Duke's Avatar


Joined 05/31/2019 Achieve Points 205 Posts 82

Duke's Comments

  • Duke's Avatar
    205 82 Posts Joined 05/31/2019
    Posted 4 years, 4 months ago

    I know all of them. Is it only my impression that the game gets getting more bugged and slower over time.? 

    It feels like still using your five years old cellphone.

    Anyway, I hope on of the next patches brings some major fixes. 

    Merry x-mas to you all 

  • Duke's Avatar
    205 82 Posts Joined 05/31/2019
    Posted 4 years, 4 months ago

    I hope they don't optimize Zephrys until it always provides you with the perfect card in any situation. This would be seriously op. 

    It already prevents so many decks from being played since he is so versatile and offers highlander decks counters for many strategies without using up tech slots.

    Otherwise it would reduce the disadvantage of playing highlander decks, their inherent inconsistency and make them too strong. 

  • Duke's Avatar
    205 82 Posts Joined 05/31/2019
    Posted 4 years, 4 months ago

    Zephrys is very strong but not the Swiss Army knife everyone would like him to be. 

    If you highlander players face too many DR rogues, tech in a silence card like the rest of us. This will work like a charm.

  • Duke's Avatar
    205 82 Posts Joined 05/31/2019
    Posted 4 years, 4 months ago

    The packs in between don't have to be pack fillers. I can also enjoy pulling some good epics which are similarly crucial for all decks.

    But it feels brutal to open the same pack filler epic for the third or fourth time. Therefore any change to the chances of opening better cards should include a no duplicate rule for epics. 

  • Duke's Avatar
    205 82 Posts Joined 05/31/2019
    Posted 4 years, 4 months ago
    Quote From DoubleSummon
    Quote From YourPrivateNightmare

    if Faceless Corruptor is not on that list I'm going to scream.


    Also, the really dropped the ball on Shaman this time. Galakrond is so op that he improves the winrate of any deck you put him in by 5%...and Galakrond Shaman sits at over 60% winrate.

    Let that sink in: a completely new deck (well, sort of) immediately rises to 60% winrate without even having been refined. The last time that happened was Even Paladin with Call to Arms at 4.


    Not sure why everyone has such a hateboner for Warrior. I've played the matchup a bunch of times and while it's strong it doesn't really seem overpowered unless you're playing a real greedy deck with lack of defense.

    If anything Parachute Brigand needs to be a 2/1 or something because it's just not fair when that thing drops twice on turn 1 and you have no realistic chance of getting rid of it.


    Running Weapon removal is key at this point. If you can shut down Ancharr early and they don't have Hoard Pillager in their opening hand then you're good (although they might need to nerf the Pillager to 5 to make the weapon removal not pointless)

    I have been playing rush warrior + galakround I have NO idea why people are playing pirates it's clearly inferior to rush warrior, I have been winning none stop, even against shamans..

    Rush warrior had 2 problems: lack of reach, and lack of card draw that doesn't loses you as much tempo, guess what galakround does? +3 attack and card draw.. Pirate warrior while strong just has so much of it's power on a legendary weapon that if they don't draw it well it's just a meh deck and even the "god draw" is not that insane..

    Eternium Rover is still the king of the early game, you add the rush/enrage package and you have a very sturdy early game, the invoke cards provide the mid game and galakround gives the insane late game.

    And Faceless Corruptor needs a huge nerf the card was insane enough on paper.. on practice it's even more insane, and I thought the targeting was random as well..

    minimum a 7 mana card not even 6 mana, that's a Bonemare buff effect..

    Imagine if Bonemare had rush itself, gave rush to target instead of taunt, had better buff with hand buffs and to top it off was 5 mana instead of 7.. that's the card blizzard released. (well you can't go face with it, but still...)

    Hey! Your rush deck sounds interesting. Might share the decklist? Thanks in advance! 

  • Duke's Avatar
    205 82 Posts Joined 05/31/2019
    Posted 4 years, 4 months ago

    70 packs on two accounts each. Opened total of 6 legendaries each, one golden. Pretty happy so far but the epics sucked hard as always. 

  • Duke's Avatar
    205 82 Posts Joined 05/31/2019
    Posted 4 years, 4 months ago

    Thx for all your reviews so far. 

    They are fun to read and insightful. You put a lot of thought into them and I am looking forward to the other classes. 

  • Duke's Avatar
    205 82 Posts Joined 05/31/2019
    Posted 4 years, 4 months ago

    Thx for all your reviews so far. 

    They are fun to read and insightful. You put a lot of thought into them and I am looking forward to the other classes. 

  • Duke's Avatar
    205 82 Posts Joined 05/31/2019
    Posted 4 years, 4 months ago

    Will it replay the effects of Zuljin or Tess? 

  • Duke's Avatar
    205 82 Posts Joined 05/31/2019
    Posted 4 years, 4 months ago

    Epic? It's clearly a legendary 

  • Duke's Avatar
    205 82 Posts Joined 05/31/2019
    Posted 4 years, 4 months ago

    I better start to like this card. I always draw most epic fillers more often than thrice while never getting the must haves. 

