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Joined 04/01/2019 Achieve Points 910 Posts 916

Nirast's Comments

  • Nirast's Avatar
    Senior Editor Snow-Covered 910 916 Posts Joined 04/01/2019
    Posted 4 years, 2 months ago

    Ok, I'll admit: Mutate is FREAKING AWESOME! Might just be what makes me try out the game.

    I think I like it so much because it reminds me of Evolution creatures in Duel Masters, except straight-up BETTER, since the cards are more flexible and less restrictive. Maybe I would've preferred if they were restricted to their creature type (Dinosaurs can only mutate Dinosaurs, that kind of stuff), since it would be easier to balance and would promote tribal decks, which I personally love.

    How do rotations work in MTG? I know they have them, but I don't know when/how often they happen.

    Edit - Almost forgot:


  • Nirast's Avatar
    Senior Editor Snow-Covered 910 916 Posts Joined 04/01/2019
    Posted 4 years, 2 months ago

    Hey, mods! How's your day going. Sorry if this isn't the right spot  but I was wondering if you could feature an article regarding an upcoming charity stream. It's a gigantic tournament featuring 4 card games, 2 of witch (MTGA and Runeterra) are pretty big on the site. I have no stakes in this, they're just a channel I enjoy watching and I think they deserve more publicity. More info here.

     If I don't respond to this thread right away, it's probably because I went to sleep, since I'm writing this late at night. Because I'm an idiot. 

  • Nirast's Avatar
    Senior Editor Snow-Covered 910 916 Posts Joined 04/01/2019
    Posted 4 years, 2 months ago

    linkblade91 But I like overly complicated effects! :P

    So far, you seem to be the only one with concerns regarding simplicity, but I see your point, so I've made another version:


    This is more akin to stuff like N'Zoth, the Corruptor or Zul'jin (which is actually in the same yer as this... Whoops...). The "a copy" part of the text is to ensure the Fiendhounds don't get the same enchantment twice, otherwise they'd all have +30 somethink Attack from the Uldum hero power. Anyone has better wording, I'm all years.

    Feedback to the most recent cards:

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    @anchorm4n, I like the 7/2 weapon better, but I feel the statline of the card is too strong. Either reduce the minion's stats, or the weapon's attack.

    @Shivershine, I also agree with the raptor that the Sea Mistress is the more interesting of the two, especially after the stat change. Maybe a 3/5 body would be better and not that broken.

  • Nirast's Avatar
    Senior Editor Snow-Covered 910 916 Posts Joined 04/01/2019
    Posted 4 years, 2 months ago

    Finally, the game is playable! 

  • Nirast's Avatar
    Senior Editor Snow-Covered 910 916 Posts Joined 04/01/2019
    Posted 4 years, 2 months ago
    Quote From anchorm4n

    Here's my idea for this week. I have no clue about WoW lore and couldn't find a fitting character, so I made one up myself. If anyone could help me out on this part I would be very thankful, as well as for general feedback!

    Feedback time!


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    Linkblade91: Even me who isn't into WoW at all gets the flavor of this card. Well done!

    Demonxz95: It's a great idea, but maybe a bit too powerful. The stealth part makes it hard to counter and Rogue shouldn't have too much problems to reliably pull this off for 3 or more copies.

    Hordaki: I'm glad you went with the Observer. It's an interesting card I'd have fun to try out. Well done!

    hereharehere: I agree about this being too strong. The drawback isn't severe enough and there's just no way to play around it. Sadly I have no idea how to improve your card… sorry!

    shaveyou: This fits Ashes of Outlands like a glove and it is really well balanced. Great job!

    the powrofcheese: I prefer the priest card. It combines the thief archetype with the heal/buff concept which is a cool idea. The balance is hard on this one, but looks okay. Maybe 9 mana would be appropriate, too, so you couldn't just play this and hero power the stolen minion. I mean, at worst it's a removal on a stick.

    Xarkkal: Now this looks nasty! Great flavor, great potential (especially in wild). Together with BasilAnguis‘ my favorite card so far!

