Which Warlock Deck to Build?

Submitted 4 years, 11 months ago by

Hey guys, I have been kinda bored of HS recently, and from experience, the best way to get back into it is to build a new deck. 

As of now, I have three golden classes (warrior, shaman, and druid), and I am eyeing warlock to be my fourth, not only because he looks cool, but the class is so much fun. 

So finding a deck wasn't hard, but I need your help narrowing it down. First, let me start with what I already eliminated and why:

I eliminated standard in general for two reasons:

1) The only archetypes are zoo and handlock.

2) I've played zoo to legend two seasons ago, so I don't really want to play that again soon. I've been experimenting with handlock, but it's really bad... I went from rank 2 back to 3. 

So I turned my head to good old wild, which I really haven't played in a few months. The five decks that I am looking at right now are as follows:

1) Renolock. Missing: Zola (replacible?), Kazakus, Godfrey, and Mal'Gantis. 

Pros: Competitive, and looks pretty fun. Cons: Not great Big Priest matchup, which I hate. Also, it's pretty expensive. 

2) Darkest Hour Warlock: Missing: 2 Bloodbloom, 1 Darkest Hour, Mal'Gantis, 2 nerubian unraveler, Ysharaj (not even gonna try to spell that, and replaceable?)

Pros: Looks pretty fun when it works, faster than Renolock, and a better priest matchup

Cons: probably not the best competitive deck, could get boring after a while?

3) As writing cubelock I crossed it out because of how EXPENSIVE it is

4) Mecha'Thun Warlock: Missing: Mecha'Thun (lul), Bloodbloom, cataclysm, Hemet (is there a version that doesn't run him?), Solarium (probably replacible), Godfrey

Pros: Fun, good big priest matchup

Cons: expensive, especially if those two legendaries aren't replacible

5) SN1P-SN3P OTK (fast version) Missing: solarium, thalnos

Pros: Good priest matchup, very cheap

Cons: Doesn't look super top tier, huge reliance on the snip snap draw

So my question to you is: which deck should I craft (if any), and do you have any other fun decks that I am missing/should try?

Sorry this is a few years long, and thanks for any answers in advance.

  • Jaybaseball1's Avatar
    225 54 Posts Joined 05/28/2019
    Posted 4 years, 11 months ago

    Hey guys, I have been kinda bored of HS recently, and from experience, the best way to get back into it is to build a new deck. 

    As of now, I have three golden classes (warrior, shaman, and druid), and I am eyeing warlock to be my fourth, not only because he looks cool, but the class is so much fun. 

    So finding a deck wasn't hard, but I need your help narrowing it down. First, let me start with what I already eliminated and why:

    I eliminated standard in general for two reasons:

    1) The only archetypes are zoo and handlock.

    2) I've played zoo to legend two seasons ago, so I don't really want to play that again soon. I've been experimenting with handlock, but it's really bad... I went from rank 2 back to 3. 

    So I turned my head to good old wild, which I really haven't played in a few months. The five decks that I am looking at right now are as follows:

    1) Renolock. Missing: Zola (replacible?), Kazakus, Godfrey, and Mal'Gantis. 

    Pros: Competitive, and looks pretty fun. Cons: Not great Big Priest matchup, which I hate. Also, it's pretty expensive. 

    2) Darkest Hour Warlock: Missing: 2 Bloodbloom, 1 Darkest Hour, Mal'Gantis, 2 nerubian unraveler, Ysharaj (not even gonna try to spell that, and replaceable?)

    Pros: Looks pretty fun when it works, faster than Renolock, and a better priest matchup

    Cons: probably not the best competitive deck, could get boring after a while?

    3) As writing cubelock I crossed it out because of how EXPENSIVE it is

    4) Mecha'Thun Warlock: Missing: Mecha'Thun (lul), Bloodbloom, cataclysm, Hemet (is there a version that doesn't run him?), Solarium (probably replacible), Godfrey

    Pros: Fun, good big priest matchup

    Cons: expensive, especially if those two legendaries aren't replacible

    5) SN1P-SN3P OTK (fast version) Missing: solarium, thalnos

    Pros: Good priest matchup, very cheap

    Cons: Doesn't look super top tier, huge reliance on the snip snap draw

    So my question to you is: which deck should I craft (if any), and do you have any other fun decks that I am missing/should try?

