The Best Cards from Scholomance Academy : Hearthstone Compendium. Community vsTrump.

Submitted 3 years, 9 months ago by

The Gadgetzan Gazette

By: Chief Investigative Reporter Dora R

Once again, we have combined community polls from Hearthstonetopdecks and OutOfCards into one list. Based on this data, we have determined the estimated power factor for each card. After that, we divided all the cards into different categories according to a five-star rating. To complement this data, we have added the assessment of TrumpSC, a Hearthstone expert.



1 Secret Passage - 92%, (5 Stars) Rogue, Spell, . TRUMP Rating - 5 Stars. 

2 Ace Hunter Kreen - 90%, (5 Stars) Hunter/Demon H., Minion, General. TRUMP Rating - 5 Stars. 

3 Lord Barov - 90%, (5 Stars) Paladin/Warrior , Minion, General. TRUMP Rating - 5 Stars. 

4 Twilight Runner - 89%, (5 Stars) Druid, Minion, Beast. TRUMP Rating - 5 Stars. 

5 Voracious Reader - 89%, (5 Stars) Neutral, Minion, General. TRUMP Rating - 5 Stars. 

5 Forest Warden Omu - 89%, (5 Stars) Druid, Minion, General. TRUMP Rating - 5 Stars. 

5 Spirit Jailer - 89%, (5 Stars) Demon H./Warlock , Minion, Demon. TRUMP Rating - 5 Stars. 

8 Lab Partner - 89%, (5 Stars) Mage, Minion, General. TRUMP Rating - 3 Stars. 

9 Coerce - 88%, (5 Stars) Warrior/Rogue, Spell, . TRUMP Rating - 3 Stars. 

10 Devout Pupil - 87%, (5 Stars) Priest/Paladin, Minion, General. TRUMP Rating - 3 Stars. 

11 Nature Studies - 87%, (5 Stars) Druid, Spell, . TRUMP Rating - 5 Stars. 

12 Demon Companion - 87%, (5 Stars) Hunter/Demon H., Spell, . TRUMP Rating - 5 Stars. 

12 Brittlebone Destroyer - 87%, (5 Stars) Warlock/Priest , Minion, General. TRUMP Rating - 4 Stars. 

12 Disciplinarian Gandling - 87%, (5 Stars) Warlock/Priest , Minion, General. TRUMP Rating - 1 Stars. 

15 Soulshard Lapidary - 87%, (5 Stars) Demon H., Minion, General. TRUMP Rating - 5 Stars. 

16 Argent Braggart - 87%, (5 Stars) Paladin, Minion, General. TRUMP Rating - 4 Stars. 

16 Lightning Bloom - 87%, (5 Stars) Druid/Shaman, Spell, -. TRUMP Rating - 5 Stars. 

18 Lorekeeper Polkelt - 85%, (5 Stars) Neutral, Minion, General. TRUMP Rating - 4 Stars. 

19 Vectus - 85%, (5 Stars) Neutral, Minion, General. TRUMP Rating - 3 Stars. 

19 Shield of Honor - 85%, (5 Stars) Paladin/Warrior , Spell, . TRUMP Rating - 4 Stars. 

21 Soul Shear - 85%, (5 Stars) Demon H./Warlock , Spell, . TRUMP Rating - 5 Stars. 

22 Diligent Notetaker - 84%, (5 Stars) Shaman, Minion, General. TRUMP Rating - 2 Stars. 

23 Krolusk Barkstripper - 84%, (5 Stars) Hunter, Minion, Beast. TRUMP Rating - 2 Stars. 

24 Double Jump - 84%, (5 Stars) Demon H., Spell, . TRUMP Rating - 3 Stars. 

25 Glide - 83%, (5 Stars) Demon H., Spell, . TRUMP Rating - 5 Stars. 

25 Wand Thief - 83%, (5 Stars) Rogue/Mage, Minion, General. TRUMP Rating - 3 Stars. 

27 Headmaster Kel'Thuzad - 83%, (5 Stars) Neutral, Minion, General. TRUMP Rating - 5 Stars. 

28 Sphere of Sapience - 83%, (5 Stars) Neutral, Weapon, . TRUMP Rating - 4 Stars. 

28 Void Drinker - 83%, (5 Stars) Warlock, Minion, Demon. TRUMP Rating - 4 Stars. 

30 Raise Dead - 82%, (5 Stars) Warlock/Priest , Spell, . TRUMP Rating - 4 Stars.


1 Ace Hunter Kreen - 90%, (5 Stars) Hunter/Demon H., Minion, General. TRUMP Rating - 5 Stars. 

2 Lord Barov - 90%, (5 Stars) Paladin/Warrior , Minion, General. TRUMP Rating - 5 Stars. 

3 Forest Warden Omu - 89%, (5 Stars) Druid, Minion, General. TRUMP Rating - 5 Stars. 

4 Disciplinarian Gandling - 87%, (5 Stars) Warlock/Priest , Minion, General. TRUMP Rating - 1 Stars. 

5 Lorekeeper Polkelt - 85%, (5 Stars) Neutral, Minion, General. TRUMP Rating - 4 Stars. 

6 Vectus - 85%, (5 Stars) Neutral, Minion, General. TRUMP Rating - 3 Stars. 

7 Headmaster Kel'Thuzad - 83%, (5 Stars) Neutral, Minion, General. TRUMP Rating - 5 Stars. 

