Legends of Runeterra Realm

Legends of Runeterra

1 Characters

Frozen Blood

Last updated 4 years ago
  • Archetype Midrange
  • Deck Type Ranked
  • Crafting Cost 0
  • Your Cost 0
Sykomyke's Avatar Registered User 1

Frozen Blood is my take on the "Battle Scars" or "Transfusion" style decks.  Through testing (never complete though) I've found this combination of cards to be good enough to handle most aggro decks like Spider swarms, and still take on some heavier hitters like Demacia buff decks.

Key Cards (unreplacable)

Crimson Curator Card Image

Legion Veteran Card Image

Scarmaiden Reaver Card Image

These 3 cards are in my opinion the backbone of your deck, they will provide value through card generation, regeneration effects and value trading, and by slowly ramping up the threat of your other cards.

Updated 4/21/2020 - I took out a few cards and made adjustments.  In short, some buffs, some better on curve cards that synergize with the deck, and I took out the Crimson Aristocrat.  (While a great card, it was too reactive, and drawing it early and playing on curve just isn't strong enough when it's effect doesn't land on anything.) In short...  Starlit Seer feels like a better curve play that helps snowball games better.


You may be noticing that the deck is only carrying 2 of each card, and not 3 in most cases.  The reason for this is the tradeoff between versatility and consistency.  3x copies of cards will give you more consistency but will narrow your deck into niche cases.  While that works for aggro based decks that want their combos or swarms out consistently (looking at you [Hearthstone Card (Elise) Not Found] and company!)  We want 2 copies of our cards to allow versatility to react or be proactive versus specific opponents.  The only things that have 3 copies are our Champions and some of our backbone cards such as  Legion Veteran whose statline-per-manacost is perfect to have 3 of, not to mention his passive effect as well as Crimson Curator

Niche/Tech Cards

Avarosan SentryBADCARDNAME - The deck needs draw and I find the lower curve deathrattle card proves useful in early based matchups.   While it's statline isn't the greatest, especially since we aren't running cards typical to Freljord like Omen Hawk or Avarosan Hearthguard the deck wants lowcost cards to be able to tempo out nicely.  

Updated 4/21/2020 - Avarosan Sentry has been replaced with Omen Hawk.  The reason behind this is I found while the card draw was nice to curve out ahead of time, it was often not a great draw later due to the statline.  Omen Hawk also inherently helps our deck flourish without too much mana investment later by allowing more "ticks" of damage on our own units from friendly fire effects.  Because of this, I've also added Trifarian Assessor.

Kindly Tavernkeeper - A versatile heal on a stick this can be used to heal a card after a trade or to heal your nexus if you are facing a hyper aggro deck.  

There aren't many replacements for this card in this region deck other than Catalyst of Aeons but any frostbite based card should work fine, such as Flash Freeze.

Avalanche - This card typically isn't run in other decklists I've seen but I think it synergizes well, and provides us with a board clear for some of the more pesky elusive cards that tend to stick around.  

An alternative to this card would be something like Reckoning or possible Harsh Winds (as a soft counter)

Tarkaz the Tribeless - Only included 1 of him to fill out the deck.  If I were to drop a card to add more copies it would possibly be death lotus, however I like the low cost of death lotus to counter swarm decks and to combo with my other cards unexpectedly.  Tarkaz still has value in that he can immediately combo with other cards like Legion Veteran to generate value and increase board threat.

Mulligans/Starting Hand

Always keep Crimson Disciple and Omen Hawk.

Against Demacian style decks you'll want to keep Noxian Guillotine and Transfusion.  

Against Noxus aggro decks you'll want to keep Death Lotus or Kindly Tavernkeeper.

Against Ionia/elusive decks you'll want to keep Death Lotus or Avalanche to get rid of early elusives.

Against Shadow Isles decks you'll want to keep Braum (to deny trades) or Crimson Curator (to generate value against their low attack minions)

Against Freljord decks you'll want to keep Legion Veteran or Take Heart in order to deny any Frostbite synergy that you can.

Against Piltover/Zuan ....I don't know.  I don't play much against those decks, but I'll update this with more info as I go.


I welcome any feedback, changes you made in your experience, or matchup problems you run into.  I love the fun synergy in this deck of damaging your units and keeping them alive just long enough to damage the enemy nexus.  The deck has a lot of burst spells so you generally can find ways to manipulate the battlefield in your favor.  That being said, strategies can form and the meta can change so let me know how you fare with the deck!

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