We continue our fantastic, completely correct rating of cards with the Hunter cards! We really got a hell of a lot of them this time around - it remains to be seen how this larger than normal initial batch of cards will affect reveals going forward, but hopefully it means less cards in that final Facebook dump. Anyway, nevermind that; let's see what our experts had to say.

Dragonbane Card Image

Turns out when you can kill Dragons, you can kill everything else too.

Quote From linkblade91

Someone has been watching Game of Thrones! It's obviously too early to say with confidence how Dragonbane will turn out in Standard, but in Wild my thoughts immediately drift to Genn Greymane. At 4-mana, Dragonbane can slot into any Even Hunter deck for additional face pressure and/or board control, and should be a fun deck; maybe not a ladder-stomper but at least halfway decent enough to be enjoyable. To maximize our meme potential, we can combine our new Mech friend with Garrison Commander, Steamwheedle Sniper, and Frost Giant to all-in on the Hero Power. Secrets are an obvious choice to round out the deck, which leads me to…

Phase Stalker Card Image

He's an inspiration to budding secret keepers.

Quote From linkblade91

Phase Stalker can go in my theoretical Wild Even Hunter deck quite readily, pulling out Secrets while I continue to shoot them in the face. An Even Hunter's ideal gameplay pattern would be to pressure with the Hero Power and stall with Secrets while the main threat (Kathrena Winterwisp, maybe? Savannah Highmane, Violet Wurm, and Charged Devilsaur are all Even-costed) comes online. Playing Secrets from your deck thins it out, allowing you to reach your required cards faster. Again probably not Tier 1 material, but I own all the pieces anyway so I might as well try it lol.

Toxic Reinforcements Card Image

Twitch chat has entered the battle.

Quote From Demonxz95

Toxic Reinforcements is the first of the Sidequests we’re talking about. Sidequests are a cool mechanic with interesting design space. Flavorfully, Toxic Reinforcements is amazing, but in practical gameplay, it’s a bit… awkward. The effect supports Aggro exceptionally well, although playing a 1 mana card that does nothing by itself supports Aggro the exact opposite of “exceptionally well”. Pressing the button and going face is fun, but it’s not so much fun when you draw into what’s essentially a completely dead draw. For other Hero Power-centric Hunter builds, completing this will be easier, although because it won’t be as aggressive, it perhaps doesn’t help your game plan as much. The reward also seems underwhelming compared to Learn Draconic, but perhaps it could be better than we think if we get the right Hero Power support. For now though, I’m not really feeling it.

That said though, as the Leper Gnomes are Deathrattle minions which are a field Rexxar is known to be able to take advantage of, Deathrattle synergies may give this card a bit more shining potential.

Primordial Explorer Card Image

Gets her supplies through Azeroth Prime.

Quote From FearGralex

I love this card. As someone who halfheartedly tried to make Dragon Hunter work after The Witchwood came out, I'm sure I'll be playing this card a lot. I also unironically think it's very good, although it may lack a home depending on how much good neutral Dragon support there is. Will probably find a spot in Highlander Hunter lists at the very least. Being able to trade with anything while also generating a strong Discovered card is quite good. Also, expect this card to be strong in Arena of course, as is the case with most of the new Dragons.

Corrosive Breath Card Image

If she breathes, things will rot.

Quote From Cable Knight

This looks like the kind of card that will go into every Hunter deck. Cobra Shot memes aside, dealing 3 for 2 mana has always been a strong play (see Quick Shot). You can kill almost any one or two cost minion for only 2 mana, and that's not even considering  the dragon synergy. This is a great card for midrange decks that want to control the early game board while still chipping away at the opponents health. I don't think this and Primordial Explorer are enough to make Dragon Hunter competitive, but there are still 4 Hunter cards to be revealed. 

Dwarven Sharpshooter Card Image

Dwarves are faster on the draw than Goblins, I guess.

Quote From Cable Knight

Another amazing early game play for Hunter. The 3 health means that he'll usually live for at least one turn, and if you're going first your opponent will have no way to stick a minion on the board for fear of an easy trade. He'll fit into almost any deck that cares about the early game, without a doubt. Other than the obvious synergy with Dragonbane, I could see this being an auto-include for Odd Hunter in Wild - remember how I said dealing 3 damage on turn 2 was awesome?