8 Sphere of Sapience - 83%, (5 Stars) Neutral, Weapon, . TRUMP Rating - 4 Stars. 

9 Instructor Fireheart - 82%, (5 Stars) Shaman, Minion, General. TRUMP Rating - 2 Stars. 

10 Ras Frostwhisper - 81%, (5 Stars) Mage/Shaman, Minion, General. TRUMP Rating - 3 Stars. 

11 Mindrender Illucia - 80%, (4 Stars) Priest, Minion, General. TRUMP Rating - 5 Stars. 

12 Shan'do Wildclaw - 79%, (4 Stars) Hunter/Druid, Minion, General. TRUMP Rating - 3 Stars. 

12 Professor Slate - 79%, (4 Stars) Hunter, Minion, General. TRUMP Rating - 3 Stars. 

14 Speaker Gidra - 78%, (4 Stars) Druid/Shaman, Minion, General. TRUMP Rating - 4 Stars. 

15 Soulciologist Malicia - 77%, (4 Stars) Demon H./Warlock , Minion, General. TRUMP Rating - 5 Stars. 

16 Keymaster Alabaster - 77%, (4 Stars) Neutral, Minion, General. TRUMP Rating - 2 Stars. 

17 Doctor Krastinov - 75%, (4 Stars) Warrior/Rogue, Minion, General. TRUMP Rating - 2 Stars. 

18 High Abbess Alura - 72%, (4 Stars) Priest/Paladin, Minion, General. TRUMP Rating - 3 Stars. 

19 Jandice Barov - 67%, (4 Stars) Rogue/Mage, Minion, General. TRUMP Rating - 3 Stars. 

20 Archwitch Willow - 66%, (4 Stars) Warlock, Minion, General. TRUMP Rating - 4 Stars. 

20 Star Student Stelina - 66%, (4 Stars) Demon H., Minion, General. TRUMP Rating - 3 Stars. 

22 Turalyon, the Tenured - 65%, (4 Stars) Paladin, Minion, . TRUMP Rating - 1 Stars. 

23 Rattlegore - 63%, (4 Stars) Warrior, Minion, General. TRUMP Rating - 3 Stars. 

24 Mozaki, Master Duelist - 63%, (4 Stars) Mage, Minion, General. TRUMP Rating - 2 Stars. 

25 Infiltrator Lilian - 60%, (4 Stars) Rogue, Minion, General. TRUMP Rating - 5 Stars.


1 Secret Passage - 92%, (5 Stars) Rogue, Spell, . TRUMP Rating - 5 Stars. 

2 Devout Pupil - 87%, (5 Stars) Priest/Paladin, Minion, General. TRUMP Rating - 3 Stars. 

3 Argent Braggart - 87%, (5 Stars) Paladin, Minion, General. TRUMP Rating - 4 Stars. 

4 Krolusk Barkstripper - 84%, (5 Stars) Hunter, Minion, Beast. TRUMP Rating - 2 Stars. 

5 Void Drinker - 83%, (5 Stars) Warlock, Minion, Demon. TRUMP Rating - 4 Stars. 

6 Potion of Illusion - 80%, (4 Stars) Rogue/Mage, Spell, . TRUMP Rating - 2 Stars. 

7 Flesh Giant - 79%, (4 Stars) Warlock/Priest , Minion, General. TRUMP Rating - 4 Stars. 

7 Devolving Missiles - 79%, (4 Stars) Mage/Shaman, Spell, . TRUMP Rating - 2 Stars. 

9 Combustion - 78%, (4 Stars) Mage, Spell, . TRUMP Rating - 3 Stars. 

10 Playmaker - 78%, (4 Stars) Warrior, Minion, General. TRUMP Rating - 3 Stars. 

11 Trueaim Crescent - 75%, (4 Stars) Hunter/Demon H., Weapon, -. TRUMP Rating - 2 Stars. 

12 Educated Elekk - 74%, (4 Stars) Neutral, Minion, Beast. TRUMP Rating - 1 Stars. 

13 Felosophy - 72%, (4 Stars) Demon H./Warlock , Spell, . TRUMP Rating - 1 Stars. 

14 Runic Carvings - 72%, (4 Stars) Druid/Shaman, Spell, -. TRUMP Rating - 1 Stars. 

15 Cabal Acolyte - 71%, (4 Stars) Priest, Minion, General. TRUMP Rating - 4 Stars. 

16 Totem Goliath - 68%, (4 Stars) Shaman, Minion, Totem. TRUMP Rating - 1 Stars. 

17 Transfer Student - 68%, (4 Stars) Neutral, Minion, General. TRUMP Rating - 5 Stars. 

18 Survival of the Fittest - 68%, (4 Stars) Druid, Spell, . TRUMP Rating - 5 Stars. 

19 Ceremonial Maul - 63%, (4 Stars) Paladin/Warrior , Weapon, . TRUMP Rating - 1 Stars. 

20 Steeldancer - 62%, (4 Stars) Warrior/Rogue, Minion, General. TRUMP Rating - 4 Stars. 

21 Ancient Void Hound - 61%, (4 Stars) Demon H., Minion, Demon. TRUMP Rating - 3 Stars. 

22 Guardian Animals - 52%, (3 Stars) Hunter/Druid, Spell, -. TRUMP Rating - 5 Stars. 

23 Enchanted Cauldron - 46%, (3 Stars) Neutral, Minion, General. TRUMP Rating - 1 Stars.


1 Twilight Runner - 89%, (5 Stars) Druid, Minion, Beast. TRUMP Rating - 5 Stars. 

2 Voracious Reader - 89%, (5 Stars) Neutral, Minion, General. TRUMP Rating - 5 Stars. 

3 Coerce - 88%, (5 Stars) Warrior/Rogue, Spell, . TRUMP Rating - 3 Stars. 

