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Dragon Scholar
Joined 07/29/2019 Achieve Points 1890 Posts 5544

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  • dapperdog's Avatar
    Dragon Scholar 1890 5544 Posts Joined 07/29/2019
    Posted 1 week, 3 days ago

    I fully symphatize with your decision to let go of hearthstone because if I have to be perfectly honest the game has gone stale for quite some time now, and it always seem to me like its hanging on the edges of being let go. All that was needed was a slight nudge, and blizzard duly provided it when they raised the quest requirements for weeklies.

    For my own part, Im staying for now. I play enough hearthstone that the increases in quest requirements dont really affect me, and if Im feeling particularly unmotivated to play hearthstone I'll play a few busted decks in wild (being in bronze rank, getting wins there is very nearly automatic) just to get the quests done quickly.

    Just a small comment, I find it a bit surprising is how much stick that 'play 32 miniature cards' is getting when in reality playing 75 battlecry cards and 750 mana is far more time consuming than even the 'win 10 games' could ever muster.


    But I do worry for hearthstone's future. Its not likely to get any better; the game is not really evolving so much as it is just repeating itself but at a higher power level. The game is getting progressively more expensive to have fun in, and hearthstone being what it is, its fairly time consuming even for aggro players.

    In my opinion, hearthstone may need a reset button. Either retiring cards, scaling back the power level substantially, or simply just making hearthstone 2. All of those require great amounts of planning and manpower, and Im not optimitic that it'll ever happen. More likely hearthstone succumbs to a slow death, Im not exactly sure whether I'll be happy to be released or sad that one of my hobbies just go bust.

  • dapperdog's Avatar
    Dragon Scholar 1890 5544 Posts Joined 07/29/2019
    Posted 1 month ago

    My take on the changes;


    Shroomscavate and deputization aura effectively got nuked, because I cant see them see any play for their effects anymore. Its is really kind of funny, how shroomscavate doesnt really have any shaman connections anymore and is now just a vanilla exacavate card. Probably one of the weakest excavate card now.

    Other nerfs are fine. Odyn needed a nerf because if it wasnt it'll probably continue to dominate warrior decks until it rotates. Im not exactly sure how anything can rock it off warrior's boat, except printing out more and more disgustingly powerful cards because at its base Odyn is just the perfect warrior card.

    Aftershocks though, a bit of a hard nerf just because it does well with drawing. Effectively this card is just trash now, because  there's simply much better clear tools than this.

  • dapperdog's Avatar
    Dragon Scholar 1890 5544 Posts Joined 07/29/2019
    Posted 1 month, 1 week ago

    Certain things shouldve been addressed, like ticking module which seems almost an auto pick for nearly any and all zilliax. But Im less happy about the nerfs for paladin. All they needed to do is just remove windfury from shroomscavate. Even the plushy nerf seems like a nerf candidate simply because it has been performing well but not in consideration for what it offers the class.

    Other nerfs;

    - Awakening tremors might see the tokens be 3/1s. Any mana nerf here will immediately nuke the card

    - Thrall's gift will almost certainly remove lightning bolt from the list of selections. Its quite funny actually how easily shaman just OTK people with some of the cheapest deck ever because of the easy availability of damage spells.

    - Odyn will be nerfed to 9. I cant see how team5 can balance it other than increasing its mana cost.

    - Aftershocks will likely cost 3 after discounts.

  • dapperdog's Avatar
    Dragon Scholar 1890 5544 Posts Joined 07/29/2019
    Posted 1 month, 3 weeks ago

    Prob the same as double brann on board. Literally just trigger twice.

  • dapperdog's Avatar
    Dragon Scholar 1890 5544 Posts Joined 07/29/2019
    Posted 1 month, 3 weeks ago

    Its not and probably never have been curated lets be honest. The achievements from the very beginning is easily 95% grind, some of them being so egregious that its indefensible. The one that require us to use the locations 150 times is one of the worst I have in memory.

    Far as Im concerned, this is 100% a good move from team5.

