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Joined 06/01/2019 Achieve Points 115 Posts 39

Deliguy's Comments

  • Deliguy's Avatar
    115 39 Posts Joined 06/01/2019
    Posted 3 years, 8 months ago

    Valdris Felgorge might compliment this. Warlock also being a class that wants big hand size, along with using spells and minions in Warlock. 

    The biggest problem with this minion is when it overfills your hand and kills your draw. Warlock has means of discarding cards to help that too. Just not sure what the right blend will be

  • Deliguy's Avatar
    115 39 Posts Joined 06/01/2019
    Posted 4 years ago

    I’m sure everyone can agree the concept of using the Librams for Paladins feels like a great fit as far as lore goes. Anyone else wondering if Librams could take the place of Secrets for Paladin eventually? Secrets for paladin always felt out of place in identity.

    I suppose one could argue secrets are meant to fit in more like Aura’s. But then why not simply design them as such. I’ve been wondering for a while why the paladin hero power couldn’t be an aura that can be changed by cards. Example Pay 2 mana whenever you summon minion this turn give it +1 health, pay 2 mana whenever you summon a minion this turn give it divine shield, etc

    In reply to Paladins and Librams
  • Deliguy's Avatar
    115 39 Posts Joined 06/01/2019
    Posted 4 years, 1 month ago

    Anyone else really happy you don’t have to scrub your card collection clean of germs? Just your ands and device :D

  • Deliguy's Avatar
    115 39 Posts Joined 06/01/2019
    Posted 4 years, 1 month ago

    Illidan and Gruul are both from classic. Maybe an emphasis on characters like this

  • Deliguy's Avatar
    115 39 Posts Joined 06/01/2019
    Posted 4 years, 1 month ago

    I’m gonna go with something related to the Stormreaver Clan. Gul’dan was the leader of the Stormreaver clan, Gul’dan is a warlock. Though it’s my least favorite class, probably about time Warlock gets a good bump in power level again.

  • Deliguy's Avatar
    115 39 Posts Joined 06/01/2019
    Posted 4 years, 3 months ago

    Best part of 2019 is Descent of Dragons (also opening of Outof.Cards)

    I am looking forward to the end of the year of the dragon, and the new year. This always feels the most exciting to me for some reason

  • Deliguy's Avatar
    115 39 Posts Joined 06/01/2019
    Posted 4 years, 3 months ago

    You make an interesting point about balance of these spell schools or classes or tribes whatever one would call them. This isn’t a fan creation idea, as much as it’s a hope blizzard might hear it or already be thinking it. In your example about there being hundreds of Druid nature spells, I think you missed my point a little. Yes there would be nature spells, but just like we’ve learned with Blizzard’s picking and choosing for Treants, not all Druid spells would actually be nature. Plenty of spells can still have no spell school if it doesn’t fit. However, a spell like Fireball might simply be forced into a spell school simply by its name. Blizzard’s use of Treants vs other Tree types is a perfect example how not all spells need to have this. Only if it really fits

    In reply to New Spell Concept
  • Deliguy's Avatar
    115 39 Posts Joined 06/01/2019
    Posted 4 years, 3 months ago

    Since Descent of Dragons I’ve played some spells like Breath of the Infinite -requiring you to be holding a Dragon for bonus effect. Every time I go to play a card like this, my brain jumps to it being a Dragon card (part of the Dragon tribe).

    Today though, this got me thinking how much this concept could add to the game as well. What I mean by this “concept” is - to add a sort of tribe or school to spell cards (not all spells, but a wide variety certainly). Fire spells, ice spells, holy spells, etc could simply use their school as the “tribe” label.

    One might think this would only be advantageous to caster classes? Wrong, you could also add Beast to cards like Animal Companion because it only summons beasts. Kill Command is another Hunter spell that could easily include the beast tribe. Rogue uses a ton of spells that could likely end up as a school or tribe as well (shadow, stealth, agility, whatever name fits)

    At the end of this, you might still be wondering why? How does it improve the game? 

    1. Increases the flexibility/innovation in card design

    2. Allows for more combinations such as “if you already cast a Fire Spell” etc gain bonus effect

    3. Increases challenge and deck types pool

    In reply to New Spell Concept
  • Deliguy's Avatar
    115 39 Posts Joined 06/01/2019
    Posted 4 years, 4 months ago

    If Invoke was not part of a Battlecry Shaman would be fine. For one, Shudderwock and the Quest wouldn’t double the invokes leaving tons of pesky elementals to deal with. Most importantly though. Shaman gets to its final Galakrond the easiest because of how easily it can double invoke with Quest/Shudderwock. That doesn’t even include the minion who invoked twice. 