4 Demon Companion - 87%, (5 Stars) Hunter/Demon H., Spell, . TRUMP Rating - 5 Stars. 

4 Brittlebone Destroyer - 87%, (5 Stars) Warlock/Priest , Minion, General. TRUMP Rating - 4 Stars. 

6 Soul Shear - 85%, (5 Stars) Demon H./Warlock , Spell, . TRUMP Rating - 5 Stars. 

7 Diligent Notetaker - 84%, (5 Stars) Shaman, Minion, General. TRUMP Rating - 2 Stars. 

8 Glide - 83%, (5 Stars) Demon H., Spell, . TRUMP Rating - 5 Stars. 

9 Reaper's Scythe - 82%, (5 Stars) Warrior, Weapon, General. TRUMP Rating - 5 Stars. 

10 Shadowlight Scholar - 80%, (5 Stars) Warlock, Minion, General. TRUMP Rating - 4 Stars. 

11 Shardshatter Mystic - 79%, (4 Stars) Demon H., Minion, General. TRUMP Rating - 3 Stars. 

12 Robes of Protection - 79%, (4 Stars) Neutral, Minion, General. TRUMP Rating - 2 Stars. 

13 Troublemaker - 78%, (4 Stars) Warrior, Minion, General. TRUMP Rating - 5 Stars. 

14 Groundskeeper - 78%, (4 Stars) Druid/Shaman, Minion, General. TRUMP Rating - 3 Stars. 

15 Power Word: Feast - 78%, (4 Stars) Priest, Spell, . TRUMP Rating - 3 Stars. 

16 Brain Freeze - 76%, (4 Stars) Rogue/Mage, Spell, . TRUMP Rating - 1 Stars. 

17 Cram Session - 76%, (4 Stars) Mage, Spell, . TRUMP Rating - 1 Stars. 

18 Gift of Luminance - 73%, (4 Stars) Priest/Paladin, Spell, . TRUMP Rating - 3 Stars. 

19 Teacher's Pet - 73%, (4 Stars) Hunter/Druid, Minion, Beast. TRUMP Rating - 5 Stars. 

19 Blessing of Authority - 73%, (4 Stars) Paladin, Spell, . TRUMP Rating - 4 Stars. 

21 Overwhelm - 73%, (4 Stars) Hunter, Spell, -. TRUMP Rating - 1 Stars. 

22 Goody Two-Shields - 72%, (4 Stars) Paladin, Minion, General. TRUMP Rating - 4 Stars. 

23 Boneweb Egg - 71%, (4 Stars) Warlock, Minion, General. TRUMP Rating - 1 Stars. 

24 Partner Assignment - 69%, (4 Stars) Druid, Spell, . TRUMP Rating - 1 Stars. 

25 Magehunter - 69%, (4 Stars) Demon H., Minion, General. TRUMP Rating - 1 Stars. 

26 Trick Totem - 67%, (4 Stars) Mage/Shaman, Minion, Totem. TRUMP Rating - 1 Stars. 

26 Bloated Python - 67%, (4 Stars) Hunter, Minion, Beast. TRUMP Rating - 1 Stars. 

28 Self-Sharpening Sword - 65%, (4 Stars) Rogue, Weapon, . TRUMP Rating - 4 Stars. 

29 Molten Blast - 65%, (4 Stars) Shaman, Spell, . TRUMP Rating - 1 Stars. 

30 Wyrm Weaver - 64%, (4 Stars) Mage, Minion, General. TRUMP Rating - 2 Stars. 

31 Cycle of Hatred - 57%, (3 Stars) Demon H., Spell, . TRUMP Rating - 2 Stars. 

32 Shifty Sophomore - 57%, (3 Stars) Rogue, Minion, General. TRUMP Rating - 1 Stars. 

33 Cult Neophyte - 55%, (3 Stars) Neutral, Minion, General. TRUMP Rating - 1 Stars. 

34 Initiation - 54%, (3 Stars) Priest, Spell, . TRUMP Rating - 4 Stars. 

35 Commencement - 49%, (3 Stars) Paladin/Warrior , Spell, . TRUMP Rating - 3 Stars.


1 Spirit Jailer - 89%, (5 Stars) Demon H./Warlock , Minion, Demon. TRUMP Rating - 5 Stars. 

2 Lab Partner - 89%, (5 Stars) Mage, Minion, General. TRUMP Rating - 3 Stars. 

3 Nature Studies - 87%, (5 Stars) Druid, Spell, . TRUMP Rating - 5 Stars. 

4 Soulshard Lapidary - 87%, (5 Stars) Demon H., Minion, General. TRUMP Rating - 5 Stars. 

5 Lightning Bloom - 87%, (5 Stars) Druid/Shaman, Spell, -. TRUMP Rating - 5 Stars. 

6 Shield of Honor - 85%, (5 Stars) Paladin/Warrior , Spell, . TRUMP Rating - 4 Stars. 

7 Double Jump - 84%, (5 Stars) Demon H., Spell, . TRUMP Rating - 3 Stars. 

8 Wand Thief - 83%, (5 Stars) Rogue/Mage, Minion, General. TRUMP Rating - 3 Stars. 

9 Raise Dead - 82%, (5 Stars) Warlock/Priest , Spell, . TRUMP Rating - 4 Stars. 

10 Wolpertinger - 81%, (5 Stars) Hunter, Minion, Beast. TRUMP Rating - 5 Stars. 

11 School Spirits - 81%, (5 Stars) Warlock, Spell, . TRUMP Rating - 4 Stars. 

12 Marrowslicer - 80%, (4 Stars) Demon H., Weapon, . TRUMP Rating - 5 Stars. 

13 Plagiarize - 79%, (4 Stars) Rogue, Spell, . TRUMP Rating - 1 Stars. 

