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Three sisters

Submitted 3 years, 2 months ago by

Man being able to pick for one mana sure makes that a damn good card. I think it may be the best one mana card in the game. It’s a save in numerous occasions. If it was random or the mana cost was higher but as it stands I think it might be the best 1 card in the game. They spell shield to block frost bite give your unit some extra health. 

  • Forgottenslayer's Avatar
    150 62 Posts Joined 07/19/2020
    Posted 3 years, 2 months ago

    Man being able to pick for one mana sure makes that a damn good card. I think it may be the best one mana card in the game. It’s a save in numerous occasions. If it was random or the mana cost was higher but as it stands I think it might be the best 1 card in the game. They spell shield to block frost bite give your unit some extra health. 

  • TheTriferianGeneral's Avatar
    Soldier 555 878 Posts Joined 02/10/2020
    Posted 3 years, 2 months ago

    Have you been play with this card or just against this card because playing the card I can say that this 1 mana that you point out to be not relevant can cost you the game very easily. 

    Flexibility vs mana efficientcy is balanced well in this card and I don't see a reason to nerf the card (if that is what you are trying to say)

  • Forgottenslayer's Avatar
    150 62 Posts Joined 07/19/2020
    Posted 3 years, 2 months ago

    Been playing against. Now I’m playing with to see how it works. Still 1 to pick the card you need from three amazing choices feels strong it it was more random or cost more. You can’t clear champions easily against this at least not in the matches I’ve played tonight. Reactionary this 

  • minuano28's Avatar
    Mountain 700 862 Posts Joined 09/10/2020
    Posted 3 years, 2 months ago

    You still got to have enough mana to play the card that you picked, Three Sisters really shine late game were the mana cost is not an issue.

    In early and even mid game a 4 mana Flash Freeze, a 5 mana Fury of the North or a 6 mana Entomb is kinda expensive.

  • meisterz39's Avatar
    925 1200 Posts Joined 06/03/2019
    Posted 3 years, 2 months ago

    Three Sisters may not be a balance issue today, but as a 1 mana burst spell, it's probably right on the border of a nerf. The framing on this thread is that this is that the 1 mana is a reasonable tax for its flexibility, but I think that misses a few things:

    • If your deck benefits from access to two or more of these spells, but doesn't need a lot of them, this flexibility can save you several deck slots to spend on other, more valuable cards
    • If your deck wants to have access to extra copies of one of these spells - perhaps because Flash Freeze is a great tool with Ashe - it can now do that with only a 1 mana penalty on the extra copies. (By contrast, Hearthstone prices this at 2 mana with Shadow Visions, and while MTG has no perfect corollary, it regularly prices this type of effect at around 2 mana - e.g. Doublecast.)
    • Three Sisters is burst speed, and two thirds of the spells it can generate are burst speed, so it's generally uninteractive

    Again, not saying that it's breaking the game today, but it wouldn't take much for this card to be way too good.

  • Nifty129's Avatar
    Banned 590 1235 Posts Joined 05/29/2020
    Posted 3 years, 2 months ago

    What if we compare it to stone weaving. 1 mana grab a random landmark you can afford.

    Sure it can be game winning but it's also a little clunky.

    I think offering decks flexibility is good game design, but it comes at a cost.

    Imagine if they created a 1 mana card that let you pick between vengeance, grasp, and withering like sure it would be strong but you're also paying an extra mana every time.

  • TheTriferianGeneral's Avatar
    Soldier 555 878 Posts Joined 02/10/2020
    Posted 3 years, 2 months ago


    You are right with you point that the 1 mana burst speed spell can be used for additional upside and that 6 x Flash Freeze is a pain in the ass for some decks yet you can't tell me that 2 mana is a justified manacost for this card because then you set yourself behind too much for the flexibility and when it comes to changing the speed: if this card is anything but burst speed it's easily on of the clunkiest spells in the game which would also proably kill the card.

