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Scorpyon's Comments

  • Scorpyon's Avatar
    120 92 Posts Joined 05/28/2019
    Posted 4 years, 10 months ago

    I remember the [Hearthstone Card (Infinite Murlocs) Not Found] from that arena. It felt like it was almost a good card, but shame it was so slow.

  • Scorpyon's Avatar
    120 92 Posts Joined 05/28/2019
    Posted 4 years, 10 months ago

    I can confirm that the update was released yesterday for iPhone (at least in the UK) and I have been playing it.

  • Scorpyon's Avatar
    120 92 Posts Joined 05/28/2019
    Posted 4 years, 10 months ago

    The trouble is that then becomes a method of card-purchasing (albeit in a fairly lengthy process).

    You pay money for the adventure.
    You complete the adventure.

    You then choose a card (obv a legendary) to make golden. 
    You dust said legendary.

    You re-craft that legendary (if you want).
    You then craft any legendary you want.

    The cost of a legendary now becomes equivalent to the exact cost of the adventure.
    This may not sound like much, but it's actually a HUGE deal. It changes everything about the game. The game becomes a form of Pay-To-Win since now you can guarantee a way to buy a specific card. It place a real-world monetary value on legendary cards. This means that obtaining cards in the game has a real-world equivalent value and the game can be legally evaluated as being a form of gambling.

    It would then have a knock-on effect of requiring legislation and stringent rules put into place, as well as a new age limit (to prevent children access to gambling).
    It's a big old kettle of fish right there... ;-)

  • Scorpyon's Avatar
    120 92 Posts Joined 05/28/2019
    Posted 4 years, 10 months ago

    You don't have to play it before Kangor's of course.
    Since Kangor's is your "Big Bonanza" play, having the opponent have an answer to it easily can be a bit deflating, so having other options for afterwards is useful.

    That aside, it can also just be good to beef up whatever you have on the board to keep tempo, etc.
    I'd say keep it in if you have the card (in case anyone crazily dusted it).

  • Scorpyon's Avatar
    120 92 Posts Joined 05/28/2019
    Posted 4 years, 10 months ago

    Nowhere specific. She just goes...

    Image result for does she go?

    In reply to Aggro game play.
  • Scorpyon's Avatar
    120 92 Posts Joined 05/28/2019
    Posted 4 years, 10 months ago
    Quote From FortyDust
    Quote From Scorpyon

    The FTP grind with MtG is sooooo much easier than Hearthstone and much more rewarding. 
    I have only played for a month and feel like I already have a fairly substantial collection and haven't spent a penny on the game.

    It's really not as horribly slow and grindy as Hearthstone, so I would recommend keeping going with it - you get (usually) at least a pack a day (and more), so it feels like good progression - whereas with Hearthstone you can barely make a noticable addition - probably due to Hearthstone being so limited on cards, etc.

    I know MTG feels generous, but in reality the number of cards you get compared to what you will need for a competitive deck is pitiful.

    I tried MTG earlier this year, grinding for free for a while. It didn't take me long to realize I would never in a million years have a competitive collection until I dropped some cash -- the lack of a crafting system ensures that. I actually applaud their decision to prohibit the player from destroying his own cards, but trust me, as f2p you will never get enough wild cards to make all the rares you need for a truly good deck.

    I finally did fork over some money -- about the same as I would spend on a Hearthstone expansion, just to be fair -- and things got better. I was able to make the decks I wanted, more or less, but I still quit eventually, due to my personal problems with the game itself.

    So in summary, the "generosity" of MTG is an illusion; the game itself is not terrible, but I'm personally not a fan.

    Agree to disagree? (Since the "generosity" of the game is pretty much based on personal subjectivity to each player individually)

    For me, I find it to be much more gratifying and engaging than Hearrthstone - this is partly because the amount of choice you have in what you are given means that there are constantly new decks to explore and I rarely see the same deck multiple times in a row, which already trumps Hearthstone, just for that small mercy!

    And not to mention, that though it may seem that there's a bigger mountain to climb in Magic from the outside, as your collection grows, that mountain gets ever smaller, but the amount of choice and variety, doesn't - this means that slowly but surely, Magic eges ever further forward ahead of Hearthstone in terms of gameplay and accessibility.