  • dapperdog's Avatar
    Dragon Scholar 1890 5544 Posts Joined 07/29/2019
    Posted 1 month, 3 weeks ago

    Ive played a variation of BBU, even BBF, before which focuses on handbuff. Its okay, but the reason why it could never be anything more than a niche tier 3 deck is because its either too slow, or you run out of stuff too quickly. Not to mention that against control decks its a nightmare, which is why I gave up trying to make the deck work.

    Youre right about zombietank being a good add there, because the taunt makes up a bit for the slowness, but Im still not convinced it'll be a deck. Maybe rotation would make it more viable. We'll see.

  • dapperdog's Avatar
    Dragon Scholar 1890 5544 Posts Joined 07/29/2019
    Posted 1 month, 3 weeks ago

    DK has a hero card, so that's the top in terms of power level for this class. Unfortunately, not so much for the other cards.


    Dr. Stitchensew - How this works is presumably that the 5 cost minion will spawn the 3 cost etc. So essentially this is one extremely sticky minion that will always guarantee something on board at the end of next turn. Ive no real problem with this card other than redundancy, because most DK decks prob dont need stuff like this outside of maybe unholy DK. Just as a comparison point, when Obsidian Revenant was revealed I was pretty hyped because I thought that card was the apex of what can be done with extremely sticky minions, and that card had taunt with a better statline. That card saw zero play.

    The one good thing about this card. Its undead and therefore works well with Sinister Soulcage, making it perhaps impossible to ignore.

    Rainbow Seamstress - If ever there's a DK card thats blatantly a rainbow rune card without being tagged as such. Its worthless outside of rainbow, the bonus effect is simply not gonna cut it. You can put it in plague DK like some sort of psuedo Restless Mummy, and that's about it. Quite excellent in rainbow DK though Im not sure what you'll remove from that deck to fit this in.

    Silk Stitching - Poor card in so many respect that its baffling. Seems like what you get if youre desperate for a discover spell card. Need a target to work, need the target to die before working, and then the spell it cast is targeted at random. How much further downhill can this card go?

    Threads of Despair - The best board clear DK might ever receive. A shame that it'll also destroy your side of the board, but this is a 1 mana card that wipes the board most of the time. There's simply no reason this card wouldnt see play in competitive at some point.

    Rambunctious Stuffy - The only thing keeping this little pup from ruling the world is the lack of frost spells.

    Shambling Zombietank - One of the weirdest cards Ive ever seen printed. Its almost like its entirely here just to spend corpses and yet because it has taunt and the effect is to give you another taunt, you simply cannot deny that in the late game it'll buff up your Climactic Necrotic Explosion and present two taunts to protect your face.

    Can just play it in the early game for a 3/2 on board. Though admitably it bricks in the midgame since you'll much rather be saving corpses for Corpse Bride or Malignant Horror

  • dapperdog's Avatar
    Dragon Scholar 1890 5544 Posts Joined 07/29/2019
    Posted 1 month, 3 weeks ago

    The main bit about reno is arcane shots, which practically enables them to play way more cards than they perhaps should be able to. Doesnt even need to be a reno deck, because Ive seen priest draw their entire deck fairly convincingly. It worked with warrior, it would in my opinion work with priest as well.

    With hedanis, you'd need quite a lot of stuff to happen for the combo to work consistently, whereas for reno its really just playing one card. Even if youre not on arcane shots, getting a few hp out is still good value for a control deck.

    The current overheal priest is good enough in my opinion, doesnt need raza or Papercraft Angel for it to work properly.

  • dapperdog's Avatar
    Dragon Scholar 1890 5544 Posts Joined 07/29/2019
    Posted 1 month, 3 weeks ago

    Right, hunter cards. My general opinion is that hunter is not going to have a very fun expansion coming up next. Cute cards though :)


    Hemet, Foam Marksman - Well well. This is the sort of card thats supposed to be broken as fuck. Basically a card that gives you good reload, at discounted prices, hemet himself is a mere 5 mana. So what's the issue here? Let's start with the most obvious: the condition is nigh impossible to do against control decks, and against everything else it prob wouldnt or shouldnt matter even if you manage to get value out of hemet.

