AbusingKel's Avatar


Joined 02/02/2019 Achieve Points 785 Posts 294

AbusingKel's Comments

  • AbusingKel's Avatar
    HearthStationeer 785 294 Posts Joined 02/02/2019
    Posted 4 years, 4 months ago

    Aeroponics - 3 - 5 mana for 3 cards is hefty, and there's no way to be sure you'll have treants to trigger it.

    Dragonmaw Poacher - 5 - Wowza... this is an auto draft knowing how many dragons we'll be seeing. Absolute punisher.

    Elemental Allies - 1 - Too many conditions to reliably make it work.

    Faceless Corruptor - 5 - Found our Flappy Bird! Totally over the top value. Any small or damaged minion can work to trade then you've got a pair of 5/4 bodies for 5 mana. Oof.

    Hoard Pillager - 3 - Weak body but the fact that it equips the weapon will always make up the cost. Would have to be late in a draft or you can't take the risk unless you're rogue.

    Lightforged Zealot - 1 - Lots of fun in constructed but it's trash for arena. As with Lightforged Crusader, you'll have little chance to draft an all-class deck.

    Righteous Cause - 3 - In a class that can swarm well, it's not terrible. Controlling it to buff more than 1 or 2 minions may be too difficult. Crazy good in constructed wild, though.

    Skybarge - 3 - A beefier, class version of Ship's Cannon, which was also unreliable since you can't ensure you'll have enough pirates to make use of the ability.

    Sky Claw - 4 - 3/4 stats for 3 mana if your opponent can kill it right away. If they can't it's a 5/4 for 3 that has the potential to get even meaner if you have some more mechs.

    Storm's Wrath - 3 - Nice for a class with zero attack totems as the hero power but only viable in drafts that support a swarm strategy.

  • AbusingKel's Avatar
    HearthStationeer 785 294 Posts Joined 02/02/2019
    Posted 4 years, 4 months ago

    Murozond the Infinite - 5 - Add it to the list of reasons to hate priest. Yet another broken card but at least it's a legendary so it shouldn't be too prevalent.


    Blowtorch Saboteur - 4 - 3/4 for 3 has been the stud stats for a while now. A little disruption to boot.

    Dark Skies - 1 - Hot garbage, even in constructed.

    Grizzled Wizard - 4 - Interesting card. Basically, it's a solid, aggresive 2 drop that can give you a nice double dip into hero powers later in the game. Should prove to be pretty good.

    Lightforged Crusader - 3 - You'd have to draft sub-optimal cards and even then you'd be highly unlikely to get all class cards. As Boozor already mentioned, it's a War Golem wrapped in Paldin yellow.

    Mana Giant - 4 - Big vanilla minion that can be triggered pretty easily with the amount of discover in the game.

    Ramming Speed - 3 - A nice way to remove 1 of 2 big minions but it isn't reliable if 3 or minions are on board.

    Rolling Fireball - 5 - Really cool concept. I love unique entries into the card pool. Imagine how giddy you'll be if someone plays 7 wide and you can control the direction and really wreck a board.

    Skyfin - 3 - With the number of dragons in the rotation it should prove easy to trigger. With the variable results in the murloc pool, it probably won't feel worth the potential unreliability.


  • AbusingKel's Avatar
    HearthStationeer 785 294 Posts Joined 02/02/2019
    Posted 4 years, 5 months ago

    Goru the Mightree - 4 - The taunt body for the cost is good. There's not really enough treant support but even one or two cards that generate them will make this very good value.

    Mindflayer Kaahrj - 5 - Great value even with a medium minion but it's crazy good if you can get a really high value minion out of the deathrattle.

    Embiggen - 4 - I want to see it in action. On first glance, it looks like a card you love to get early with a mulligan that can keep tempo. Mid to late game it is a solid play to bump the value of everything you draw. Interesting... I could see it being terrible or great, so it probably will be conditional enough to warrant a downgrade.

    Stormhammer - 5 - Top score only for this rotation. It shouldn't be too hard to get at least 1 extra swing and you'll likely get more.

    Tentacled Menace - 3 - Decent body but the ability is too volatile and could easily be the key to your opponent's victory.

    Wyrmrest Purifier - 3 - Again a very volatile result. In general, class cards are better than their neutral counterparts but it's not an even trade based on cost. Turning all those sick DoD dragons into weenies would suck.

    Chronobreaker - 5 - Busted. Deathrattle at least gives you a chance to deal with it and trade favorably, but more often than not this will wreck the board, one way or the other.

