stars meme Jesus

    4. Katarina - yeah rally spam I understand that since all rallies became 4 mana Katarina is literally better than all rallies but she dies to mystic so let people have her I say

    5. Ezreal - literally non competitive for a while now I know the spell play priority change made him frustrating but he's well designed now after 20 balance changes

    6. Vi - again what does P and Z not get bad challenger champions now?

    7. Viktor - he's a bad card for bad players so let's kill him? Again why so many non competitive cards?

    8. Vlad - I knew this and guess what I still don't like it shockers. He is a well designed bad card and I like that he exists

    9. Draven - he's as LOR as Yassao and now Draven doesn't have his fan and I'm no longer a fan of LOR simple as that

    10. Xerath - yep niche competitive decks like sundisc have no place in the new LOR it's too uninteractive and frustrating for the hard cores sooooryyy

    11. Zillian - what's the deal with time bombs he just gets infinite draw thats sooooo broken? Sarcasm

    12. Sivir - spellshield too op guys you mean she doesn't get vengenced kill the card too broken

    Okay now it's just wtf? 

    I went from incredulous, to frustrated, to just defeated and sad reading this list.

    The more competitive the champion the more likely it survived rotation.

    The more niche and intriguing the more likely it dies.

    Hearthstone players ruling the dev team I see?

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