    So you play R.C. Rampage on 4 and cross fingers. There's just no other cheap beast around with rush so you can at very least get something out of this. Ironically, hunter has often gotten tokens with rush in expansions without any further support, and here's an expansion where those rushing beast would have been useful and they're just not here.

    Mystery Egg - Unironically the best hunter card this expansion. Get a copy of a beast and make it cost 5 less. That's about as good as it gets. And you get to do it again.

    R.C. Rampage - Seriously. Why dont the tokens have rush. Just summon 4 beast with rush with this thing, it wouldnt be anywhere near broken, and it'll make hemet a ton better. As it stands, it just a shit card that you pray a hail mary for.

    Patchwork Pals - What the hell is this card. Animal companions for 2 mana is good. But really, this is hearthstone 2024 where even hunter are expected to have tons of reload. Where does this even get to? At best this is just 4 mana to deal a quick 4 damage to face.

    Toyrannosaurus - Brief mention that I like the signature art. As a card though, absolute trash in competitive.

    Remote Control - Plenty of cards like these have worked. Carving Chisel, Umberwing etc. No reason for this not to work as well.


    So, not looking too good for hunter. Think hunter may need a little boost, because I cant see the class being very popular outside of gold ranks.

  • dapperdog's Avatar
    Dragon Scholar 1890 5544 Posts Joined 07/29/2019
    Posted 1 month, 3 weeks ago

    Shocked and saddened. One of the few Japanese artist whos style is truly unique, almost a perfect cross between anime and western designs.

    Hopefully his legacy is respected and finally allow some closure to his work.

  • dapperdog's Avatar
    Dragon Scholar 1890 5544 Posts Joined 07/29/2019
    Posted 1 month, 3 weeks ago

    So once again we're doing this, mage gets yet another two casino cards that will unironically be viable to make everyone's life a tiny bit more miserable.


    The Galactic Projection Orb - This card is basically Magister Dawngrasp. It'll do some token chip damage, raise a few minions for you and may completely shift the board in your favor. Not much else to comment on aside from the fact that it'll likely see play in most mage decks. I hope to dear god that team5 have made this card undiscoverable, because it'll not be fun to see this card more than once per game.

    Yogg in the Box - Its yogg, it'll see play. It might also be good enough in competitive, or perhaps more likely it might dominate this specific expansion due to the smaller spell pool. Imagine this card casting the galactic orb which then proceed to cast another yogg box. Im sure this interaction is not possible, right team5?

    Watercolor Artist - Would actually have been OP if it werent for the fact that its very specifically frost spells and there isnt really any OP frost spells right now.

    Manufacturing Error - Created entirely for spell mage, and is basically Skull of Gul'dan without the outcast requirement.

    Sleet Skater - It looks good, but in reality its likely not better than Arcane Artificer in games where gaining armor matters. If youre going up against an aggro deck this card wouldnt gain you significant armor, and against midrange-value decks it might gain you a good deal of armor but likely it wouldnt matter. Youd much rather just slam a 1/3 that must be killed on the early turns rather than rely on a 5 mana card that stalls one minion.

    But admitably, if the meta shifts to big minions then this card is quite insane, being able to essentially stall two turns + gain tons of armor.

  • dapperdog's Avatar
    Dragon Scholar 1890 5544 Posts Joined 07/29/2019
    Posted 1 month, 3 weeks ago

    Oh yes, priest getting some seemingly toxic cards, let's see what we can make out;


    Raza the Resealed - This card is absolutely trash...if it weren't for the fact that reno's arcane bullets exists. Fact of the matter is, being able to refresh hp is just not very useful unless you can cheapen it. And having no real method of doing so other than Papercraft Angel means that for the most part it'll never realistically matter.

    Unfortunately, all that changes once you reno up. The moment the random hp turns to arcane bullets you practically just win the game. Because with papercraft angel you can legit just play your entire deck, with only the unreliable rope timer being the main issue. If I have to be honest, it'll prob end up with reno getting nerfed because no one wants to lose to an rng fest that leaves you helpless as your opponent plays their entire deck.