14 Draconic Studies - 77%, (4 Stars) Priest, Spell, . TRUMP Rating - 1 Stars. 

15 Firebrand - 76%, (4 Stars) Mage, Minion, General. TRUMP Rating - 3 Stars. 

16 Manafeeder Panthara - 76%, (4 Stars) Neutral, Minion, Beast. TRUMP Rating - 3 Stars. 

17 Adorable Infestation - 76%, (4 Stars) Hunter/Druid, Spell, . TRUMP Rating - 2 Stars. 

18 Frazzled Freshman - 75%, (4 Stars) Priest, Minion, General. TRUMP Rating - 3 Stars. 

19 Primordial Studies - 75%, (4 Stars) Mage/Shaman, Spell, . TRUMP Rating - 1 Stars. 

20 Athletic Studies - 75%, (4 Stars) Warrior, Spell, . TRUMP Rating - 1 Stars. 

21 Wave of Apathy - 74%, (4 Stars) Priest/Paladin, Spell, . TRUMP Rating - 4 Stars. 

22 Tidal Wave - 73%, (4 Stars) Shaman, Spell, . TRUMP Rating - 2 Stars. 

23 Tour Guide - 72%, (4 Stars) Neutral, Minion, General. TRUMP Rating - 2 Stars. 

24 Vulpera Toxinblade - 72%, (4 Stars) Rogue, Minion, General. TRUMP Rating - 4 Stars. 

25 Cutting Class - 72%, (4 Stars) Warrior/Rogue, Spell, . TRUMP Rating - 2 Stars. 

26 First Day of School - 71%, (4 Stars) Paladin, Spell, . TRUMP Rating - 4 Stars. 

27 Rune Dagger - 69%, (4 Stars) Shaman, Weapon, . TRUMP Rating - 2 Stars. 

28 Sorcerous Substitute - 68%, (4 Stars) Neutral, Minion, General. TRUMP Rating - 2 Stars. 

29 Animated Broomstick - 66%, (4 Stars) Neutral, Minion, General. TRUMP Rating - 1 Stars. 

30 Intrepid Initiate - 65%, (4 Stars) Neutral, Minion, General. TRUMP Rating - 2 Stars. 

30 Carrion Studies - 65%, (4 Stars) Hunter, Spell, . TRUMP Rating - 1 Stars. 

30 Demonic Studies - 65%, (4 Stars) Warlock, Spell, . TRUMP Rating - 1 Stars. 

33 Wandmaker - 64%, (4 Stars) Neutral, Minion, General. TRUMP Rating - 2 Stars. 

34 Onyx Magescribe - 61%, (4 Stars) Neutral, Minion, Dragon. TRUMP Rating - 3 Stars. 

34 Wretched Tutor - 61%, (4 Stars) Neutral, Minion, General. TRUMP Rating - 1 Stars. 

36 Steward of Scrolls - 61%, (4 Stars) Neutral, Minion, Elemental. TRUMP Rating - 2 Stars. 

37 Plagued Protodrake - 60%, (3 Stars) Neutral, Minion, Dragon. TRUMP Rating - 1 Stars. 

38 Crimson Hothead - 58%, (3 Stars) Neutral, Minion, Dragon. TRUMP Rating - 2 Stars. 

39 Lake Thresher - 55%, (3 Stars) Neutral, Minion, Beast. TRUMP Rating - 2 Stars. 

40 Sneaky Delinquent - 54%, (3 Stars) Neutral, Minion, General. TRUMP Rating - 4 Stars. 

41 Vilefiend Trainer - 53%, (3 Stars) Demon H., Minion, General. TRUMP Rating - 1 Stars. 

42 Pen Flinger - 51%, (3 Stars) Neutral, Minion, General. TRUMP Rating - 3 Stars. 

43 In Formation! - 50%, (3 Stars) Warrior, Spell, . TRUMP Rating - 1 Stars. 

44 Fel Guardians - 50%, (3 Stars) Demon H., Spell, . TRUMP Rating - 1 Stars. 

45 Gibberling - 49%, (3 Stars) Druid, Minion, . TRUMP Rating - 4 Stars. 

46 Judicious Junior - 47%, (3 Stars) Paladin, Minion, General. TRUMP Rating - 3 Stars. 

47 Smug Senior - 45%, (3 Stars) Neutral, Minion, General. TRUMP Rating - 1 Stars. 

48 Desk Imp - 45%, (3 Stars) Neutral, Minion, Demon. TRUMP Rating - 1 Stars. 

49 Ogremancer - 44%, (3 Stars) Neutral, Minion, General. TRUMP Rating - 1 Stars. 

50 Blood Herald - 43%, (3 Stars) Hunter/Demon H., Minion, General. TRUMP Rating - 1 Stars. 

51 Divine Rager - 39%, (2 Stars) Neutral, Minion, Elemental. TRUMP Rating - 1 Stars. 

52 Fishy Flyer - 31%, (2 Stars) Neutral, Minion, Murloc. TRUMP Rating - 1 Stars.

  • BotMathematician's Avatar
    255 20 Posts Joined 06/01/2019
    Posted 3 years, 9 months ago

    The Gadgetzan Gazette

    By: Chief Investigative Reporter Dora R

    Once again, we have combined community polls from Hearthstonetopdecks and OutOfCards into one list. Based on this data, we have determined the estimated power factor for each card. After that, we divided all the cards into different categories according to a five-star rating. To complement this data, we have added the assessment of TrumpSC, a Hearthstone expert.


