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Joined 04/03/2021 Achieve Points 225 Posts 21

Niklink's Comments

  • Niklink's Avatar
    225 21 Posts Joined 04/03/2021
    Posted 1 year, 8 months ago

    Wait, is the new shop already open? It's been closed to me ever since the battlegrounds patch.

  • Niklink's Avatar
    225 21 Posts Joined 04/03/2021
    Posted 1 year, 8 months ago
    1. Helps circumvent anti-gambling lootbox regulation. This system is already in place in the Asia servers for this reason.
    2. Makes it psychologically easier for people to spend money. Spending three dollars for a measly two packs sounds laughable to everyone because you know exactly what dollars are worth and what you could be spending that money on instead. If they cost 300 Crystal Sparkly Gems instead consumers are less likely to notice the real price of what they're spending.
    3. By offering only specific amounts of paid currency purchases instead of exact exchanges of real money, forces people to have to purchase more Sparkly Gems than what they actually need.
  • Niklink's Avatar
    225 21 Posts Joined 04/03/2021
    Posted 2 years ago

    Looks like trash and it doesn't even run on PC, what's the point?

  • Niklink's Avatar
    225 21 Posts Joined 04/03/2021
    Posted 2 years, 1 month ago

    at least with an nft I can bait people into getting angry at me

  • Niklink's Avatar
    225 21 Posts Joined 04/03/2021
    Posted 2 years, 2 months ago

    great, now the next expansion will be naruto themed

  • Niklink's Avatar
    225 21 Posts Joined 04/03/2021
    Posted 2 years, 7 months ago

    Quote From Author
    Performance bug where playing Mercenaries for longer periods (around 1.5-2 hours) will cause lag and performance slowdowns, especially in devices with less RAM. The workaround at this time is to restart the client if that begins.

    so they're launching mercenaries with a memory leak. that's just super.

  • Niklink's Avatar
    225 21 Posts Joined 04/03/2021
    Posted 2 years, 8 months ago

    I completely agree with you. This is insane. Look at all this effort being made on a puzzle that clearly takes great dev effort to implement, can't be solved personally, and requires one hour's worth of time to input the solution. What is any of us getting out of this?

  • Niklink's Avatar
    225 21 Posts Joined 04/03/2021
    Posted 2 years, 9 months ago

    You forgot about Aimed Shot ;)

  • Niklink's Avatar
    225 21 Posts Joined 04/03/2021
    Posted 2 years, 9 months ago
    Previous threads:

    TIME-SENSITIVE ALERT: If you didn't get Varian Wrynn, you can take advantage of the current full refund period to craft him, get the achievement, and DE him at no cost. Act now!

    I'm making this thread a liiiiiittle early because I want to help people take advantage of what may well be a time-limited opportunity: completing the Rogue and Priest questline-related achievements without owning the required cards. The only alternate way to complete these achievements is to steal the questline rewards from an opposing player, and the Day 1 meta presents a great opportunity for this, as people will be playing unoptimized meme decks and trying out their fancy new cards. It could happen that these questline decks are unviable and almost impossible to find on ladder afterwards, and this is pretty hard to pull off. There are other questline-related achievements, but these two are the only ones that require a one-time event and are therefore viable for these purposes. So how is this done?


    Instant Gratification: Draw the Purified Shard the same turn you shuffle it into your deck.

    The simplest way to do this is by waiting until they play the questline reward, then on your turn playing Mindrender Illucia + Lorekeeper Polkelt + Prize Vendor or any 'draw a card' effect like a Loot Hoarder or Bloodmage Thalnos deathrattle. Note that tutor effects of any kind ignore deck order, although they do not change Polkelt's ordering of the deck. This will of course only work if your opponent doesn't draw the shard the same turn they play their questline reward. Example deck: AAECAa0GBPvRA/bWA6iKBJegBA3LzQP73wOS5AOhoASY6gP44wPBnwSFnwS24QPXzgOZ6wPo7wPWoAQA