    TLDR: Battlecry invoke makes Shaman Galakrond the easiest to buff of all classes. This is what’s broken

  • Deliguy's Avatar
    115 39 Posts Joined 06/01/2019
    Posted 4 years, 4 months ago

    Why does invoke need a Battlecry? It’s a keyword right? It’s bold so I assume so. Why can’t the Invoke mechanic just be triggered like a Battlecry, but not require a Battlecry to be triggered. Is there really a card I’m missing that Invoke without Battlecry doesn’t work?


    just remove the Battlecry part and shaman is fair and still full of flavor

  • Deliguy's Avatar
    115 39 Posts Joined 06/01/2019
    Posted 4 years, 4 months ago

    Great question, I’m honestly just a big fan of the tribes mechanic and what it adds to deck building for the game. When the Elemental tribe became a thing, I thought it really rejuvenated a deck building style that had long been dead. Now they’ve buffed the mech pool again, and finally, they’re adding to the pirates and dragon pools. But there’s so many cards that could be undead, or Foresaken Tribe that it only further lends to how big of an effect it could have on deck building. With Elementals this change was huge because they went back and added it to older cards like Ragnaros as well

  • Deliguy's Avatar
    115 39 Posts Joined 06/01/2019
    Posted 4 years, 4 months ago

    Come on Undead Tribe! I’d even settle for just an undead Forsaken Tribe, so they can pick and choose which Undead get the tribe, make it easier to balance.

  • Deliguy's Avatar
    115 39 Posts Joined 06/01/2019
    Posted 4 years, 4 months ago

    could they be planning a new tribe for Undead?!!

  • Deliguy's Avatar
    115 39 Posts Joined 06/01/2019
    Posted 4 years, 4 months ago

    I am going to buy this, but I wish whenever they released a not free hero. They’d at least add them to the store as well as $10 hero’s. What’s the point of that store section at this point? I’m not buying the $80 preorder for a hero. But I might buy the $50 preorder and eventually decide I want to spend another $10 many months or years later to get the hero

  • Deliguy's Avatar
    115 39 Posts Joined 06/01/2019
    Posted 4 years, 4 months ago

    Did World of Warcraft change to allow Hunters to use Hanmer/Mace type weapons?

    i get the goal of trying to untie the identity from Warcraft as much as I think it sucks. But now you’re gonna alter class identity too? Just change the damn weapon name and image.... ugh team5 blows

  • Deliguy's Avatar
    115 39 Posts Joined 06/01/2019
    Posted 4 years, 5 months ago
    Quote From griffior
    Quote From Deliguy

    They simply will not develop other game modes unless it earns them more money, but they cannot see that player happiness = more money + more players.

    Firstly, Battlegrounds is free. No packs or collection are needed to play.


    Secondly, more players + more money ≠ player happiness. More modes + more communication + more events + more ways to play = player happiness = more players = more money potential for Blizzard.l

    You didn’t even quote me correctly, so I know you didn’t read my post lol

  • Deliguy's Avatar
    115 39 Posts Joined 06/01/2019
    Posted 4 years, 5 months ago
    Quote From RandomGuy
    Quote From Deliguy

    Other modes are not going to happen at this point. Hearthstone is dead in the water, at least to Blizzard, and this half baked attempt at an autochess competitor is an attempt to inject more people back into Hearthstone. They simply will not develop other game modes unless it earns them more money, but they cannot see that player happiness = more money + more players.

    The Battlegrounds is an attempt at finding new players and bringing back old players, and it will not work in the financial way they want. People who do end up enjoying battlegrounds likely will spend little to no money on Hearthstone, because it’s not even tied to your collection. This is simply Blizzards way of saying “sorry we tried” as HS dies.

    *In a thread about a new game mode*

    "They will simply not develop other game modes."

    Okay, bud. Good talk.

    Way to take the exact words you want and really push the “take it out of context” boundaries. ROF

  • Deliguy's Avatar
    115 39 Posts Joined 06/01/2019
    Posted 4 years, 5 months ago

    Other modes are not going to happen at this point. Hearthstone is dead in the water, at least to Blizzard, and this half baked attempt at an autochess competitor is an attempt to inject more people back into Hearthstone. They simply will not develop other game modes unless it earns them more money, but they cannot see that player happiness = more money + more players.

    The Battlegrounds is an attempt at finding new players and bringing back old players, and it will not work in the financial way they want. People who do end up enjoying battlegrounds likely will spend little to no money on Hearthstone, because it’s not even tied to your collection. This is simply Blizzards way of saying “sorry we tried” as HS dies.

  • Deliguy's Avatar
    115 39 Posts Joined 06/01/2019
    Posted 4 years, 5 months ago

    With all the creativity they’ve had in the Tavern Brawls over the years. It’s insanity they didn’t just pick a successful Brawl to tweak into a more permanent game mode. Even the basic player team ups against the computer tavern brawls, would have been a more welcome game mode than Battlegrounds...

  • Deliguy's Avatar
    115 39 Posts Joined 06/01/2019
    Posted 4 years, 5 months ago

    As much as I appreciate a new mode finally, I’m pretty livid they wasted valuable development time on building a half baked (ui is awful) version of a game someone else created. It rings home that the creativity behind Hearthstone is DEAD. To add insult to injury, this mode has 0 effect, impact, and adds 0 value to Hearthstone. We’re simply being made to be guinea pigs for an already successful game concept, that they can’t even entertain building a real UI for. Blizzard is a shell of itself

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