    Cobalt Spellkin - 4 - Better in some classes but all 9 have a reasonably good pool of 1 cost spells for this rotation. Solid value.

    Depth Charge - 1 - The rare times you pull this off will be hysterical. But very, very rare.

    Treenforcements - 4 - 1 mana 2/2 or a nice buff plus taunt. Versatility is a good thing.

    Bronze Explorer - 5 - Broken. Triggers all the dragon synergy and kicks a discovered dragon to your hand to trigger more. And lifesteal... because it wasn't already awesome as a 2/3 tribe discover. I have always tinkered with dragon pal and will enjoy what he can put together in wild constructed now.

    EVIL Quartermaster - 5 - Maybe the insane number of dragons will make lackeys feel a bit underwhelming and make me rethink this score.

    Platebreaker - 3 - Most likely a vanilla card. Love that they finally had the cajones to print this card, though.

  • AbusingKel's Avatar
    HearthStationeer 785 294 Posts Joined 02/02/2019
    Posted 4 years, 5 months ago
    Quote From Boozor

    Nithogg (5) - Slight immediate tempo loss, but the 8/8 Rush stats the following turn should easily pick it up. Fringe cases where the 0/3s can be utilized the turn they come into play, but not out of the question.  

    I think you probably saw the eggs as deathrattle summoners. They are plain old 0/3 speed bumps that must survive until your next turn or you get nothing. 

  • AbusingKel's Avatar
    HearthStationeer 785 294 Posts Joined 02/02/2019
    Posted 4 years, 5 months ago

    Ancharrr - 3 - Highly variable score for this, as it could be insane value if your draft supports it. There are some very good, common and rare pirates in the rotation so it'll have it's moments for sure.

    Bandersmosh - 4 - There's certainly big upside, but there are enough lousy legendary minions for it to get a slight decrease in score. Plus it's a tease as a top deck if you have to play it as a vanilla 5/5.

    Chenvaala - 4 - Playing 3 spells in one turn isn't easy, though mage can pull it off better than most. It's strong as a stand alone 2/5 for 3 and has the elemental tag so it looks solid to me.

    Dragonqueen Alexstrasza - 4 - Chances are decent that you'll have thinned out duplicates by the time you get her in hand and have the mana to play her. If you can draft a highlander deck she's clearly a 5. Even if you get 2x Faerie Dragon you are dropping a big board with an 8/8 and two 3/2 dragons.

    Frizz Kindleroost - 5 - Conditional score since it's going to be awesome with the next rotation but could drop precipitously if the spring rotation reduces the pool of dragons.

    Nithogg - 2 - Wow... remember when I called a Anyfin/Everyfin comparison on Amber Watcher? Yeah, this is a legendary that sucks hard compared to that common. Blizz please. 0/3 eggs that aren't deathrattle, but instead need to survive until your next turn. QQ

    Zzeraku the Warped - 5 - The lack of initiative is easily overcome if you are simply patient enough (or not so far behind) that you play this on 10 and have a mean board with the upside to spawn more. Sick.

    Cumulo-Maximus - 5 - A really strong card for an archetype that will probably still be mediocre in constructed. In arena, there are plenty of good cards that have overload to ensure you get this 5 point blast.

    Dread Raven - 4 - The 3 mana 3/4 has always been a great one for arena and this comes with an upside that's increased in arena where you could get 3 or more copies.

    Kobold Stickyfinger - 3 - Very unique and cool card. Ok in arena, especially if warrior gets a boost from the dragons it brings back and pushes for a more frequent presence.

    Transmogrifier - 4 - As with Bandersmosh, there are enough bad legendary minions to dilute the upside. Add in the fact that you could downgrade the card draw if it's one of your late game baddies, and I think there's enough not to like that I could downgrade the score to a 3.

    Arcane Breath - 5 - Again a score that is rotation specific, since there will be a ton of dragons to support this for a full rotation. This is likely to be a very broken card.

    Bad Luck Albatross - 5 - Hahaha... what an awesome card. Mess with opponents draw and it has great stats. Common rarity means we'll likely be seeing lots of it on both sides.

    Breath of the Infinite - 5 - Ugh. Another set, another top board wipe for priest. Thanks Team 5.

    Diving Gryphon - 5 - Solid removal piece that will pull another rush minion. Very strong, and we've seen time and again that the dev team puts together a theme for each hero in a new set so rush should be well supported now that we've seen a few.