    Okay, but what if I don't own Mindrender Illucia? I don't have her either, unfortunately. It's still possible, although it gets a lot messier, with Rogue. The main thrust of the combo will always be Faceless Manipulator + Shadowstep + play questline reward for 3 mana. From there, you need to have played Potion of Illusion on either a Lorekeeper Polkelt or a Primordial Protector so that you can play it for 1 mana here. The nice thing is that both of these cards help you draw the Potion of Illusion from your deck. If you went the Polkelt route, you also need a draw effect that same turn, which can be set up in advance by Silverleaf Poison but can be included in that same turn via discount or coin generation effects with Prize Vendor. Also, if you're lucky, you can steal the reward through Plagiarize. Example deck: AAECAYO6AgTl0QP21gOoigTl0QMN5dMDkuQDmOoDqesDq+sD3uwD9p8E958EoaAErKAE6/YDtuEDitADAA==



    Expecting an Exploding Pen?: Play every Spy Gizmo in one game.

    This is also done with Rogue. The good thing is you don't need to force the shard draw like in the Priest achievement, but you do need to play 5 1-mana cards, and ideally speaking you want to do this the very same turn you steal the reward, to ensure consistency. The same Faceless Manipulator + Shadowstep + play questline reward for 3 mana base combo remains, however to play all 5 Spy Gizmos you need 13 mana in one turn. Options include: Backstabing an Efficient Octo-bot, aka the dream scenario. Generating enough coins through Loan Shark and Tomb Pillager. Discounting the spell-based Spy Gizmos with Preparation. Having the reward through Plagiarize so you don't need extra mana in the first place. Generally speaking, some combination of these options should get you through. You should note though, that you need the hand space when you play the questline reward. And also that the opponent is likely to play the stealth-giving Spy Gizmo on their questline reward the turn they play it, so you should plan to weather that 9/7. Example deck: AAECAYO6AgKoigSXoAQOzrkDx84D5dMD590DkuQDmOoDq+sDkZ8E9p8E958EoaAErKAE6qAE6/YDAA==


  • Niklink's Avatar
    225 21 Posts Joined 04/03/2021
    Posted 2 years, 9 months ago

    aw nuts, i thought i had it for sure :p

    Congrats to all the winners!

  • Niklink's Avatar
    225 21 Posts Joined 04/03/2021
    Posted 2 years, 9 months ago

    I've finally reached level 226, which was my goal for this expansion cycle. Combined with reaching level 174 for the Darkmoon track, it puts my total levels at an even 400 for the cumulative levels achievement. Now I just have to reach an even 200 every time to stay on track with my hero skin rewards! I may reach 227, since I have one 'extra' daily quest out of the three I plan on saving for the Stormwind launch. No XP boosts here. According to calculations, I would have been around level 270 with the boosts.

    During this period, I purchased 63 packs, 3 hero skins at 1500, the miniset, and the Power Core card back. Which means I spent roughly 13400 gold and earned roughly 12000. That I still have 9300 gold right now is a testament to how little money I spent during Darkmoon (I only purchased 15 Darkmoon packs)! Cosmetic purchases aside, I'm usually happy to simply slowly roll my way to having 100% of rares. As a Wild player I only craft specific things here and there and the packs from ranked rewards, promotions, events, drops, and tavern brawls are enough for my needs.

    We'll see how Stormwind pans out. Best of luck to all.

  • Niklink's Avatar
    225 21 Posts Joined 04/03/2021
    Posted 2 years, 9 months ago

    This deck is a little unique because it has basically no Stormwind cards, even though it revolves utterly and completely around a Stormwind card... that isn't included in this deck. The sole purpose of this decklist is to allow you to complete the Bolner Hammerbeak achievement without having to spend any dust or needing Bolner himself at all. Please check it out, I think it's pretty clever if i do say so myself ;)

  • Niklink's Avatar
    225 21 Posts Joined 04/03/2021
    Posted 2 years, 9 months ago

    That's right, I never had golden Vol'jin, he is/was tavern pass exclusive and I am f2p. However now that he is an achievement reward, I can't get him because I already had the achievement completed. Also the Horde Operative, Burning Blade Acolyte, and Primordial Protector achievements only reward x1 golden copies instead of x2, for whatever reason.

    I'm also wondering what's going to happen to regular Mankrik and Shadow Hunter Vol'jin.

  • Niklink's Avatar
    225 21 Posts Joined 04/03/2021
    Posted 2 years, 9 months ago

    Yeah except if you already completed the achievements, it doesn't let you claim the new rewards. Woop dee doo.