    Timewinder Zarimi - So we're giving bronze dragons to priest as well now?  Is there a reason why this isnt at least an infinite dragonflight? Oh well. Is this broken? Well yes. Gaining one extra turn with no questions asked is absolutely insane, with a paltry condition. So what's on the cards? 0 mana giants for lethal? No, it'll be in a reno deck that'll likely just kill you as you watch your life slowly drain away for two consecutive turns while your opponent emotes with every card played.

    Fly Off the Shelves - Ive no idea why team5 decided that this should be a one sided board clear. So we can play midrange dragon priest? Well, at least it is a board clear, because priest really needs a few more post rotation.

    Scale Replica - Decent card draw option. Only comment I have is to point out that this is the level where we're at right now. Drawing two cards for two mana is apparently the standard these days. Used to be incredibly OP just over two years ago.

    Careless Crafter - Love the card because of overheal support. Unfortunately it'll only predominately do two things in competitive. Draw you cards via Crimson Clergy or fuel for more hp to your face.

    Purifying Power - One of the weirdest cards to be released for priest. Its so difficult to imagine this seeing play and yet the effect is so unique it makes me wonder if team5 specifically design this card to be not only playable but influential, whether its now or the coming expansions.

    Its my own opinion that reno raza priest is going to be a hot thing once expansion starts, but I simply dont think it'll be as good as it seems. Maybe the odd game everything clicks and its the best deck in the world, but more likely priest simply dies way before they can pull out anything useful. There is a reason why reno decks right now isnt any good as I write this.

  • dapperdog's Avatar
    Dragon Scholar 1890 5544 Posts Joined 07/29/2019
    Posted 1 month, 3 weeks ago

    Oh boy pirates for rogue again, whatever could go wrong. Let's hope they dont become redundant for the next two years.


    Shoplifter Goldbeard - If you take off the mask you'd quickly realize what this really is. Its Mr. Smite, except shittier. Designed entirely to take advantage of the meager amount of useful pirates available in this expansion. So what can we do with this card? About the best you can hope for is sandbox scoundrel mini into Bargain Bin Buccaneer, or Watercannon after The Crystal Cove. Basically what Im trying to say is that this card is shit, only really playable assuming rogue has plenty of handbuffs, or otherwise somehow pirate rogue is so dominant that you'll slot this in because why not?

    Sonya Waterdancer - Its gonna be broken at some point in the next two years. Essentially this card allows rogue to double the effects of all their 1 mana cards. Fortunately draka is no longer in standard.

    Watercannon - The only thing I like about this card is that it has 3 durability and deals 9 damage over three turns.

    The Crystal Cove - Its patently obvious that the main usage of this card is to hit two things; Watercannon's token or Bargain Bin Buccaneer. However, will it be competitive, given that it has very nearly zero usage outside of those two cards? Well, this one takes playtesting, because when it does work it will seem broken as hell but when it doesnt its a brick in hand.

    Sandbox Scoundrel - Doesnt take a genius to see that this card is broken as hell. Not the card itself, the mini version. The scabbs comparison is not entirely fair, because scabbs costs 4 mana, whereas the mini version is a straight up unnerfed Innervate. Guess its good thing that draka and Sinstone Graveyard is rotating.


    Have to say, if rogue is playable at all, chances are good it wont be a pure pirate deck, because none of these presents a viable wincon, nor are they making me interested.


  • dapperdog's Avatar
    Dragon Scholar 1890 5544 Posts Joined 07/29/2019
    Posted 1 month, 4 weeks ago

    CCG has been done dirty in my opinion because it would have been a whole lot better as a battlecry. It'll go into a reno deck because why not. There's simply not that many cards in the next expansion due to rotation so CCG would be an easy pick if nothing else because of the lack of competition.

    Will it do loads though? Prob not.

  • dapperdog's Avatar
    Dragon Scholar 1890 5544 Posts Joined 07/29/2019
    Posted 1 month, 4 weeks ago

    Well, the leaked weapon was a fake, and instead we got Ci'Cigi. Here's my take on the dhunter cards;


    Magtheridon, Unreleased - Fine example of a card that's better left dormant than actually awake. Its not gonna be in every dhunter deck ever, because spending 8 mana to deal 3 damage to board is the kind of card that'll get you destroyed in games. Instead, you'll likely be playing it in decks that's very specifically trying to cheapen it, and then likely you'll want to keep it dormant for as long as possible. Umpire's Grasp very conveniently allows you to tutor and discount the cost.