    Dragoncaster - 3 - The upside is undeniable, but you need to have this plus another dragon and a spell in hand. That spell also needs to be playable or you may be playing it in a sub-optimal way. May play well but it looks too unreliable to me.

    Stowaway - 2 - Not sure the support will be there. This looks like a buff to Academic Research constructed decks.

  • AbusingKel's Avatar
    HearthStationeer 785 294 Posts Joined 02/02/2019
    Posted 4 years, 5 months ago

    Looks good to me, though I haven't been playing very much lately. It has solid stats so when you play it as a late game board populating engine, it's got a few 5/5s alongside it to deal with. Elemental synergy and a pretty good late game wincon in a cyclone style deck. 

  • AbusingKel's Avatar
    HearthStationeer 785 294 Posts Joined 02/02/2019
    Posted 4 years, 5 months ago

    Chromatic Egg - 2 - The high cost and big tempo loss will be brutal even for a big cheat on the end value. It'll be playable for classes than can quickly hatch it, bad in decks that can't, and probably broken in constructed (especially warlock).

    Dragon Breeder - 4 - Top stats for a 2 drop with a card generator. As we've seen, the dragons are going to be insane for the rotation so this will be as well.

  • AbusingKel's Avatar
    HearthStationeer 785 294 Posts Joined 02/02/2019
    Posted 4 years, 5 months ago

    Flik Skyshiv - 5 - Remove a minion and develop your board. Great card. It's unlikely you'll worry too much about losing your own copy(s) because the threat on the board is always the more pressing issue.

    Valdris Felgorge - 5 - Incredible value. Massive powercreep on Sprint that brings a fun new element to constructed. Cool card.

    Veranus - 5 - Insanely powerful in a class that tends to have decent swarm capability to take down the now-1-health minions.

    Necrium Apothecary - 4 - Draft dependent so it can't get a 5. Decent stats for a card that draws and gains an ability.

    Sanctuary - 2 - It looks lousy but the reward is really high value for the cost and there's no stopping a quest. It'll have to be alongside some bad cards to draft it but there are ways to protect your face and get the value.

    Crazed Netherwing - 5 - The dev team is really piling on the outrageously high value dragons in this set. Thank Yogg the Abyssal Enforcer rotates out!

    Nether Breath - 4 - Ah, hot dragon breath to the face. What could be better? Oh, right, lifestealing from said face. We know the dragon synergy is going to be there (at least for this rotation) so this has a good chance of being an 8 point flip for 2 mana.

    Zul'Drak Ritualist - 4 - Sleeper alert! Unless DoD brings a 1 mana poisonous minion, this card is looking pretty strong. Very cheap for the stats and the list of 1 drops isn't a group that will take out a 9 health minion. Great for those lame AF big priests in wild, too.

    Abyssal Summoner - 3 - It'll have its moments, no doubt. But arena is not a place where you can lifetap with impunity. Too much time drawing while not developing a board is a fast track to an early arena exit.

    Amber Watcher - 5 - This feels like Anyfin/Everyfin... Shaman will get some total shitbird dragon. Heavy sigh. I long for a time where Shaman gets the good stuff and doesn't suck in arena. At least I'm not bitter.

    Camouflaged Dirigible - 3 - Has the making of a seriously strong card... in constructed. Guess how many mechs are currently in the draft pool for the next rotation. I'll take the under. :D

    Hot Air Balloon - 3 - There are worse 1 drop minions. They get worse scores than a 3.

  • AbusingKel's Avatar
    HearthStationeer 785 294 Posts Joined 02/02/2019
    Posted 4 years, 5 months ago

    Dragonrider Talritha - 4 - 3/3 for 3 is ok without a recipient for the deathrattle and it sure seems like there will be plenty of dragons available from this set to go along with lots from Blackrock. Some great neutrals and class dragons coming in for Paladin. List here

    Shu'ma - 3 - Persistent board re-population looks scary but the 1 attack makes it pretty toothless and easy to kill. I'm interested to see it in action but doubt anyone will ever draft it to find out.

    Envoy of Lazul - 3 - A solid card but it's not as easy to guess right in arena as it is in constructed.

    Secure the Deck - 4 - It's cheap enough that the tempo loss isn't terrible and the payoff for something you'll end up doing at some point through the game is pretty good. A quick, cheap, 6 point swing could very well be the game winner.

    Clear the Way - 3 - If we see more rush support for hunter in this set, I'll be scoring this better. Again, not a big concern with the cheap tempo but it's harder to meet this criteria than it is attacking with Druid. Springpaw and Amani War Bear are back, though, so there are good options already available. Very draft dependent.

