The weekend has arrived so it's time to jump into the Wild side of Hearthstone once again. Our community members have been hard at work to create a variety of decks to try out. Let's take a look, shall we?

Big Warrior

Let's go big right from the start. SunburstWolfgang has been tinkering with this Warrior list at rank 5 and shares his experiences about the card choices in the deck guide.

There is no way I wouldn't mention SwaguarTV's Star Aligner Warrior in this post. Next level memes.

Quest Paladin

From big minions to stewartpid's big spells. The Quest Paladin base with some support from the new Adventure has been spiced up with Spirit of the Tiger and Summoning Stone which keep pumping out minions every time you cast one of those 6-7 mana spells.

Summoning Stone seems to be my weakness, when I see one included I spotlight the deck. See, I just linked Gam3rPr0's Rogue here.

Quest Rogue

Dorkpork decided to bring an old favourite to the new decade with some additions that the deck didn't have at its disposal when it still terrorized Standard ladder.

Totem Shaman

The next list comes from our new Magic content creator Echo who reckons the current Wild meta allows this relatively cheap deck to shine.

If cheap totems aren't your thing, here's IlMollo's well-performing Shaman list which requires some big legendaries instead.

Togwaggle Mage

Oh, the memes! Wendeee went there and included a real curveball in a relatively standard Secret Mage list. I'm pretty sure this overtakes the Spanish Inquisition on the list of things people don't expect.

Looking to adventure further into the Wild? Take a look at these decks.

Came up with something Wild yourself? Create a Wild deck and share it in the comments below. Don't forget to write a guide!