Magic the Gathering Realm

Magic the Gathering

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Update - why not saving while downloading?

Submitted 4 years, 9 months ago by

It's so frustrating. My internet connection is somewhat unstable for reasons unknown. Lately. I try to download the latest update, but at some point in time, before the update is complete, the connection gets lost for some time. When it's back, I have to start from scratch, because the download is not saved during the download (or if it is, the launcher ignores that and starts anew anyway).

Why does this not work like a torrent? For example.

Is there any workaround other than improving my connection?


  • Louise's Avatar
    90 4 Posts Joined 06/16/2019
    Posted 4 years, 9 months ago

    It's so frustrating. My internet connection is somewhat unstable for reasons unknown. Lately. I try to download the latest update, but at some point in time, before the update is complete, the connection gets lost for some time. When it's back, I have to start from scratch, because the download is not saved during the download (or if it is, the launcher ignores that and starts anew anyway).

    Why does this not work like a torrent? For example.

    Is there any workaround other than improving my connection?


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