  • Scorpyon's Avatar
    120 92 Posts Joined 05/28/2019
    Posted 4 years, 10 months ago

    I find aggro game play in Magic to be a much different beast (pardon the pun) to that of Hearthstone and the reason (for me) is due to something I have complained about in regards to Hearthstone since it's inception: namely, the fact that minions can attack the opponent's face without any preventative action from the opponent.

    In Magic, you are given ample opportunity to throw creatures in the way of big attacks, but Hearthstone expects you to just take the damage to the face without a response. It's a huge flaw and one I've always been surprised they continue to refuse to accept they made and won't do anything to rectify it. 

    The introduction of the Rush mechanic was a half-hearted attempt at fixing things, but it doesn solve either the problem of Charge minions, or (worse) the fact you cant throw minions or spells in the way to stop the opponent attacking you.

    In reply to Aggro game play.
  • Scorpyon's Avatar
    120 92 Posts Joined 05/28/2019
    Posted 4 years, 10 months ago

    I have had this issue with all decks on my mobile version.
    It's caused by the recent patch (only happened after the patch installed), so likely to do with the recent card changes.

    Decks still work and are playable, etc, so doesnt break anything.

  • Scorpyon's Avatar
    120 92 Posts Joined 05/28/2019
    Posted 4 years, 10 months ago

    Got mine about 25 years or so ago. 
    Though originally it was my little brother's username in games. He would be Scorpion and I would be SubZero.

    When Everquest and the original Counterstrike (Half Life Mod) came along (and he moved on to sport rather than video games), I took the username because I preferred it, and changed the letter so as not to be a total copy! Haha! :-D

  • Scorpyon's Avatar
    120 92 Posts Joined 05/28/2019
    Posted 4 years, 10 months ago

    Having done this sort of brawl many times in the past, it was a fairly straightforward one to complete.
    Even when I f***ed up at one point and went in to early on the boss, not realising there was one more phase to go (which I expect must have made my co-op guy huff in frustration, but fortunately we were already well ahead with a beefed up windfury minion that the boss couldn't kill by that point, so luckily it worked out ok in the end.

    #FirstTry :-)

  • Scorpyon's Avatar
    120 92 Posts Joined 05/28/2019
    Posted 4 years, 11 months ago

    Still not had the buffs on mobile yet... :-(

    I want to get going with my super Flark's Boom-Zooka deck! It was already very strong before the buffs, so eager to see how it is now.

  • Scorpyon's Avatar
    120 92 Posts Joined 05/28/2019
    Posted 4 years, 11 months ago

    As promised, I've given it a good run for the last hour or so and here's what I've found.
    A small caveat: I don't have [Hearthstone Card (Taz Nozwhisker) Not Found] so I replaced him with a Blink Fox for my run. But since I never really got a chance to play the scheme more than once in the entire run, I don't think this had a negative effect on my outcomes.

    In all, I think the deck runs fairly well - in the same vein as other Tempo Rogue decks. I had a pretty good win rate with it, but my results may be a little skewed due to the overwhelming number of Mages I seemed to come up against this afternoon (Seriously, it was like 80-90%! lol)

    The Strengths...

    If the deck can start snowballing, it's very strong. Against decks with little or no AoE, I can see this working well (decks like Warrior, etc may give it more problems).
    The Shark is super strong, especially with Edwin. I won 2 games with an 18/18 and a 24/24 Edwin in play. Always satisfying.
    Shark with the Former Champ is great when you pull it off.

    I didn't get to play / see Heistbaron Togwaggle more than once or twice, but he's a lot of fun to play. 

    You're right, you can drop a giant on turn 4 and it's good. (Though there feels like a bit of a loss of tempo to do so)

    And then... the Weaknesses

    The Shark is basically the lynchpin of this deck. If you don't see it, chances are you will dtruggle. 
    I don't think the Pogo Hoppers ever got a chance to be played even when they were in my hand for the most part. They seemed to be an awkward addition. If I ever got to the point where I could try and p[lay one, I'd pretty much already won anyway and they were never going to save me in a game.

    If you struggle in the early game to find suitable drops (and in particular against aggro - Carpetlock destroyed me pretty soundly), it's simply game over. No life gain or protection and it feels like a Face-Race that you're set to lose.

    Lastly, it continually felt like there was a gap in the 3 mana stage of the game. I was often a little stuck for a useful play at that point, and the Rat + Lackey is pretty weak, especially if the opponent is pressing the board. 

    Final Thoughts...