    Sorry this is a few years long, and thanks for any answers in advance.

  • iWatchUSleep's Avatar
    1095 819 Posts Joined 05/28/2019
    Posted 4 years, 11 months ago

    Renolock is vastly overshadowed by the other decks you menionted. 

    Darkest hour warlock is a literal coinflip and gets boring REAL fast. 

    If you want to play the best warlock deck, play Even warlock.

    Out of your list, Mecha'thun warlock is the best one, and you definitely need Hemet for consistency. 

    Another fun warlock deck is treachery warlock and probably a better version of the Sn1p-sn4p deck (but with a different win condition of course). This list is most likely the most competitive list: https://twitter.com/Goku_HS/status/1143839675473432577

    If you want to get wins fast, you could also go for zoolock. Which is, depending on the epics that you have, also relatively cheap. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9AycLMPv2nw 


  • RipHearthpwn's Avatar
    30 3 Posts Joined 06/13/2019
    Posted 4 years, 11 months ago

    Renolock is your best option i guess because your missing cards are must to have in wild after you craft them you can use them on another deck.


    Btw in the meta we see a lot of murlock shamans and odd pladins they are just free win for renolock.

  • RipHearthpwn's Avatar
    30 3 Posts Joined 06/13/2019
    Posted 4 years, 11 months ago

    Btw even warlock is realy good and cheap

  • Jaybaseball1's Avatar
    225 54 Posts Joined 05/28/2019
    Posted 4 years, 11 months ago
    Quote From iWatchUSleep

    Renolock is vastly overshadowed by the other decks you menionted. 

    Darkest hour warlock is a literal coinflip and gets boring REAL fast. 

    If you want to play the best warlock deck, play Even warlock.

    Out of your list, Mecha'thun warlock is the best one, and you definitely need Hemet for consistency. 

    Another fun warlock deck is treachery warlock and probably a better version of the Sn1p-sn4p deck (but with a different win condition of course). This list is most likely the most competitive list: https://twitter.com/Goku_HS/status/1143839675473432577

    If you want to get wins fast, you could also go for zoolock. Which is, depending on the epics that you have, also relatively cheap. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9AycLMPv2nw 


    Thanks for the insight. For the zoo, I'm only missing the hobgoblins, so I think I'll give it a shot. I do also enjoy evenlock (one of the decks I played extensively when it was in standard), and maybe I'll give it a shot in wild. It just feels bad crafting molten giant because I forgot to craft it when it was HoFamed xD.

    The mill lock looks extremely interesting. Is there any gameplay on it, because I'd be curious. 

    Thanks again for the opinion and resources.

  • Pullanisu's Avatar
    Gul'dan 275 107 Posts Joined 06/18/2019
    Posted 4 years, 11 months ago

    Renolock is the best and most fun guaranteed

    Reno Jackson


    My faves!

    You can beat me but I will still yeet your skeet

  • iWatchUSleep's Avatar
    1095 819 Posts Joined 05/28/2019
    Posted 4 years, 11 months ago
    Quote From Pullanisu

    Renolock is the best and most fun guaranteed

    Renolock being the best is just plain wrong. Check literally any meta report and there'll be at least 3 warlock decks above renolock always.

    @Jaybaseball1: I couldn't find any treachery warlock gameplay on youtube. You'd have most luck checking through Renojackson's (t.tv/renojackson_hs) VODs.

  • Jaybaseball1's Avatar
    225 54 Posts Joined 05/28/2019
    Posted 4 years, 11 months ago
    Quote From iWatchUSleep
    Quote From Pullanisu

    Renolock is the best and most fun guaranteed

    Renolock being the best is just plain wrong. Check literally any meta report and there'll be at least 3 warlock decks above renolock always.

    @Jaybaseball1: I couldn't find any treachery warlock gameplay on youtube. You'd have most luck checking through Renojackson's (t.tv/renojackson_hs) VODs.