    While it might be that we might see a nerf to this card in the future I can't imagine any nerf that isn't outright killing the card...

    just look at Iceborn Legacy after the "buff"

  • meisterz39's Avatar
    925 1200 Posts Joined 06/03/2019
    Posted 3 years, 2 months ago
    Quote From Nifty129

    What if we compare it to stone weaving. 1 mana grab a random landmark you can afford.

    Sure it can be game winning but it's also a little clunky.

    I think offering decks flexibility is good game design, but it comes at a cost.

    Imagine if they created a 1 mana card that let you pick between vengeance, grasp, and withering like sure it would be strong but you're also paying an extra mana every time.

    No one is arguing that offering flexibility is bad design, it's just a question of how much that "flexibility tax" should be. Also, Stoneweaving is a terrible comparison here, since Three Sisters provides combat tricks, while Stoneweaving offers some random value generation tool. Also, while Three Sisters can be relevant in any deck, Stoneweaving is pretty bad outside of Taliyah decks because so many of the Landmarks in the game feature build-around effects (making a random one pretty bad in a lot of cases).

    My whole point here is that the way you're setting up the cost is ignoring something more important, because you're not necessarily "also paying an extra mana every time." This card makes it possible to consistently run 4+ copies of Flash Freeze, Fury of the North, or Entomb. That kind of flexibility is trickier to balance than just a basic "discover" effect because it provides a way to consistently break a fundamental rule of deckbuilding (i.e. the 3 copy limit).

    Perhaps, because these are signature spells for champions, Riot believes they've already dealt with this problem. (That is to say, you can already kind of have more than 3 copies of these spells if you include their champions too.) But I don't think those two examples are quite the same, and this kind of design sits on a very narrow line between fine and totally busted.

  • meisterz39's Avatar
    925 1200 Posts Joined 06/03/2019
    Posted 3 years, 2 months ago
    Quote From TheTriferianGeneral


    You are right with you point that the 1 mana burst speed spell can be used for additional upside and that 6 x Flash Freeze is a pain in the ass for some decks yet you can't tell me that 2 mana is a justified manacost for this card because then you set yourself behind too much for the flexibility and when it comes to changing the speed: if this card is anything but burst speed it's easily on of the clunkiest spells in the game which would also proably kill the card.

    While it might be that we might see a nerf to this card in the future I can't imagine any nerf that isn't outright killing the card...

    just look at Iceborn Legacy after the "buff"

    For what it's worth, I agree it would be tough to change this in a way that doesn't nerf it out of existence. But I also think that's kind of what Riot does. They let broken combos exist long enough to be annoying, then they nerf them out of existence while buffing some other broken thing into existence. 

  • minuano28's Avatar
    Mountain 700 862 Posts Joined 09/10/2020
    Posted 3 years, 2 months ago

    To be fair, Riot rarely nerf cards out of existence, they have the opposite problem, they let powerful cards/deck dominate for way too long. Just look at Hush that card was meta defining since the release of Call Of The Mountain, and even after many nerfs it's still strong if somewhat manageable. As for buffing other broken things into existence. The only instance of that happening is the Lee Sin and Bastion buffs. Granted those changes resulted in a dumpster fire of epic proportion. But it's not like they do it frequently. 

  • Forgottenslayer's Avatar
    150 62 Posts Joined 07/19/2020
    Posted 3 years, 2 months ago

    I wouldn’t advocate for changing the speed that would overly nerf the card. After using it and playing with it for awhile I don’t think 2 mana would be unreasonable,  wasting 1mana a turn to keep a save is very very acceptable. Wasting 2 mana a turn to keep a save probably not even going to phase ramp with all that extra mana they generate.

    Still this card feels broken. Could be that this is because I don’t have hard removal my removal is dependent on big units doing damage to what I need to move through single combat or just straight up challenging. Getting double flash freezed several times a game is straight up obnoxious.

    spell shield flash freezed twice.

    flash freeze my unit doing damage .... hush my own unit so it will deal damage...... flash freeze again....... Le sigh 


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