    TOP 30 CARDS

    1 Secret Passage - 92%, (5 Stars) Rogue, Spell, . TRUMP Rating - 5 Stars. 

    2 Ace Hunter Kreen - 90%, (5 Stars) Hunter/Demon H., Minion, General. TRUMP Rating - 5 Stars. 

    3 Lord Barov - 90%, (5 Stars) Paladin/Warrior , Minion, General. TRUMP Rating - 5 Stars. 

    4 Twilight Runner - 89%, (5 Stars) Druid, Minion, Beast. TRUMP Rating - 5 Stars. 

    5 Voracious Reader - 89%, (5 Stars) Neutral, Minion, General. TRUMP Rating - 5 Stars. 

    5 Forest Warden Omu - 89%, (5 Stars) Druid, Minion, General. TRUMP Rating - 5 Stars. 

    5 Spirit Jailer - 89%, (5 Stars) Demon H./Warlock , Minion, Demon. TRUMP Rating - 5 Stars. 

    8 Lab Partner - 89%, (5 Stars) Mage, Minion, General. TRUMP Rating - 3 Stars. 

    9 Coerce - 88%, (5 Stars) Warrior/Rogue, Spell, . TRUMP Rating - 3 Stars. 

    10 Devout Pupil - 87%, (5 Stars) Priest/Paladin, Minion, General. TRUMP Rating - 3 Stars. 

    11 Nature Studies - 87%, (5 Stars) Druid, Spell, . TRUMP Rating - 5 Stars. 

    12 Demon Companion - 87%, (5 Stars) Hunter/Demon H., Spell, . TRUMP Rating - 5 Stars. 

    12 Brittlebone Destroyer - 87%, (5 Stars) Warlock/Priest , Minion, General. TRUMP Rating - 4 Stars. 

    12 Disciplinarian Gandling - 87%, (5 Stars) Warlock/Priest , Minion, General. TRUMP Rating - 1 Stars. 

    15 Soulshard Lapidary - 87%, (5 Stars) Demon H., Minion, General. TRUMP Rating - 5 Stars. 

    16 Argent Braggart - 87%, (5 Stars) Paladin, Minion, General. TRUMP Rating - 4 Stars. 

    16 Lightning Bloom - 87%, (5 Stars) Druid/Shaman, Spell, -. TRUMP Rating - 5 Stars. 

    18 Lorekeeper Polkelt - 85%, (5 Stars) Neutral, Minion, General. TRUMP Rating - 4 Stars. 

    19 Vectus - 85%, (5 Stars) Neutral, Minion, General. TRUMP Rating - 3 Stars. 

    19 Shield of Honor - 85%, (5 Stars) Paladin/Warrior , Spell, . TRUMP Rating - 4 Stars. 

    21 Soul Shear - 85%, (5 Stars) Demon H./Warlock , Spell, . TRUMP Rating - 5 Stars. 

    22 Diligent Notetaker - 84%, (5 Stars) Shaman, Minion, General. TRUMP Rating - 2 Stars. 

    23 Krolusk Barkstripper - 84%, (5 Stars) Hunter, Minion, Beast. TRUMP Rating - 2 Stars. 

    24 Double Jump - 84%, (5 Stars) Demon H., Spell, . TRUMP Rating - 3 Stars. 

    25 Glide - 83%, (5 Stars) Demon H., Spell, . TRUMP Rating - 5 Stars. 

    25 Wand Thief - 83%, (5 Stars) Rogue/Mage, Minion, General. TRUMP Rating - 3 Stars. 

    27 Headmaster Kel'Thuzad - 83%, (5 Stars) Neutral, Minion, General. TRUMP Rating - 5 Stars. 

    28 Sphere of Sapience - 83%, (5 Stars) Neutral, Weapon, . TRUMP Rating - 4 Stars. 

    28 Void Drinker - 83%, (5 Stars) Warlock, Minion, Demon. TRUMP Rating - 4 Stars. 

    30 Raise Dead - 82%, (5 Stars) Warlock/Priest , Spell, . TRUMP Rating - 4 Stars.


    1 Ace Hunter Kreen - 90%, (5 Stars) Hunter/Demon H., Minion, General. TRUMP Rating - 5 Stars. 

    2 Lord Barov - 90%, (5 Stars) Paladin/Warrior , Minion, General. TRUMP Rating - 5 Stars. 

    3 Forest Warden Omu - 89%, (5 Stars) Druid, Minion, General. TRUMP Rating - 5 Stars. 

    4 Disciplinarian Gandling - 87%, (5 Stars) Warlock/Priest , Minion, General. TRUMP Rating - 1 Stars. 

    5 Lorekeeper Polkelt - 85%, (5 Stars) Neutral, Minion, General. TRUMP Rating - 4 Stars. 

    6 Vectus - 85%, (5 Stars) Neutral, Minion, General. TRUMP Rating - 3 Stars. 

    7 Headmaster Kel'Thuzad - 83%, (5 Stars) Neutral, Minion, General. TRUMP Rating - 5 Stars. 

    8 Sphere of Sapience - 83%, (5 Stars) Neutral, Weapon, . TRUMP Rating - 4 Stars. 

    9 Instructor Fireheart - 82%, (5 Stars) Shaman, Minion, General. TRUMP Rating - 2 Stars. 

    10 Ras Frostwhisper - 81%, (5 Stars) Mage/Shaman, Minion, General. TRUMP Rating - 3 Stars. 

    11 Mindrender Illucia - 80%, (4 Stars) Priest, Minion, General. TRUMP Rating - 5 Stars. 

    12 Shan'do Wildclaw - 79%, (4 Stars) Hunter/Druid, Minion, General. TRUMP Rating - 3 Stars. 

    12 Professor Slate - 79%, (4 Stars) Hunter, Minion, General. TRUMP Rating - 3 Stars. 

    14 Speaker Gidra - 78%, (4 Stars) Druid/Shaman, Minion, General. TRUMP Rating - 4 Stars. 

    15 Soulciologist Malicia - 77%, (4 Stars) Demon H./Warlock , Minion, General. TRUMP Rating - 5 Stars. 

    16 Keymaster Alabaster - 77%, (4 Stars) Neutral, Minion, General. TRUMP Rating - 2 Stars. 

    17 Doctor Krastinov - 75%, (4 Stars) Warrior/Rogue, Minion, General. TRUMP Rating - 2 Stars. 

    18 High Abbess Alura - 72%, (4 Stars) Priest/Paladin, Minion, General. TRUMP Rating - 3 Stars. 

    19 Jandice Barov - 67%, (4 Stars) Rogue/Mage, Minion, General. TRUMP Rating - 3 Stars. 

    20 Archwitch Willow - 66%, (4 Stars) Warlock, Minion, General. TRUMP Rating - 4 Stars. 

    20 Star Student Stelina - 66%, (4 Stars) Demon H., Minion, General. TRUMP Rating - 3 Stars. 

    22 Turalyon, the Tenured - 65%, (4 Stars) Paladin, Minion, . TRUMP Rating - 1 Stars. 

