Legends of Runeterra Realm

Legends of Runeterra

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Mistwraith Allegiance

Last updated 3 years, 8 months ago
  • Archetype Midrange
  • Deck Type Theorycraft
  • Crafting Cost 23800
  • Your Cost 23800
dsamuss's Avatar Registered User 2


My take on what a midrange Mistwraith archetype might look like. Uses Kalista as a Wraithcaller engine along with Mist's Call and Risen Mists to generate an absurd amount of copies of Mistwraith over the course of the game, and then uses the generally low curve alongside the insane reload of both Glimpse Beyond and Stalking Shadows and the unblockable finisher provided by Nocturne to swing for game. Neverglade Collector serves as a way to cash out the board before reloading as an alternate win condition and a way to win grindy midrange mirrors (assuming you can dodge Culling Strike).


Important Cards:

Wraithcaller- The entire reason this deck is mono region, this card is the key to generating an absurd amount of Mistwraith, specifically because it triggers on "summon" rather than on "play", which means we can revive it to summon a Mistwraith every time. Do not cut this card no matter what, or any of its support cards in Mist's Call or Kalista, unless you want to change the deck entirely.

Unspeakable Horror- This card is important to leveling Nocturne due to the fact that we only main deck the 6 nightfall cards and he requires 5 attacks before he can level. Try to use this more for the card generation than the ping, but do not devalue the ping if needed as it can act as reach when targeting the enemy nexus. Loses value the closer Nocturne is to leveling and as such should be prioritized earlier on.

Stalking Shadows and Glimpse Beyond- The reason why we don't run out of gas with how low our curve is. special mention to stalking shadows being able to tutor Stygian Onlooker In order to level up our Nocturne assuming we are unable to draw enough normally or generate enough nightfall cards through Unspeakable Horror.

Cards to consider alongside this deck:

Barkbeast - This one seems pretty straightforward. The insane turn three swing potential of Barkbeast into Cursed Keeper into Blighted Caretaker is enough to carry almost any SI deck into relevance. I do not personally think that the deck will be able to generate enough nightfall attacks for Nocturne to level in time without Stygian Onlooker which is why I included it, but if that is not the case this is the very first card that I will replace.

Chronicler of Ruin- Chronicler is good here for many reasons, allowing you to pop your Cursed Keeper while also generating more at the same time, while also being able to generate a free Mistwraith when used on Wraithcaller due to the mono region causing allegiance to trigger on every proc. However, I feel that the card is very greedy, and considering we are likely to be short on board space around the time that Chronicler of Ruin would come online I decided to not include it. However, if the meta leans more towards control strategies or combo decks, this would be a very strong inclusion to punish those.

Relentless Pursuit- Breaking from the mono region theme slightly, this card would allow you to swing with wide and strong boards multiple times at the cost of bricking your Wraithcaller very occasionally. That downside has a real enough risk of bricking crucial swing turns that I personally do not want to include it in the initial draft of the deck however. There are a lot of factors that determine whether this card will be good, such as which kinds of decks are current in the meta as well as how the decks power turns (namely turns 4-6 when your Wraithcaller come online and your Kalista engine should start popping off) line up against the other board centric decks.


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  • sto650's Avatar
    Santa Braum 635 738 Posts Joined 03/30/2019
    Posted 3 years, 8 months ago

    Seems like you probably need Doombeasts to have any real chance of leveling Nocturne. Right now, you have 3x Onlookers and Nocturne, which means he will never level up. So, he basically becomes a fancy Frenzied Skitterer without his level up, meaning you should probably just have the Skitterer instead since it's cheaper.


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