  • AbusingKel's Avatar
    HearthStationeer 785 294 Posts Joined 02/02/2019
    Posted 4 years, 5 months ago

    Finally, the Savagery buff we've always wanted! :D

    In reply to Secure the Deck
  • AbusingKel's Avatar
    HearthStationeer 785 294 Posts Joined 02/02/2019
    Posted 4 years, 5 months ago

    The dragons are powerful, as they should be in an game because dragons are awesome. Without seeing it in play even once, I'd say Emerald Explorer needs an arena nerf. :D

    Right now the sample size is small but the commons are very strong. Whenever we see lots of strong, common cards in a set, it translates to a big shakeup for the arena meta. 

    I'm very curious to see if the set gets balanced out with more reveals. 

  • AbusingKel's Avatar
    HearthStationeer 785 294 Posts Joined 02/02/2019
    Posted 4 years, 6 months ago

    DoD AbusingKel's Rankings



    Ancharrr - 3 - Highly variable score for this, as it could be insane value if your draft supports it. There are some very good, common and rare pirates in the rotation so it'll have it's moments for sure.

    Bandersmosh - 4 - There's certainly big upside, but there are enough lousy legendary minions for it to get a slight decrease in score. Plus it's a tease as a top deck if you have to play it as a vanilla 5/5.

    Chenvaala - 4 - Playing 3 spells in one turn isn't easy, though mage can pull it off better than most. It's strong as a stand alone 2/5 for 3 and has the elemental tag so it looks solid to me.

    Deathwing, Mad Aspect - 5 - Massive stats for the cost and it can be used as a board wipe. The downside (hitting your own minions) is easily mitigated by trading first and that improves your chances of making this big body stick after it finishes off the remaining board.

    Dragonbane - 5 - Obviously not something you want to play on curve but it's still a solid vanilla if you're forced to do so. This is a persistent ability… and an incredibly strong one. Really cool card and concept.

    Dragonqueen Alexstrasza - 4 - Chances are decent that you'll have thinned out duplicates by the time you get her in hand and have the mana to play her. If you can draft a highlander deck she's clearly a 5. Even if you get 2x Faerie Dragon you are dropping a big board with an 8/8 and two 3/2 dragons.

    Dragonrider Talritha - 4 - 3/3 for 3 is ok without a recipient for the deathrattle and it sure seems like there will be plenty of dragons available from this set to go along with lots from Blackrock. Some great neutrals and class dragons coming in for Paladin. List here. 

    Flik Skyshiv - 5 - Remove a minion and develop your board. Great card. It's unlikely you'll worry too much about losing your own copy(s) because the threat on the board is always the more pressing issue.

    Frizz Kindleroost - 5 - Conditional score since it's going to be awesome with the next rotation but could drop precipitously if the spring rotation reduces the pool of dragons.

    Goru the Mightree - 4 - The taunt body for the cost is good. There's not really enough treant support but even one or two cards that generate them will make this very good value.

    Malygos, Aspect of Magic - 4 - Very powerful card. Upgrade spells look good (until I get all garbage options) and the 8 health makes it a solid trader. There's no guarantee you'll have the dragon support in your draft so it's a slight downgrade in the score b/c it's a big hit to the value if you don't get the battlecry.

    Mindflayer Kaahrj - 5 - Great value even with a medium minion but it's crazy good if you can get a really high value minion out of the deathrattle.

    Murozond the Infinite - 5 - Add it to the list of reasons to hate priest. Yet another broken card but at least it's a legendary so it shouldn't be too prevalent.

    Nithogg - 2 - Wow… remember when I called a Anyfin/Everyfin comparison on Amber Watcher? Yeah, this is a legendary that sucks hard compared to that common. Blizz please. 0/3 eggs that aren't deathrattle, but instead need to survive until your next turn. QQ

    Nozdormu the Timeless - 5 - Stupid good card, especially since you drop this massive body THEN it resets your mana to play more around it. This will feel alot like an on curve flappy bird back in Un'Goro.

    Sathrovarr - 4 - Some chance to be unplayable since you must have at least a decent minion to copy. With the cards we've seen released already, it's likely you've got something viable to target, though.

    Shu'ma - 3 - Persistent board re-population looks scary but the 1 attack makes it pretty toothless and easy to kill. I'm interested to see it in action but doubt anyone will ever draft it to find out.