    23 Rattlegore - 63%, (4 Stars) Warrior, Minion, General. TRUMP Rating - 3 Stars. 

    24 Mozaki, Master Duelist - 63%, (4 Stars) Mage, Minion, General. TRUMP Rating - 2 Stars. 

    25 Infiltrator Lilian - 60%, (4 Stars) Rogue, Minion, General. TRUMP Rating - 5 Stars.


    1 Secret Passage - 92%, (5 Stars) Rogue, Spell, . TRUMP Rating - 5 Stars. 

    2 Devout Pupil - 87%, (5 Stars) Priest/Paladin, Minion, General. TRUMP Rating - 3 Stars. 

    3 Argent Braggart - 87%, (5 Stars) Paladin, Minion, General. TRUMP Rating - 4 Stars. 

    4 Krolusk Barkstripper - 84%, (5 Stars) Hunter, Minion, Beast. TRUMP Rating - 2 Stars. 

    5 Void Drinker - 83%, (5 Stars) Warlock, Minion, Demon. TRUMP Rating - 4 Stars. 

    6 Potion of Illusion - 80%, (4 Stars) Rogue/Mage, Spell, . TRUMP Rating - 2 Stars. 

    7 Flesh Giant - 79%, (4 Stars) Warlock/Priest , Minion, General. TRUMP Rating - 4 Stars. 

    7 Devolving Missiles - 79%, (4 Stars) Mage/Shaman, Spell, . TRUMP Rating - 2 Stars. 

    9 Combustion - 78%, (4 Stars) Mage, Spell, . TRUMP Rating - 3 Stars. 

    10 Playmaker - 78%, (4 Stars) Warrior, Minion, General. TRUMP Rating - 3 Stars. 

    11 Trueaim Crescent - 75%, (4 Stars) Hunter/Demon H., Weapon, -. TRUMP Rating - 2 Stars. 

    12 Educated Elekk - 74%, (4 Stars) Neutral, Minion, Beast. TRUMP Rating - 1 Stars. 

    13 Felosophy - 72%, (4 Stars) Demon H./Warlock , Spell, . TRUMP Rating - 1 Stars. 

    14 Runic Carvings - 72%, (4 Stars) Druid/Shaman, Spell, -. TRUMP Rating - 1 Stars. 

    15 Cabal Acolyte - 71%, (4 Stars) Priest, Minion, General. TRUMP Rating - 4 Stars. 

    16 Totem Goliath - 68%, (4 Stars) Shaman, Minion, Totem. TRUMP Rating - 1 Stars. 

    17 Transfer Student - 68%, (4 Stars) Neutral, Minion, General. TRUMP Rating - 5 Stars. 

    18 Survival of the Fittest - 68%, (4 Stars) Druid, Spell, . TRUMP Rating - 5 Stars. 

    19 Ceremonial Maul - 63%, (4 Stars) Paladin/Warrior , Weapon, . TRUMP Rating - 1 Stars. 

    20 Steeldancer - 62%, (4 Stars) Warrior/Rogue, Minion, General. TRUMP Rating - 4 Stars. 

    21 Ancient Void Hound - 61%, (4 Stars) Demon H., Minion, Demon. TRUMP Rating - 3 Stars. 

    22 Guardian Animals - 52%, (3 Stars) Hunter/Druid, Spell, -. TRUMP Rating - 5 Stars. 

    23 Enchanted Cauldron - 46%, (3 Stars) Neutral, Minion, General. TRUMP Rating - 1 Stars.


    1 Twilight Runner - 89%, (5 Stars) Druid, Minion, Beast. TRUMP Rating - 5 Stars. 

    2 Voracious Reader - 89%, (5 Stars) Neutral, Minion, General. TRUMP Rating - 5 Stars. 

    3 Coerce - 88%, (5 Stars) Warrior/Rogue, Spell, . TRUMP Rating - 3 Stars. 

    4 Demon Companion - 87%, (5 Stars) Hunter/Demon H., Spell, . TRUMP Rating - 5 Stars. 

    4 Brittlebone Destroyer - 87%, (5 Stars) Warlock/Priest , Minion, General. TRUMP Rating - 4 Stars. 

    6 Soul Shear - 85%, (5 Stars) Demon H./Warlock , Spell, . TRUMP Rating - 5 Stars. 

    7 Diligent Notetaker - 84%, (5 Stars) Shaman, Minion, General. TRUMP Rating - 2 Stars. 

    8 Glide - 83%, (5 Stars) Demon H., Spell, . TRUMP Rating - 5 Stars. 

    9 Reaper's Scythe - 82%, (5 Stars) Warrior, Weapon, General. TRUMP Rating - 5 Stars. 

    10 Shadowlight Scholar - 80%, (5 Stars) Warlock, Minion, General. TRUMP Rating - 4 Stars. 

    11 Shardshatter Mystic - 79%, (4 Stars) Demon H., Minion, General. TRUMP Rating - 3 Stars. 

    12 Robes of Protection - 79%, (4 Stars) Neutral, Minion, General. TRUMP Rating - 2 Stars. 

    13 Troublemaker - 78%, (4 Stars) Warrior, Minion, General. TRUMP Rating - 5 Stars. 

    14 Groundskeeper - 78%, (4 Stars) Druid/Shaman, Minion, General. TRUMP Rating - 3 Stars. 

    15 Power Word: Feast - 78%, (4 Stars) Priest, Spell, . TRUMP Rating - 3 Stars. 

    16 Brain Freeze - 76%, (4 Stars) Rogue/Mage, Spell, . TRUMP Rating - 1 Stars. 

    17 Cram Session - 76%, (4 Stars) Mage, Spell, . TRUMP Rating - 1 Stars. 

    18 Gift of Luminance - 73%, (4 Stars) Priest/Paladin, Spell, . TRUMP Rating - 3 Stars. 

    19 Teacher's Pet - 73%, (4 Stars) Hunter/Druid, Minion, Beast. TRUMP Rating - 5 Stars. 

    19 Blessing of Authority - 73%, (4 Stars) Paladin, Spell, . TRUMP Rating - 4 Stars. 

    21 Overwhelm - 73%, (4 Stars) Hunter, Spell, -. TRUMP Rating - 1 Stars. 

    22 Goody Two-Shields - 72%, (4 Stars) Paladin, Minion, General. TRUMP Rating - 4 Stars. 

    23 Boneweb Egg - 71%, (4 Stars) Warlock, Minion, General. TRUMP Rating - 1 Stars. 

    24 Partner Assignment - 69%, (4 Stars) Druid, Spell, . TRUMP Rating - 1 Stars. 

    25 Magehunter - 69%, (4 Stars) Demon H., Minion, General. TRUMP Rating - 1 Stars. 

    26 Trick Totem - 67%, (4 Stars) Mage/Shaman, Minion, Totem. TRUMP Rating - 1 Stars. 

    26 Bloated Python - 67%, (4 Stars) Hunter, Minion, Beast. TRUMP Rating - 1 Stars. 

    28 Self-Sharpening Sword - 65%, (4 Stars) Rogue, Weapon, . TRUMP Rating - 4 Stars. 

    29 Molten Blast - 65%, (4 Stars) Shaman, Spell, . TRUMP Rating - 1 Stars. 