  • Niklink's Avatar
    225 21 Posts Joined 04/03/2021
    Posted 2 years, 9 months ago

    this will never happen. the entire point of these bundles is that they're only purchasable before the cards are actually released, BEFORE you can make an actual informed purchasing decision. that's why they also put in a bunch of exclusive limited time cosmetics in these prepurchase bundles - first it was card backs, then it was hero skins, and now they're putting limited time BG cosmetics in them as well. they're weaponizing FOMO to goad you into spending 80 dollars thrice a year on a game that takes less development resources than many 20 dollar games on the market.

  • Niklink's Avatar
    225 21 Posts Joined 04/03/2021
    Posted 2 years, 10 months ago

    Wailing Caverns Achievement Guide


    Hungry Hungry Murloc: Just put Mutanus the Devourer in your decks, maybe while you're grinding out other achievements. He's a very solid card, so it's not like this is a problem or anything.

    Adventure is Out There: Summon 100 adventurers. Irrelevant, this is basically a prerequisite for...

    Friends Like Me: *ahem* FUCK THIS ACHIEVEMENT. Like I said earlier, it's less than a 1% chance to get this achievement when casting Party Up! What I did was use a stall n' heal Paladin deck in Wild, with a lot of draw mixed in: AAEBAZ8FBv37AqCAA86HA9D3A7aKBJegBAycAtn+As+GA+yGA9KKA5asA8rBA8vNA5jqA8zrA/7sA+yfBAA= You may want to consider using cards like Lorekeeper Polkelt or Lord Barov in this deck as well. Combined with HS Deck Tracker flashing my taskbar when my turn started, I could play while doing something else, since you barely have to pay attention to what your opponent is doing anyways. Just draw and play both copies of Party Up! (it helps that adventurers can have rush or taunt to minimize the tempo hit) and if you play both copies, concede immediately and start a new match. There may be something to generating more copies of Party Up! in one match but I feel like this is consistent and faster. Did I mention this took me 123 matches? If you haven't done the original Barrens achievements, this seems like a good place to grind out some of the othe neutral ones as well.


    Tormented Hearts: Not as bad as it seems, just 14 matches with my standard deck. Taintheart Tormenter is a huge body that requires an answer and so you will naturally cash in spells if you play it on a relatively empty board. Raging Felscreamer helps you get it out on tempo. Lots of heal and stall and draw. Deck: AAECAea5AwbO0gP21gOoigS2igSXoATsoAQM+84DzdIDh9QD9eMDmOoD/u0DoO4Dg58E1J8EoaAEsaAEtKAEAA==

    Puppy Power: So yeah, Celestial Alignment counts for this, which makes it pretty trivial and quick. I just threw together this wild deck with Alignment and some big defensive Druid beasts like Winged Guardian, Umbral Owl, and Grizzled Guardian. Only 4 matches: AAEBAZICBIvmAtaZA9ulA7XsAw1f6QGHzgKe0gK/8gKP9gL/tQPougPe0QPw1AOJ4AOV4APA7AMA

    Poison, Poisoff / Hiding in Plain Sight: Rogue already has plenty of Poisonous beasts and weapons, so why not go for a 2-for-1? Just a crappy wild Rogue deck with draw, poison stuff, and Shroud of Concealment. You'll destroy your health total killing minions each turn with your poison weapon, but who cares? 11 matches for both achievements at once: AAEBAaIHAsfOA5egBA6cAsIW5sIC6sYCmqkDzrkD590DqesDq+sD/u4DkZ8E958EoaAE3aAEAA==

    Even Steven: This one is super easy! All you need to do is play Mad Summoner followed by Against All Odds on a somewhat empty board. That combo is 11 mana, but it's pretty trivial to get a 1 mana discount on either card with Emperor Thaurissan or Palm Reading. Only took me 1 game: AAEBAa0GBNYR9tYDl6AEoaAEDZwC5QTYwQLWnQOZqQPi3gP73wPK4QP44wPy7gPz7gOtigSFnwQA

    Spit Hot Fire: My good friend Mad Summoner returns to ensure you have plenty of Perpetual Flame targets! The rest of the deck is just draw, stall, clear. You can also make use of Imprisoned Phoenix or Bloodmage Thalnos for spell damage. And it's a hilarious power move to fill your opponent's board with 1/1s, just to destroy them while overloading yourself for 7 mana. Watch your opponent's reactions while you complete this! 7 matches: AAEBAaoIAu0F9tYDDpwCsgbSE/a9AofEAvPnAtadA/DUA4fkA5LkA/rsA+PuA/2fBKGgBAA=

    Ugh, It's MY Life, Mom: I actually did this while playing Stealer of Souls + Plot Twist shenanigans in Wild so I can't help you now that it's BANNED, sorry. There's probably a deck that lets you grind this out fairly quickly while killing yourself.