    Valdris Felgorge - 5 - Incredible value. Massive powercreep on Sprint that brings a fun new element to constructed. Cool card.

    Veranus - 5 - Insanely powerful in a class that tends to have decent swarm capability to take down the now-1-health minions.

    Waxadred - 5 - All these legendary dragons are insane. Low cost, high stats, powerful abilities. Old Waxie is right on par with the other class dragons.

    Ysera, Unleashed - 4 - The on-drawn dragons are a huge tempo gain but it's a delayed return and is random. Still, this will provide some trollden moments when players flip 3-4 huge dragons to start their turn.

    Zzeraku the Warped - 5 - The lack of initiative is easily overcome if you are simply patient enough (or not so far behind) that you play this on 10 and have a mean board with the upside to spawn more. Sick.


    Blowtorch Saboteur - 4 - 3/4 for 3 has been the stud stats for a while now. A little disruption to boot.

    Chromatic Egg - 2 - The high cost and big tempo loss will be brutal even for a big cheat on the end value. It'll be playable for classes than can quickly hatch it, bad in decks that can't, and probably broken in constructed (especially warlock).

    Cumulo-Maximus - 5 - A really strong card for an archtype that will probably still be mediocre in constructed. In arena, there are plenty of good cards that have overload to ensure you get this 5 point blast.

    Dark Skies - 1 - Hot garbage, even in constructed.

    Dread Raven - 4 - The 3 mana 3/4 has always been a great one for arena and this comes with an upside that's increased in arena where you could get 3 or more copies.

    Embiggen - 4 - I want to see it in action. On first glance, it looks like a card you love to get early with a mulligan that can keep tempo. Mid to late game it is a solid play to bump the value of everything you draw. Interesting… I could see it being terrible or great, so it probably will be conditional enough to warrant a downgrade.

    Envoy of Lazul - 3 - A solid card but it's not as easy to guess right in arena as it is in constructed.

    Grizzled Wizard - 4 - Interesting card. Basically, it's a solid, aggresive 2 drop that can give you a nice double dip into hero powers later in the game. Should prove to be pretty good.

    Kobold Stickyfinger - 3 - Very unique and cool card. Ok in arena, especially if warrior gets a boost from the dragons it brings back and pushes for a more frequent presence.

    Lightforged Crusader - 3 - You'd have to draft sub-optimal cards and even then you'd be highly unlikely to get all class cards. As Boozor already mentioned, it's a War Golem wrapped in Paldin yellow.

    Necrium Apothecary - 4 - Draft dependent so it can't get a 5. Decent stats for a card that draws and gains an ability.

    Mana Giant - 4 - Big vanilla minion that can be triggered pretty easily with the amount of discover in the game.

    Ramming Speed - 3 - A nice way to remove 1 of 2 big minions but it isn't reliable if 3 or minions are on board.

    Rolling Fireball - 5 - Really cool concept. I love unique entries into the card pool. Imagine how giddy you'll be if someone plays 7 wide and you can control the direction and really wreck a board.

    Sanctuary - 2 - It looks lousy but the reward is really high value for the cost and there's no stopping a quest. It'll have to be alongside some bad cards to draft it but there are ways to protect your face and get the value.

    Secure the Deck - 4 - It's cheap enough that the tempo loss isn't terrible and the payoff for something you'll end up doing at some point through the game is pretty good. A quick, cheap, 6 point swing could very well be the game winner.

    Skyfin - 3 - With the number of dragons in the rotation it should prove easy to trigger. With the variable results in the murloc pool, it probably won't feel worth the potential unreliability.

    Stormhammer - 5 - Top score only for this rotation. It shouldn't be too hard to get at least 1 extra swing and you'll likely get more.

    Tentacled Menace - 3 - Decent body but the ability is too volatile and could easily be the key to your opponent's victory.

    Toxic Reinforcements - 1 - Spend 1 mana to lose tempo in order to gain (some time later in the game) 3 minions you wouldn't draft, in a format where using your hero power is even more tempo lost.

    Transmogrifier - 4 - As with Bandersmosh, there are enough bad legendary minions to dilute the upside. Add in the fact that you could downgrade the card draw if it's one of your late game baddies, and I think there's enough not to like that I could downgrade the score to a 3.

    Wyrmrest Purifier - 3 - Again a very volatile result. In general, class cards are better than their neutral counterparts but it's not an even trade based on cost. Turning all those sick DoD dragons into weenies would suck.


    Aeroponics - 3 - 5 mana for 3 cards is hefty, and there's no way to be sure you'll have treants to trigger it.