    30 Wyrm Weaver - 64%, (4 Stars) Mage, Minion, General. TRUMP Rating - 2 Stars. 

    31 Cycle of Hatred - 57%, (3 Stars) Demon H., Spell, . TRUMP Rating - 2 Stars. 

    32 Shifty Sophomore - 57%, (3 Stars) Rogue, Minion, General. TRUMP Rating - 1 Stars. 

    33 Cult Neophyte - 55%, (3 Stars) Neutral, Minion, General. TRUMP Rating - 1 Stars. 

    34 Initiation - 54%, (3 Stars) Priest, Spell, . TRUMP Rating - 4 Stars. 

    35 Commencement - 49%, (3 Stars) Paladin/Warrior , Spell, . TRUMP Rating - 3 Stars.


    1 Spirit Jailer - 89%, (5 Stars) Demon H./Warlock , Minion, Demon. TRUMP Rating - 5 Stars. 

    2 Lab Partner - 89%, (5 Stars) Mage, Minion, General. TRUMP Rating - 3 Stars. 

    3 Nature Studies - 87%, (5 Stars) Druid, Spell, . TRUMP Rating - 5 Stars. 

    4 Soulshard Lapidary - 87%, (5 Stars) Demon H., Minion, General. TRUMP Rating - 5 Stars. 

    5 Lightning Bloom - 87%, (5 Stars) Druid/Shaman, Spell, -. TRUMP Rating - 5 Stars. 

    6 Shield of Honor - 85%, (5 Stars) Paladin/Warrior , Spell, . TRUMP Rating - 4 Stars. 

    7 Double Jump - 84%, (5 Stars) Demon H., Spell, . TRUMP Rating - 3 Stars. 

    8 Wand Thief - 83%, (5 Stars) Rogue/Mage, Minion, General. TRUMP Rating - 3 Stars. 

    9 Raise Dead - 82%, (5 Stars) Warlock/Priest , Spell, . TRUMP Rating - 4 Stars. 

    10 Wolpertinger - 81%, (5 Stars) Hunter, Minion, Beast. TRUMP Rating - 5 Stars. 

    11 School Spirits - 81%, (5 Stars) Warlock, Spell, . TRUMP Rating - 4 Stars. 

    12 Marrowslicer - 80%, (4 Stars) Demon H., Weapon, . TRUMP Rating - 5 Stars. 

    13 Plagiarize - 79%, (4 Stars) Rogue, Spell, . TRUMP Rating - 1 Stars. 

    14 Draconic Studies - 77%, (4 Stars) Priest, Spell, . TRUMP Rating - 1 Stars. 

    15 Firebrand - 76%, (4 Stars) Mage, Minion, General. TRUMP Rating - 3 Stars. 

    16 Manafeeder Panthara - 76%, (4 Stars) Neutral, Minion, Beast. TRUMP Rating - 3 Stars. 

    17 Adorable Infestation - 76%, (4 Stars) Hunter/Druid, Spell, . TRUMP Rating - 2 Stars. 

    18 Frazzled Freshman - 75%, (4 Stars) Priest, Minion, General. TRUMP Rating - 3 Stars. 

    19 Primordial Studies - 75%, (4 Stars) Mage/Shaman, Spell, . TRUMP Rating - 1 Stars. 

    20 Athletic Studies - 75%, (4 Stars) Warrior, Spell, . TRUMP Rating - 1 Stars. 

    21 Wave of Apathy - 74%, (4 Stars) Priest/Paladin, Spell, . TRUMP Rating - 4 Stars. 

    22 Tidal Wave - 73%, (4 Stars) Shaman, Spell, . TRUMP Rating - 2 Stars. 

    23 Tour Guide - 72%, (4 Stars) Neutral, Minion, General. TRUMP Rating - 2 Stars. 

    24 Vulpera Toxinblade - 72%, (4 Stars) Rogue, Minion, General. TRUMP Rating - 4 Stars. 

    25 Cutting Class - 72%, (4 Stars) Warrior/Rogue, Spell, . TRUMP Rating - 2 Stars. 

    26 First Day of School - 71%, (4 Stars) Paladin, Spell, . TRUMP Rating - 4 Stars. 

    27 Rune Dagger - 69%, (4 Stars) Shaman, Weapon, . TRUMP Rating - 2 Stars. 

    28 Sorcerous Substitute - 68%, (4 Stars) Neutral, Minion, General. TRUMP Rating - 2 Stars. 

    29 Animated Broomstick - 66%, (4 Stars) Neutral, Minion, General. TRUMP Rating - 1 Stars. 

    30 Intrepid Initiate - 65%, (4 Stars) Neutral, Minion, General. TRUMP Rating - 2 Stars. 

    30 Carrion Studies - 65%, (4 Stars) Hunter, Spell, . TRUMP Rating - 1 Stars. 

    30 Demonic Studies - 65%, (4 Stars) Warlock, Spell, . TRUMP Rating - 1 Stars. 

    33 Wandmaker - 64%, (4 Stars) Neutral, Minion, General. TRUMP Rating - 2 Stars. 

    34 Onyx Magescribe - 61%, (4 Stars) Neutral, Minion, Dragon. TRUMP Rating - 3 Stars. 

    34 Wretched Tutor - 61%, (4 Stars) Neutral, Minion, General. TRUMP Rating - 1 Stars. 

    36 Steward of Scrolls - 61%, (4 Stars) Neutral, Minion, Elemental. TRUMP Rating - 2 Stars. 

    37 Plagued Protodrake - 60%, (3 Stars) Neutral, Minion, Dragon. TRUMP Rating - 1 Stars. 

    38 Crimson Hothead - 58%, (3 Stars) Neutral, Minion, Dragon. TRUMP Rating - 2 Stars. 

    39 Lake Thresher - 55%, (3 Stars) Neutral, Minion, Beast. TRUMP Rating - 2 Stars. 

    40 Sneaky Delinquent - 54%, (3 Stars) Neutral, Minion, General. TRUMP Rating - 4 Stars. 

    41 Vilefiend Trainer - 53%, (3 Stars) Demon H., Minion, General. TRUMP Rating - 1 Stars. 

    42 Pen Flinger - 51%, (3 Stars) Neutral, Minion, General. TRUMP Rating - 3 Stars. 

    43 In Formation! - 50%, (3 Stars) Warrior, Spell, . TRUMP Rating - 1 Stars. 

    44 Fel Guardians - 50%, (3 Stars) Demon H., Spell, . TRUMP Rating - 1 Stars. 

    45 Gibberling - 49%, (3 Stars) Druid, Minion, . TRUMP Rating - 4 Stars. 

    46 Judicious Junior - 47%, (3 Stars) Paladin, Minion, General. TRUMP Rating - 3 Stars. 

    47 Smug Senior - 45%, (3 Stars) Neutral, Minion, General. TRUMP Rating - 1 Stars. 

    48 Desk Imp - 45%, (3 Stars) Neutral, Minion, Demon. TRUMP Rating - 1 Stars. 

    49 Ogremancer - 44%, (3 Stars) Neutral, Minion, General. TRUMP Rating - 1 Stars. 