    CovenantKevlar: Cool idea, I can totally follow your train of thought about the art and the effect. I second the opinon to make it cheaper, though.

    Nirast: I'm having difficulties grasping what you exactly mean. "Enchantments" make me think of buffs, but I guess you also mean permanent effects like poisonous or Divine Shield, don't you? And what happens if a minion has multiple of those?

    BasilAnguis: Great art on both of them! I prefer the mage card. It's one of those cards that really make my fingers itch to try and exploit them. This could make Rhonin playable! Together with Xarkkal’s my favorite card so far!

    Wailor: I go with the priest card. It looks really annoying, reminds me of Infiltrator. I’m not sure if it isn’t too strong and/or too cheap…

    Dermostatic: Cool idea! I prefer the first alternative. The balance seems fine to me, since Plague Spells often need to be held for a few turns before they get useful.

    Satanley: The first alternative is my favorite. Just as you pointed out, the versatility is really cool and it fits the class. Well done!

    CaptainDG: Terror oft he woods looks better to me. It’s almost a build around, but there deathrattle is something Hunter is good at. I’m not sure about the beast restriction, though… what about cuting that part and tuning down the stats?



    All in all, there already are lots of very impressive ideas this week! 

    The card is fitting, since some Demons are known to hunt Dragons in WoW afaik. However, I think it'd be more fitting if he was part of Descents of Dragons or Galakrond's Awakening. 

    Regarding my card, the wording is similar to Immortal Prelate. Whatever counted as an enchantment for that card, counts for this. Basically, you get one minion for every icon that's bellow a buffed minion when you hover over it.

  • Nirast's Avatar
    Senior Editor Snow-Covered 910 916 Posts Joined 04/01/2019
    Posted 4 years, 2 months ago

    @Dermostatic The battlecry bersion seems a bit too strong. And how would it work with Plague of Madness? Is it immune to the weapon?

    I like the Deathrattle version, seems balanced.

    I've made another concept for my card, in the post right above yours, if you don't mind taking a look.

  • Nirast's Avatar
    Senior Editor Snow-Covered 910 916 Posts Joined 04/01/2019
    Posted 4 years, 2 months ago

    Wailor, thanks for the suggestion. I'll keep them in mind. However, none of those give a good reason why the card shouldn't just be a Beast, so instead I've decided to make a Demon that summons Beasts (ignore the lack of tribes):


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    Let's say you draw [Hearthstone Card (Zior, Apex Predator) Not Found] with your Scavenger's Ingenuity. Then Your Helboar triggers on it and after you play it, you also use Houndmaster on it. Finally, you play Pack Tactics and your opponent attacks into it on their turn, leaving you with a 3/3 Xior (that technically still has the previous buffs).

    If you play Terridaxx and target the 3/3, you get 4 Fiendhounds, summoned in the following order:

    • one with +3/+3
    • one with +1/+1
    • one with +2/+2 and taunt
    • one that's a 3/3 (from the Pack Tactics)

    If I'm not allowed tokens, I could just have it summon copies of the Beast, but that would increase it's power level quite drastically.



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    I was gonna say the Fiend is overcosted, but the I remembered Cyclone Mage is a thing. The cards seems fine, definitely more combo oriented.

    Not sure I like Sadist Maiden. Locking your opponent out of heals seems extreme.


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    The Ritualist seems fun, but it could be on the strong side. Shaman could easily have a comeback turn and avoid being locked out of the next one. Not really sure.

    I don't like the Natherhim. You compare it to MC Tech, but I think it's more comparable to Sylvanas. And she was rotated for a reason. Also you forgot the Demon tag :p

    I like the Annihilian the most. Very flavourful and don't see much way this could brake the game, unless Blizzard gives Warrior more ways to get rid of Armor (that one K&C card would also kill this).


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    You could have a line of text that says "Is also a Beast". Otherwise, I like the concept, pretty much guaranteed to stay on board except for a few very niche cases.

  • Nirast's Avatar
    Senior Editor Snow-Covered 910 916 Posts Joined 04/01/2019
    Posted 4 years, 2 months ago

    First idea:

    Will offer some feedback during lunch break.