    Arcane Breath - 5 - Again a score that is rotation specific, since there will be a ton of dragons to support this for a full rotation. This is likely to be a very broken card.

    Bad Luck Albatross - 5 - Hahaha… what an awesome card. Mess with opponents draw and it has great stats. Common rarity means we'll likely be seeing lots of it on both sides.

    Breath of Dreams - 2 - Constructed ramp druid has always been a personal favorite and I'm excited to build a full blow dragon version. In constructed. In arena, it's a bad card unless you've got a ton of dragons and can snag this late in the draft.

    Breath of the Infinite - 5 - Ugh. Another set, another top board wipe for priest. Thanks Team 5.

    Clear the Way - 3 - If we see more rush support for hunter in this set, I'll be scoring this better. Again, not a big concern with the cheap tempo but it's harder to meet this criteria than it is attacking with Druid. Springpaw and Amani War Bear are back, though, so there are good options already available. Very draft dependent.

    Crazed Netherwing - 5 - The dev team is really piling on the outrageously high value dragons in this set. Thank Yogg the Abyssal Enforcer rotates out!

    Chronobreaker - 5 - Busted. Deathrattle at least gives you a chance to deal with it and trade favorably, but more often than not this will wreck the board, one way or the other.

    Cobalt Spellkin - 4 - Better in some classes but all 9 have a reasonably good pool of 1 cost spells for this rotation. Solid value.

    Depth Charge - 1 - The rare times you pull this off will be hysterical. But very, very rare.

    Diving Gryphon - 5 - Solid removal piece that will pull another rush minion. Very strong, and we've seen time and again that the dev team puts together a theme for each hero in a new set so rush should be well supported now that we've seen a few.

    Dragoncaster - 3 - The upside is undeniable, but you need to have this plus another dragon and a spell in hand. That spell also needs to be playable or you may be playing it in a sub-optimal way. May play well but it looks too unreliable to me.

    Dragon Breeder - 4 - Solid 2 mana play with an upside that can be a game changer.

    Dragon's Hoard - 4 - A narrowed-pool version of Hallucination that should yield a very strong minion.

    Dragonmaw Poacher - 5 - Wowza… this is an auto draft knowing how many dragons we'll be seeing. Absolute punisher.

    Elemental Allies - 1 - Too many conditions to reliably make it work.

    Faceless Corruptor - Found our Flappy Bird! Totally over the top value. Any small or damaged minion can work to trade then you've got a pair of 5/4 bodies for 5 mana. Oof.

    Hoard Pillager - 3 - Weak body but the fact that it equips the weapon will always make up the cost. Would have to be late in a draft or you can't take the risk unless you're rogue.

    Lightforged Zealot - 1 - Lots of fun in constructed but it's trash for arena. As with Lightforged Crusader, you'll have little chance to draft an all-class deck.Lightning Breath - 4 - Already a decent cost for the damage and the upside is a board flipping effect.

    Molten Breath - 3 - Warrior has strong removal options and the armor gain is never a game changer. Good card but nothing spectacular.

    Nether Breath - 4 - Ah, hot dragon breath to the face. What could be better? Oh, right, lifestealing from said face. We know the dragon synergy is going to be there (at least for this rotation) so this has a good chance of being an 8 point flip for 2 mana.

    Phase Stalker - 3 - Most likely a vanilla 2/3 for 2. The beast tag and ability are a decent bonus and it'll be a nice tempo piece in decks that get secrets to support it.

    Righteous Cause - 3 - In a class that can swarm well, it's not terrible. Controlling it to buff more than 1 or 2 minions may be too difficult. Crazy good in constructed wild, though.

    Skybarge - 3 - A beefier, class version of Ship's Cannon, which was also unreliable since you can't ensure you'll have enough pirates to make use of the ability.

    Sky Claw - 4 - 3/4 stats for 3 mana if your opponent can kill it right away. If they can't it's a 5/4 for 3 that has the potential to get even meaner if you have some more mechs.

    Storm's Wrath - 3 - Nice for a class with zero attack totems as the hero power but only viable in drafts that support a swarm strategy.

    Stowaway - 2 - Not sure the support will be there. This looks like a buff to Academic Research constructed decks.

    Treenforcements - 4 - 1 mana 2/2 or a nice buff plus taunt. Versatility is a good thing.

    Zul'Drak Ritualist - 4 - Sleeper alert! Unless DoD brings a 1 mana poisonous minion, this card is looking pretty strong. Very cheap for the stats and the list of 1 drops isn't a group that will take out a 9 health minion. Great for those lame AF big priests in wild, too.