    Ci'Cigi - I'll be honest, the card is flavourful but its also shite. Let's see what the many issues are; no vanilla stats, deathrattle, no taunt, and worse still the cards it grants you are OP...4 years ago. And to add the cherry on top, the cards are going towards your right, which means getting the cards outcasted are already a challenge in of itself.

    One of the cards Im firmly expecting team5 to buff at a later stage. As for now, its only hope is that tempo dhunter is back in the next meta because nothing else will make this card playable.

    Lesser Opal Spellstone - I'll prob never really draw you more than 2 cards in most games. The conditions are simply too difficult to accomplish quickly. You'll need very specifically windfury or Warglaives of Azzinoth to realistically make it work. Still, drawing 2 cards for 2 is within acceptable value for draw cards.

    Ball Hog - Probably going to be one of the most annoying cards to deal with. It practically heals you for 9 and removes two minions most of the time. Against an aggro deck, this card sets them back so far north they might as well concede.

    Window Shopper - Hitting magtheridon with this card and its mini version is just filthy. At least next expansion where the demon pool is limited, we can expect this card to see play, and probably going to be more tilting than it should actually be.

  • dapperdog's Avatar
    Dragon Scholar 1890 5544 Posts Joined 07/29/2019
    Posted 1 month, 4 weeks ago

    Yes I have and its really toxic as hell. But with the power level of hearthstone nowadays, unless its very specifically fitting to a combo its highly unlikely to cause trouble. We've come to a point where even a big minion for free on turn 5 with charge cannot realistically be enough to win the game.

    Skull was only really toxic because it enable cube shenanigans. Without cube it'll just be a good card.


    That is to say, if the leaks are real. May well be faked.

  • dapperdog's Avatar
    Dragon Scholar 1890 5544 Posts Joined 07/29/2019
    Posted 1 month, 4 weeks ago

    Shudderblock - I like how team5's solution to the toxic nature of shudderwock was to simply to make it impossible to OTK, theorectically. Unfortunately, Im sure there's something to exploit out of this card otherwise it'll just never see play. Im fairly convinced this will remain a contentious card for nerfs within the next two years.

    Hagatha the Fabled - It draws you two cards. That's about it. The main reason why shes 5 mana, and why her effect is actually tutoring two spells is to combine her effect with shudderblock. My guess on this card's competitive use: Its gonna have something to do with Wish Upon a Star

    [Hearthstone Card (Once upon a time…) Not Found] - The only thing good I have to say about this card is that its reload that comes a turn earlier than Pack the House, which is far better than this card. Realistically however, it'll never see play in competitive.

    Wish Upon a Star - On first glance, its too slow. But then when you think about what this card does, basically this gives you such an outsized advantage that you cannot help but feel it'll be worth it despite its cost. I'll say that it has a chance to see play, particularly with hagatha and shudderblock. Its a win con card, and as such should be respected.

    Sand Art Elemental - Gives you windfury. And you get to do it again. What's there not to like? Its basically gonna be winning you games

  • dapperdog's Avatar
    Dragon Scholar 1890 5544 Posts Joined 07/29/2019
    Posted 1 month, 4 weeks ago

    Big demons again, well we'll see if it'll work out this time.


    Game Master Nemsy - Great and all that, assuming you hit a big enough demon. But if I have to be honest, this card may actually end up getting nerfed because its basically Skull of the Man'ari all over again. You play this card, and your opponent either silences it or you get to set up a Doomguard lethal in like 2-3 turns. I would be shocked if the win rate of this card doesnt overshadow the entire deck to the point where victory hinges entirely on drawing nemsy before the doomguards.

    Cursed Campaign - Your combo piece for doomguard shenanigans. Yes they do go dormant, but unless your opponent renos it away, that's 10 damage to their face unless they set up taunts.