    50 Blood Herald - 43%, (3 Stars) Hunter/Demon H., Minion, General. TRUMP Rating - 1 Stars. 

    51 Divine Rager - 39%, (2 Stars) Neutral, Minion, Elemental. TRUMP Rating - 1 Stars. 

    52 Fishy Flyer - 31%, (2 Stars) Neutral, Minion, Murloc. TRUMP Rating - 1 Stars.

  • Elfensilver's Avatar
    595 663 Posts Joined 03/14/2019
    Posted 3 years, 9 months ago

    That was proabably a lot of effort to type this out. What is really interesting would be the Top 30 card's performance in the first week.

  • clawz161's Avatar
    The Undying 825 827 Posts Joined 07/16/2019
    Posted 3 years, 9 months ago

    Voracious Reader and Lord Barov should change places. Voracious Reader easily slots into so many decks in the meta right now and has no build-around necessary for it. Meanwhile barov needs to be in a control paladin/warrior deck, when the entire meta has been overrun by aggro for a long time now, it's hard to win with control these days, especially when scholomance drops with the amount of tech cards they printed for aggro with premium stats.

    Living like that.

  • dapperdog's Avatar
    Dragon Scholar 1890 5544 Posts Joined 07/29/2019
    Posted 3 years, 9 months ago

    Speaker Gidra, Robes of Protection and Troublemaker at 4 stars? Fishy Flyer at 2 stars? Can't say I'm in complete agreement.

    Secret Passage is deservedly number 1 of all the cards. The fact that this allows you to dig up resources, allows you to keep any extra generated/drawn cards, and is only 1 mana is completely nuts. The only deck that will not be running this would be galakrond rogue.

  • BotMathematician's Avatar
    255 20 Posts Joined 06/01/2019
    Posted 3 years, 9 months ago
    Quote From Elfensilver

    That was proabably a lot of effort to type this out. What is really interesting would be the Top 30 card's performance in the first week.


    The community is often mistaken in its predictions. :]

  • clawz161's Avatar
    The Undying 825 827 Posts Joined 07/16/2019
    Posted 3 years, 9 months ago
    Quote From dapperdog

    Speaker Gidra, Robes of Protection and Troublemaker at 4 stars? Fishy Flyer at 2 stars? Can't say I'm in complete agreement.

    Secret Passage is deservedly number 1 of all the cards. The fact that this allows you to dig up resources, allows you to keep any extra generated/drawn cards, and is only 1 mana is completely nuts. The only deck that will not be running this would be galakrond rogue.

    I think Speaker Gidra has been overhyped, Walking Fountain this ain't.

    Living like that.

  • dapperdog's Avatar
    Dragon Scholar 1890 5544 Posts Joined 07/29/2019
    Posted 3 years, 9 months ago
    Quote From clawz161
    Quote From dapperdog

    Speaker Gidra, Robes of Protection and Troublemaker at 4 stars? Fishy Flyer at 2 stars? Can't say I'm in complete agreement.

    Secret Passage is deservedly number 1 of all the cards. The fact that this allows you to dig up resources, allows you to keep any extra generated/drawn cards, and is only 1 mana is completely nuts. The only deck that will not be running this would be galakrond rogue.

    I think Speaker Gidra has been overhyped, Walking Fountain this ain't.

    It comes out way earlier than Walking Fountain, and provides some support for druid and control shaman against midrange minions. Its flexibility is the real power of this card, and for that its high on the charts for me. I wouldn't be surprised if this features in every druid deck until it rotates from standard.

  • CaptainKaulu's Avatar
    245 36 Posts Joined 06/16/2019
    Posted 3 years, 7 months ago

    As expected, looking back on this batch of ratings with a few weeks of hindsight is humorous.

  • Tetsuo's Avatar
    Magma Rager 840 638 Posts Joined 05/29/2019
    Posted 3 years, 7 months ago

    I'm still surprised that Disciplinarian Gandling isn't seeing play. That card looks great in theory, but it somehow hasn't found a home in this current meta. Unless it's being used in a meta deck that I just don't know about? Looks like Trump was correct in giving it 1 star (though I think it'll see play in the future).


  • allthehype's Avatar
    Crossroads Historian 630 739 Posts Joined 07/26/2019
    Posted 3 years, 7 months ago
    Quote From Tetsuo

    I'm still surprised that Disciplinarian Gandling isn't seeing play. That card looks great in theory, but it somehow hasn't found a home in this current meta. Unless it's being used in a meta deck that I just don't know about? Looks like Trump was correct in giving it 1 star (though I think it'll see play in the future).


    I use him in my zoolock build, he works really well with lackeys and other small minions like Tour guide and Expired merchant. I’m really glad I opened him since it’s such a cool card

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