  • Nirast's Avatar
    Senior Editor Snow-Covered 910 916 Posts Joined 04/01/2019
    Posted 4 years, 2 months ago

    Speaking of Start of Game:

  • Nirast's Avatar
    Senior Editor Snow-Covered 910 916 Posts Joined 04/01/2019
    Posted 4 years, 2 months ago

    Yay, I made it to the finals! Good luck, everyone!

  • Nirast's Avatar
    Senior Editor Snow-Covered 910 916 Posts Joined 04/01/2019
    Posted 4 years, 2 months ago

    No [Hearthstone Card (Sound the Bells) Not Found]? When I used to play that deck, this was the card that helped me complete it the most.

  • Nirast's Avatar
    Senior Editor Snow-Covered 910 916 Posts Joined 04/01/2019
    Posted 4 years, 2 months ago

    Missed opportunity to call him Ragnaros the Fellord.

  • Nirast's Avatar
    Senior Editor Snow-Covered 910 916 Posts Joined 04/01/2019
    Posted 4 years, 2 months ago

    I have exactly 1 adventure :)

    And I dusted it :')

  • Nirast's Avatar
    Senior Editor Snow-Covered 910 916 Posts Joined 04/01/2019
    Posted 4 years, 2 months ago

    Add the rogue 7/5 that summons a 7/5 with Stealth (power creep on Ravenbloodt Assassin) and move the Orc on the Silverback spot.

  • Nirast's Avatar
    Senior Editor Snow-Covered 910 916 Posts Joined 04/01/2019
    Posted 4 years, 2 months ago

    He might be looking at the history bar at his side, it's just not showing in spectator mode. But I'm not sure.

  • Nirast's Avatar
    Senior Editor Snow-Covered 910 916 Posts Joined 04/01/2019
    Posted 4 years, 2 months ago

    What time is the stream?

  • Nirast's Avatar
    Senior Editor Snow-Covered 910 916 Posts Joined 04/01/2019
    Posted 4 years, 2 months ago

    2 questions about the Dragon:

    What happens if I kill more than 10 minions?

    Does it have to be in hand to upgrade?

  • Nirast's Avatar
    Senior Editor Snow-Covered 910 916 Posts Joined 04/01/2019
    Posted 4 years, 2 months ago

    Supreme Abyssmal.

  • Nirast's Avatar
    Senior Editor Snow-Covered 910 916 Posts Joined 04/01/2019
    Posted 4 years, 2 months ago

    I'm personally looking forward to making an Inspire deck with the class. TGT was the latest expansion when I got into the game, so it and the Inspire mechanic have a pretty special place in my hearth. And it looks like DH might finally make it viable, especially as an odd variant.

  • Nirast's Avatar
    Senior Editor Snow-Covered 910 916 Posts Joined 04/01/2019
    Posted 4 years, 2 months ago

    @shaveyou I already shaved, thanks :P. I like the idea of the card. Fits well with the DH identity of constantly attacking. My only concern is that it's supper easy to remove and is pretty much a glorified beat stick. Maybe give it rush? I'm also not sure a mammoth is the best fit for Demon Hunters. It doesn't exactly scream "quick and nimble".

    @Wailor Much as I LOVE the irony of Demon Hunters being in charge of EYES in Boom Labs, The mechanic would be very hard to implement in the game currently. Spirit of the Snake is cool. Whisperer of the Depths is also pretty good, but I don't know how broken it would be in C'Thun decks.

    @Xarkkal Like the idea, probably as close as the class will get to Single Target removal. Might be a tad too strong, either cut the Twinspell or bump the cost by one.

    @DescentOfDragonsOp This is beyond broken. Swarm of Locusts is 6 mana for 7/7 worth of stats. Your card, for 2 more mana, not only gives you 4 times that (bodies twice as big summoned twice), you also get up to 15 damage on the weapon. Tone it down a LOT.


    Now, for my card. Considering I'm planning on playing Oddly Inspiring DH when it comes out, I've decided to give it some support:

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