Marvel Snap Realm

Marvel Snap

3 Characters

Ongoing Sera Surfer

Last updated 8 months, 4 weeks ago
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Xristophilus's Avatar Registered User 0

The Basics: This deck is built around trying to get at least a double Wong + Silver Surfer and/or Ironheart buffs across multiple lanes. There are multiple paths to achieving this:

In a 6-turn game:

Additionally, in a 7-turn game:

Piloting the Deck: In an ideal world, you'll play Magik on 3 to get rid of an undesirable location and unlock higher-power combos, Wong on 4, Sera on 5 (on a location other than Wong's), Onslaught on 6, and Mystique + Brood + Silver Surfer on 7. This will lead to the maximum buff of 24 power per 3-drop: a 78-power Brood, 26-power Magik, Sera's 4 power (ideally to supplement Magik's location), and one 35-power location with Wong, Onslaught, Mystique, and Silver Surfer.

However, you'll often find that game flow and your draws will force you into playing some of your other cards instead; even so, landing an ordinary doubled Wong buff is usually enough if you can pack one location with Brood and another with 2-3 3-drops.

Card Roles: Besides the core combo/combo enabler cards of Wong, Sera, Onslaught, Mystique, Magik, Silver Surfer, and Brood, there are also the utility cards:

  • Mister Fantastic - Good all-around card and your backup win condition (see below)
  • Rhino - I personally prefer Rhino over Storm because of the combo-y nature of this list, where you'll often run out of room if a location is Storm'd because you're looking to drop mega power on turn 7. Also fulfills Magik's secondary purpose of ridding you of a bad location--between the two you'll almost always be able to clear a space to set up a Wong combo.
  • Ironheart - Your Silver Surfer backup; also pretty deadly on 6 with Silver Surfer if you can't manage get down an Onslaught but do manage to land Mystique on Wong.
  • Rogue - You won't often play her, but when you do, it'll very likely be a game-breaking scenario (e.g. stealing an opposing Wong or Iron Man or Onslaught's ability). A tech card that feels almost essential. (Killmonger is another alternative here, but I've found that scaled-up Nebulas/Sunspots/etc. feel irrelevant because they simply can't compete with the massive power output of a heavily multiplied Silver Surfer buff.)
  • Wave - Our backup combo enabler (after Magik).Only play Wave if you don't have Magik and can use her to cheat out Sera or Onslaught; following this curve, you can still get off a near-perfect combo in a 6-turn game (see above). Otherwise, she's just an extra body on turn 7 if Brood is already on the board (or if you didn't draw Brood).

Alternative Win Condition: The backup win condition is Mister Fantastic + Onslaught + Mystique. This will cause Mister Fantastic to provide 12 power to adjacent locations--a far cry from the heights of power that Wong can give you, but still not too shabby and often enough to win.

Snapping: Snapping is also really simple; if you've got any of your win condition combos in hand, and if you're reasonably confident the opponent doesn't have a way to mess it up (Enchantress, Cosmo, Storm on [Snap Card (Limbo) Not Found], etc.), go ahead and snap.

Miscellaneous Notes: Don't instantly concede if your Wong combo gets negated; since Mister Fantastic will almost never be played at the same location as Wong, it's quite possible that you can simply pivot to your secondary wincon. N.B. as well that Shang-Chi is almost completely irrelevant because we'll almost never have priority heading into the final turn.

Hope you have as much fun with this list as I have! Suggestions for improvement of the list or play patterns are definitely welcome!!!

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