    Cool, I'll be sure to take a look. 

    Does anyone else have any ideas?? 

    Also, how is the cyclone mage? It's really cheap, and in tier one. (how I came across it) Does anyone recommend it? 

  • tony's Avatar
    Banned 175 130 Posts Joined 05/28/2019
    Posted 4 years, 11 months ago

    I would go with Even Warlock or I would craft some cards you're missing and try out some of the others in your list. The decks you're having a look at are all pretty good. I would love to play in Wild format but I just can't afford it, so I feel your pain. I've just stuck with Standard. I guess the best thing about crafting cards for wild is that they won't get obsolete and you can count on maybe using them in the future.

    Crafting Soularium is definitely worth it, I think, because it gets used in different warlock decks in Standard and Wild and so is crafting Thalnos because he's a classic legendary and can be used in lots of different decks. Crafting a legendary classic card for me is never a question if I am crafting it to use a deck I want to use.

  • Synesthesy's Avatar
    240 142 Posts Joined 05/28/2019
    Posted 4 years, 11 months ago
    Quote From Jaybaseball1

    1) Renolock. Missing: Zola (replacible?), Kazakus, Godfrey, and Mal'Gantis. 

    Pros: Competitive, and looks pretty fun. Cons: Not great Big Priest matchup, which I hate. Also, it's pretty expensive. 

    2) Darkest Hour Warlock: Missing: 2 Bloodbloom, 1 Darkest Hour, Mal'Gantis, 2 nerubian unraveler, Ysharaj (not even gonna try to spell that, and replaceable?)

    Pros: Looks pretty fun when it works, faster than Renolock, and a better priest matchup

    Cons: probably not the best competitive deck, could get boring after a while?

    3) As writing cubelock I crossed it out because of how EXPENSIVE it is

    4) Mecha'Thun Warlock: Missing: Mecha'Thun (lul), Bloodbloom, cataclysm, Hemet (is there a version that doesn't run him?), Solarium (probably replacible), Godfrey

    Pros: Fun, good big priest matchup

    Cons: expensive, especially if those two legendaries aren't replacible

    5) SN1P-SN3P OTK (fast version) Missing: solarium, thalnos

    Pros: Good priest matchup, very cheap

    Cons: Doesn't look super top tier, huge reliance on the snip snap draw

    So my question to you is: which deck should I craft (if any), and do you have any other fun decks that I am missing/should try?

    Sorry this is a few years long, and thanks for any answers in advance.

    1) You should have Kazakus to play Renolock. Everything else is replacible, feel free to ask for anything. Being an highlander deck, you can play it in so much different ways that you really shouldn't stick on the always similar high cost version that tier list sites spam...

    2) This can be nerfed in future, and it's really expensive. And you'll lose to aggro if you don't draw well. Do this only if you really like it. In this case again, the legendaries are so much and powerfull etcetera... BUT this is wild, so you can use other high cost minion in place. The nerubians are good to negate board clear, and you should play them... However, I play the deck with only one copy of Nerubian, and if you drop the combo soon enough, it won't matter at all.

    3) For cubelock, the important parts are the cubes, the voidlords, the Death Knight and possibly N'Zoth, but not that much Mal'ganis or the weapon or any other legendaries. You can play a budget version of cubelocs if you own the cubes and the voidlords and the DK.

    4) For Mecha'thunlock, obviously you need mecha'thun. If you own Drakkari Enchanter you can drop it with Thaurissan and use it instead of the bloodbloom you miss. For the non Hemet version, I wrote this

    5) Thalnos can be replaced by any drawing card, and (almost) the same is valid for the solarium. Put 2 Azure Drakes and call it a day, IMHO.

    6) If you own Genn and enough Giants, Evenlock is a good deck to play too. Again, there are different version, included some that don't use that much high cost legendaries.


    For what to use, I'd suggest you to craft Kazakus and try a version of Renolock you like, because except for Kazakus you can replace anything. If you need help, feel free to ask :P
    If you don't want to craft Kazakus, try to build a budget version of that 6 first, then you'll see what to craft.

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