If you've been like us and have been wondering what the rarity spread is in the upcoming Ashes of Outland expansion, wonder no more!

  • The Demon Hunter cards take the place of some Neutrals.
  • Demon Hunters see 3 extra commons and 2 extra rares over the other classes in Ashes of Outland.
  • Nothing else has changed with the rarity distribution.
  • We remain at a total of 135 cards in the set.

We've put together a chart to better showcase how the rarities are distributed.

Demon Hunter
Demon Hunter Initiate 8642
Ashes of Outland
Demon Hunter
Ashes of Outland
Other Classes
Ashes of Outland

Quote From Chadd Nervig

The addition of Demon Hunter cards comes in place of Neutral cards. However, more than that, it also affects the Rarity distribution within Neutral. We wanted to keep the overall Dust value of the set close to the same as previous sets; we're not at all trying to make the game more expensive (quite the opposite, see duplicate protection, free decks, etc.).

Here's the actual breakdown of rarities in each set.

Demon Hunter Basic: 10B

Demon Hunter Initiate: 8C + 6R + 4E + 2L

Demon Hunter Ashes: 6C + 5R + 2E + 2L

Other Classes Ashes: 3C + 3R + 2E + 2L

Neutral Ashes: 19C + 3R + 3E + 5L