    Abyssal Summoner - 3 - It'll have its moments, no doubt. But arena is not a place where you can lifetap with impunity. Too much time drawing while not developing a board is a fast track to an early arena exit.

    Amber Watcher - 5 - This feels like Anyfin/Everyfin… Shaman will get some total shitbird dragon. Heavy sigh. I long for a time where Shaman gets the good stuff and doesn't suck in arena. At least I'm not bitter.

    Azure Explorer - 4 - Discovering a dragon is great but the tempo loss hurts and the spell damage boost is generally irrelevant.

    Big Ol' Whelp - 5 - Totally blows up the previous cost ratio of cantrips. Powercreep special with the dragon tag included.

    Blazing Battlemage - 4 - A great way to start a match.

    Bloodsail Flybooter - 4 - Good pirate pool and this will allow rogue to continue triggering combos and pirate synergies.

    Bronze Explorer - 5 - Broken. Triggers all the dragon synergy and kicks a discovered dragon to your hand to trigger more. And lifesteal… because it wasn't already awesome as a 2/3 tribe discover. I have always tinkered with dragon pal and will enjoy what he can put together in wild constructed now.

    Camouflaged Dirigible - 3 - Has the making of a seriously strong card… in constructed. Guess how many mechs are currently in the draft pool for the next rotation. I'll take the under. :D

    Candle Breath - 3 - Decent card draw that requires a trigger to be as good as Arcane Intellect.

    Corrosive Breath - 3 - Decent but without the trigger it's just a average card.

    Dwarven Sharpshooter - 5 - Stud 1/3 for 1. I thought the dev team realized long ago that stud 1 drops were a bad thing for the game?

    Emerald Explorer - 5 - Wow. Prepare to face a ton of these. This is Spikeridged Steed level busted.

    Evasive Chimaera - 4 - More powercreep. Getting a little stupid. Should be an easy trade up.

    Evasive Drakonid - 5 - Great card. Big bodied game stalling nuisance that we will see plenty of as a common.

    Evasive Feywing - 4 - Can't be targeted is a good arena ability and this carries the dragon tag to trigger all the bonkers stuff coming in.

    Evasive Wyrm - 5 - Crazy. Evasive should just be the keyword. Anyway, this card is so much strong than previous rush entries.

    EVIL Quartermaster - 5 - Maybe the insane number of dragons will make lackeys feel a bit underwhelming and make me rethink this score.

    Fire Hawk - 3 - Better on curve than late. The ele tag and the sheer volume of discover / cantrip / kickback effects might prove me wrong, though.

    Goboglide Tech - 3 - Mech pool doesn't support it being more than a vanilla 3/3 for 3 for this rotation.

    Grave Rune - 4 - In a value class like priest, I think this will perform well. Maybe to variable to score this high but most drafts will support pulling this off.

    Gyrocopter - 4 - Strong removal piece as a neutral. Upside is great if your opponent can't immediately handle it.

    Hippogryph - 4 - Really strong stats and abilities at this cost. Another powercreep special. Must be the December set. O.o

    Hot Air Balloon - 3 - There are worse 1 drop minions. They get worse scores than a 3.

    Learn Draconic - 2 - Spells aren't always easy to come by in arena so the draft has to support this. It's cheap for a 6/6 some time later in the game but the tempo loss will hurt. I can definitely see this becoming an auto-pick if it finds its way into the bottom bucket, though.

    Living Dragonbreath - 4 - 3/4 for 3 with ele tag. Thank goodness constructed finally gets the counter to Moorabi!

    Parachute Brigand - 3 - Average stats that will probably be great in rogue drafts but that's it.

    Platebreaker - 3 - Most likely a vanilla card. Love that they finally had the cajones to print this card, though.

    Primordial Explorer - 5 - Poisionous minions have always been excellent in arena. This one has a tremendous upside and is a common. Scary little fella…

    Rain of Fire - 3 - Damage to all is generally good in warlock. Ping is always good and this can set up some other pieces of the class's aresnal.

    Sand Breath - 4 - Solid buff that requires the trigger to be a big impact. Still a very good card as a low-cost way to trade favorably.

    Scalerider - 4 - Another easy to trigger ability with the incoming dragons.

    Shrubadier - 4 - Good balance and brings some treant synergy and is in a class that can swarm and buff. Probably going to see lots of these as a common.