  • Duke's Avatar
    205 82 Posts Joined 05/31/2019
    Posted 4 years, 4 months ago
    Quote From TheOdinson

    I don't get how the average rating for this is so high. I'm not saying the card is bad for what it does, but what it does is so very specific you can't just play it in every deck. In fact you can't just play it in any old meta. Its super specific, and unlike a card like Harrison Jones, which can be combo'd with a card like Weapons Project or Plague of Madness this card can't, and has a worse base statline. Yes, it finally solves that Kingsbane problem in wild, but that doesn't make this TECH card a nearly 4 star card.

    What kingsbane problem in wild? Kingsbane is long dead since the nerf of leeching poison. 

  • Duke's Avatar
    205 82 Posts Joined 05/31/2019
    Posted 4 years, 5 months ago

    I almost only get quests for 60 gold. Some of the older 50g quests now award 60, like the meek shall inherit for example.

    As a result I almost never have to reroll 50g quests and I keep asking myself if this is good or I am missing too many 80 or 100 g quests this way. 


    In reply to New quest system
  • Duke's Avatar
    205 82 Posts Joined 05/31/2019
    Posted 4 years, 5 months ago

    Can't reroll my quest too. 

    Hope they fix it at least. The time when they gave compensations seem to be over as well. 

  • Duke's Avatar
    205 82 Posts Joined 05/31/2019
    Posted 4 years, 5 months ago

    Can't reroll as well. Nice job as always blizzard


  • Duke's Avatar
    205 82 Posts Joined 05/31/2019
    Posted 4 years, 5 months ago

    This is ridiculous. Sorry. 

    They totally appear to have lost contact to the fanbase. 

    200 dust are just not appropriate if you are celebrating such an event. 

    Calling this ''awesome'' is utter marketing speech and outright silly if not awkward. 

  • Duke's Avatar
    205 82 Posts Joined 05/31/2019
    Posted 4 years, 5 months ago
    Quote From anchorm4n

    Really nice for DR Rogue, I hope I'll get this card. Might also try it out in wild.

    And then there's meme potential galore in there: play Waxadred, trigger its deathrattle as often as possible with Necrium Blade and Necrium Vial (prep says hi), Shadow of Death it for good measure and then hit Myra's Unstable Element. Should end up with a Chef Nomi like board state without having to worry about fatigue, the only hard counter being Plague of Death.

    The way I read how the candles work is they trigger and summon waxxadred once drawn. Then they draw the next card. Just like the 4/4 spiders from KnC. So in the end you always draw a card after Myras. So this play wouldn't be fatigue proof imo. 

  • Duke's Avatar
    205 82 Posts Joined 05/31/2019
    Posted 4 years, 5 months ago

    Did I maybe forget the deck code for my wild thief Rogue? My bad. Was in a hurry. Here it is.

    ### Wild thief
    # Class: Rogue
    # Format: Wild
    # 2x (1) Deadly Poison
    # 2x (1) Hallucination
    # 2x (1) Swashburglar
    # 2x (2) Cavern Shinyfinder
    # 2x (2) Clever Disguise
    # 2x (2) Sap
    # 2x (2) Underbelly Fence
    # 2x (2) Undercity Huckster
    # 2x (3) Blink Fox
    # 2x (4) Hench-Clan Burglar
    # 2x (4) Spectral Cutlass
    # 2x (4) Tinker's Sharpsword Oil
    # 2x (4) Vendetta
    # 2x (5) Bazaar Mugger
    # 1x (8) Tess Greymane
    # 1x (9) Valeera the Hollow
    # To use this deck, copy it to your clipboard and create a new deck in Hearthstone
    # Generated by My Decks

  • Duke's Avatar
    205 82 Posts Joined 05/31/2019
    Posted 4 years, 5 months ago

    This is the deck I use for wild. To be fair, I got it from someone at hearthpwn.  Recently I cut hucksters in favor of a toggwaggles scheme and a pharaoh cat. 

    It performs very well, even against secret mage and other top tier decks if piloted wisely.

    My point with zephrys is, since rogue doesn't have access to strong board clears even against control decks in wild you need the upgraded weapon up asap for pressure and survivability.

    Thus anyone with zephrys can anticipate very early how to disrupt your win condition.

    If unanswered, the weapon can grow insanely strong. 

    But I like your list and haven't tried it yet. So I'll head into the new season with it and come back with a feedback. 

  • Duke's Avatar
    205 82 Posts Joined 05/31/2019
    Posted 4 years, 5 months ago

    I fear Zephrys is too big a problem here. It provides weapon destruction and can destroy your win condition.

    I know this very well from the wild meta where I am quite successful with my spectral burgle rogue. 

    Without the weapon the tempo burgle package doesn't provide enough punch to compete with other decks in wild and standard meta. 

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