    Endgame - So your opponent thinks themselves smart. Kill the doomguard the same turn as nemsy and there you go, no more combo. Well, this card begs to differ. In fact, having the doomguard dead is entirely the gameplan for this end game. Another card which may end up being problematic because its just 2 mana to bring back very specifically either 5 damage to face or a massive Wretched Queen

    Table Flip - What else can be said other than the fact that it supports handlock, gives you a cheap 1-3 mana board clear.

    Wretched Queen - The card is excellent, but I feel its more likely to go into some sort of reno deck because 90% of the time youd much rather just play for a doomguard win con than stall.

  • dapperdog's Avatar
    Dragon Scholar 1890 5544 Posts Joined 07/29/2019
    Posted 2 months ago

    Paladin cards are a mismash of stuff, but we can clearly see heavy support for big pally.


    Pipsi Painthoof - Fits straight into big pally. Basically your opponent would be reluctant to pop this card but its highly unlikely they can escape from it forever. The only thing that really holds this card back is the fact that its a deathrattle and thus not necessarily going to fit into any other archetype. Using Dance Floor can help.

    Flash Sale - In many respects this card may actually just be better than Crusader Aura, though its best usage would be in big pally where you simply need some midrange support cards. Even if it does nothing more than spawn an annoyotron, that might just be sufficient to hold on until you bring out the bigger boys.

    Crafter's Aura - Looks good in theory but in practice its probably too slow for paladin. Even big pally cant use this thing and not risk death. Really does look like a card that got nerfed in design phase, because at 7 mana its really competing with so many other cards, not to mention that you dont actually get to control what you get. Makes more sense and looks better at 6 mana, and I suspect that it originally was designed at 6.

    Wind-Up Enforcer - You'll never play this card until team5 inevitably buffs it by giving it taunt.

    Painter's Virtue - If it didnt have lifesteal this card would only be a middling weapon that'll likely never see play. Well, its good that it does have lifesteal so now its a legit card that may actually be more competitive than it looks. Imagine being able to remove tempo, heal a bit back, and give your minions +1+1. A bit of a shame that most of the cards that buff your damage would be rotating though.


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    Dragon Scholar 1890 5544 Posts Joined 07/29/2019
    Posted 2 months ago

    Druid cards are fairly inbetween this time. Not obviously toxic, and yet sufficiently strong. We shall have to see whether they can actually survive in a meta without Nourish in it.


    Owlonius - Its a win con card but there's no more moonfire nor moonbeam. All you get is Sparkling Phial and Swipe, which technically is about 28 damage in total with +2 spell damage, which is achievable but you'd have to hold on to so many cards to make that happen. Im optimistic of the deck's chances, but obviously as with most druid decks we'd have to see it in practice to know if its viable.

    Sky Mother Aviana - A very strong card that can go either way. Grant you a few legendaries that can win you the game or a few duds that you'll never recover from. The thing about aviana is that you'll prob only play this in a value ramp deck, because this effectively thickens your deck so you get a bunch of cheap legendaries at the cost of making it more difficult to get to cards you actually put into your deck.

    Ensmallen - Ive no idea what exactly you'll do with this card. Seems to me that with Funnel Cake, Innervate, and Wind-Up Sapling, there's just so many ways to get more mana that this card really doesnt do much else other than extend a hypothetical advantage at a fairly expensive cost. Unlike Embiggen which clearly fits into midrange decks, what exactly is it that you'll want to do with this? Fact that it doesnt discount stuff in hand means even as a build around in a combo deck there's still the odd chance of this card turning into a brick.

    Jade Display - Nice throwback. Completely rubbish though. Cant help but feel team5 purposefully made this a deathrattle just so the deck not only becomes clunky but completely unreliable as a build around.

    Magical Dollhouse - Its funny because outside of lethal potential, what indeed is the druid cards that do well with spell damage? You'd want to keep Swipe because its your win con, and yet its practically the only thing that actually does stuff on board with spell damage. It'll see play for sure, assuming spell damage druid can be a thing, but Im struggling to see how druid uses up all 3 durability this card has.

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