    Sky Raider - 5 - Slightly better than 50/50 you'll get a very good pirate and gives warrior a chance at a sick start with Parachute Brigand. Will we get some wondercoding that allows the Raider to rng the Brigand to your hand and then summon it? Tune in Tuesday to find out!

    Squallhunter - 5 - Love this art! Excellent stats and shaman has a decent chance at taking advantage of the spell damage.

    Strength in Numbers - 3 - Easy to reach the goal and it could be a huge tempo gain. Will be a feelsbadman when you get a crap dice roll and pull a small minion.

    Surging Tempest - 4 - 1/3 for 1 with upside makes it one of the few 1 drops you actually want. Strong start to any match if you can get it in mulligan and still offers upside later with the ele & overload synergy.

    Tasty Flyfish - 3 - Average but (not to belabor the point) it should be easy to gain the triggered buff.

    Troll Batrider - 5 - Very strong. Should fit in a sweet spot with the cost/body/damage and be very effective.

    Twin Tyrant - 5 - Bonkers. The dragons are looking crazy strong and this one can easily flip a board. As a common.

    Whispers of EVIL - 3 - Lackeys are solid but the majority come from a battlecry, leaving a body on the board. Not sure I see the value in drafting this for priest.

    Wing Commander - 3 - Meh. Easy to get the extra attack but it tips your hand in the process.


  • AbusingKel's Avatar
    HearthStationeer 785 294 Posts Joined 02/02/2019
    Posted 4 years, 6 months ago

    9/9 since October(ish) 2017. The new patch kicked me the new Priest, Paladin, and Shaman (which I love!) and the others are 900 or more, except for Warlock at 800. Should be a fun few months getting the rest. Might take a while since life has made my game time much more scarce over the last few months. 


  • AbusingKel's Avatar
    HearthStationeer 785 294 Posts Joined 02/02/2019
    Posted 4 years, 6 months ago

    26 minutes is my best. Madame Lazul is fast b/c you can cheese out Convincing Infiltrator. I take extra copies of that in loot choices and also take the Mirror card - and promptly use all "copy & add to deck" chances on Infiltrator. Taking empty loot boxes is always a good choice, too. 

    In reply to Doom in Tomb speed
  • AbusingKel's Avatar
    HearthStationeer 785 294 Posts Joined 02/02/2019
    Posted 4 years, 6 months ago
    Quote From illidan333

    If you use Duplitransmorgifyre on it, it will show up in future runs and other heros as well. I believe it is either a bug or a hidden Easter egg

    That's pretty interesting. Seems like an intentional Easter Egg, given the all caps "FOREVER" in the card text. 

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    HearthStationeer 785 294 Posts Joined 02/02/2019
    Posted 4 years, 6 months ago

    I was able to get Glinda and the treasure that reduced my minion cost by 1, making my best friend an (extremely slow) OTK. One of the games where I got to play the combo featured the (most fun treasure ever!) Wondrous Wonderball popping up and turning my already 10/10 BFF into a random legendary, forcing me to play the damn thing 40 MORE times out of hand for the OTK. 

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    HearthStationeer 785 294 Posts Joined 02/02/2019
    Posted 4 years, 8 months ago
    Quote From aceperson

    this format seems stupid to me. a good player would just shield the deck that has a high winrate against each opponent. i feel like this is going to reduce the amount of good games we get to see.

    Everyone shields CW and the tourney is resident sleeper again. Lmao ...

    Now I'm really curious to see how it works out. 

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    HearthStationeer 785 294 Posts Joined 02/02/2019
    Posted 4 years, 8 months ago

    For me, it varies. Some ideas just stick in my brain and I will spend a lot of time trying to make it work. Quest Hunter (The Marsh Queen) was a deck I had a ton of fun working on and playing regularly with Prince Keleseth. It was a pretty weak deck but crazy fun since Prince K didn't have to be high-roll mulligan. Dropping him AFTER you played Queen Carnassa was insane value. 

    Other deck ideas where I feel like I'm a genius who had an epiphany get trounced and I immediately realize it was a flawed concept so I move on after 4-6 games. 

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    HearthStationeer 785 294 Posts Joined 02/02/2019
    Posted 4 years, 8 months ago

    A healthy outlet for frustration is a good thing. 

    In reply to Remove Salt Thread
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    HearthStationeer 785 294 Posts Joined 02/02/2019
    Posted 4 years, 8 months ago

    The content team is really doing awesome work! It's great to hear the positive feedback each time a new article gets published. Very impressive stuff. :)

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