    Don't Move a Muscle: This one was pretty funny, there's nothing in this wild deck to let you win games but you can almost always keep matches completely frozen and locked down at all times and keep yourself at 30 all the way until fatigue. Remember to always prioritize freezing stuff with your elementals instead of with your spells: AAEBAf0EApvTAvOvAw6WBZfBAtTOAp+YA7a2A97EA8fOA5HhA9LsA4jtA5vwA8HwA/+eBMOgBAA=

    Kresh Got Back: The last achievement I did, I found this one to be mainly annoying. There isn't really a good way to speed it up, so matches tend to take pretty long as you have to draw Kresh, Lord of Turtling, then he has to die, then you have to spend five turns attacking. Since there isn't a strat to make it go faster I opted for a standard deck since the lower power level makes it much easier to last that many turns doing very little. Deck is based around drawing and generating massive amounts of armor while maintaining board presence to ensure survivability: AAECAQcE9tYDj+8DqIoEl6AEDc2+A/bCA4DkA5LkA5jqA9XxA6afBIagBIegBImgBKGgBNagBO2gBAA=

  • Niklink's Avatar
    225 21 Posts Joined 04/03/2021
    Posted 2 years, 11 months ago

    I decided to go for the Party Up! achievement first (Friends Like Me) because I hate myself. I actually ran the numbers and here's what the odds are:

    3+ of the same Adventurer: ~12.8% (1/~7.79)

    4+ of the same Adventurer: ~0.9% (1/~113.8)

    5 of the same Adventurer: ~0.02% (1/4096)

    I wonder if the achievement check actually works or if it just looks if you have multiple of the same adventurer on the board. If so it may be possible to cheese something out with the help of Meeting Stone, Devouring Ectoplasm or simply cheating out multiple Party Up! casts. I don't feel like running those experiments. In any case, you'll get the Summon 100 Adventurers achievement almost as a prereq if you go for this one, and you can use the time to grind out the Mutanus the Devourer achievement or any other neutral achievements you're missing.

  • Niklink's Avatar
    225 21 Posts Joined 04/03/2021
    Posted 3 years ago

    Yes, I hate 'community puzzles', because they have to be obtuse enough that you never actually solve it, it's all designed to go to a small group of superfans and spreadsheets and then everyone else copies the solution. Inputting the moves that it took number crunchers three days to figure out is a super good and interesting engaging thing for me to do! Could I have solved it by myself? Maybe. But looking at these puzzle solutions, it would be an INSANE amount of legwork. Even AFTER solving the riddles and understanding the puzzle rules, the puzzles are awful because it immediately lapses into tedium. Just imagine mapping out the maze puzzle by yourself. The maze is gigantic for how slow and monotonous traversing it is, while you'd have to constantly take down notes. There's no actual problem-solving involved at this point, just clerical work that goes on forever. Why? Because it's a 'community puzzle'.

    I like puzzles that you're actually expected to solve by yourself. Not this ARG-tier nonsense. Like I said, the caravan puzzle, once you figured out the 'rules' was actually simple enough that the solution-finding can be a single-person undertaking. I found the solution, and it was gratifying, because -I- did it. Not the community.

    To say nothing of the bazaar puzzle.

  • Niklink's Avatar
    225 21 Posts Joined 04/03/2021
    Posted 3 years ago

    The worst thing to ever happen to hearthstone. The only one that was actually fun to solve was the caravan one, the rest were just completely trash.

  • Niklink's Avatar
    225 21 Posts Joined 04/03/2021
    Posted 3 years, 1 month ago

    I've had no issue completing this achievement except for Solar Eclipse's extra cast not counting. The only card you're using that I didn't in that replay is Jade Blossom. Dunno what else to tell you.

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