    I like the deck, it's fun to play and provides some interesting games to enjoy. I don't think it's by any means the strongest Shark-based deck out there at the moment, but I also don't think that matters and in any case, it does have some potential, especially with the buffs on the way which might make things more interesing. Having the Pogo Hoppers with rush would certainly give them a bit more of a solid reason to be in here. 

    P.S. ...

    Unsung hero of this deck probably goes to Ravencaller. With the synergy from both the Shark and then the Magic Carpet, this actualyl won me a good few games when I needed some big board wipes.

    In reply to This deck is amazing
  • Scorpyon's Avatar
    120 92 Posts Joined 05/28/2019
    Posted 4 years, 11 months ago
    Quote From Rippy
    Quote From Scorpyon

    This deck seems a little all over the place here.
    What is the purpose of Former Champ in the deck?

    Pogo Hopper will be much better with the Carpet after the buffs.
    Why Violet Haze? You don't appear to have any other Deathrattle syneries for this card to be much use. 

    You have a pretty low curve and tempo-based, so the likelihood of getting much joy from the giants is probably fairly low. You'd need a full hand (which is possible later with the Shark and Miscreants, etc, but by then the giant loses it's impact. Look at what other battlecry cards you could consider perhaps?

    Some better options for bouncing the Pogo would probabyl help you here. Something like Brewmaster or the 3/2 chap who bounces minions back (I forget the name).
    Maybe even a Vanish or two would help here as well.

    Quote From W0lfr1c

    Violet haze over Lab Recruiter? I see that haze fits but maybe ? And double champ is propably a 5 mana card too much but in generall this looks good.

    Violet Haze is a card generator, I like the idea of getting 2 minions for 2 mana. Mountain Giant can be played on turn 4, if you get the perfect curve... Also there are many other card generators, as Ravencaller, EVIL Miscreant, EVIL Cable Rat, Barista Lynchen and Tak Nozwhisker.

    Former Champ is usually very good in many situations when you play tempo Spirit of the Shark. Or, you can profit by evolving the 1/1 into a 6 or 7 mana drop with the Witchy Lackey.

    Don't forget that you have access to Shadowstep, so you can do a lot of bizarre plays with the cards that I mentioned...
    Anyway, you'll generate a lot of 1-drops to slam with the Magic Carpet :))

    @Scorpyon I tried many Pogo archetypes... For exaple: Vanish, Lab Recruiter, and control package seems very slow to me. Perhaps they are true AAA cards, but in my opinion they just doesn't fit in this meta. 
    Bouncing pogo looks like a tempo loss to me, also shuffling them in the deck isn't always the best choice in a lot of matchups.

    That's why I made this deck. Where Pogo is just a good alternative in the late game instead of your main strategy.
    Togwaggle's Scheme is a very versatile card indeed, you can play it on Pogo-Hopper, Mountain Giant, Heistbaron Togwaggle or even Zilliax, and is even stronger after the Myra's Unstable Element plus the tak nozwhiasker's effort.

    There are very few cards that would fit in this kind of "Zoo" list. I'm testing some other valuable battlecry option as Arena Fanatic, Novice Engineer and Frostwolf Warlord.

    You said that "getting much joy from the giants is probably fairly low", I suggest you to try this list before... but be careful to not overdraw lol

    All good. I'll give it a try for a true test of it's experience. My feedback was based purely on looking at the list in a vacuum and how it looks to synergise. I get the synergy between the Fanatic and the Shark - though I'm not convinced... yet. :-)

    I'll try it for a while and let you know if I have any further feedback. :-D


    In reply to This deck is amazing
  • Scorpyon's Avatar
    120 92 Posts Joined 05/28/2019
    Posted 4 years, 11 months ago

    This deck seems a little all over the place here.
    What is the purpose of Former Champ in the deck?

    Pogo Hopper will be much better with the Carpet after the buffs.
    Why Violet Haze? You don't appear to have any other Deathrattle syneries for this card to be much use. 

    You have a pretty low curve and tempo-based, so the likelihood of getting much joy from the giants is probably fairly low. You'd need a full hand (which is possible later with the Shark and Miscreants, etc, but by then the giant loses it's impact. Look at what other battlecry cards you could consider perhaps?

    Some better options for bouncing the Pogo would probabyl help you here. Something like Brewmaster or the 3/2 chap who bounces minions back (I forget the name).
    Maybe even a Vanish or two would help here as well.

    In reply to This deck is amazing
  • Scorpyon's Avatar
    120 92 Posts Joined 05/28/2019
    Posted 4 years, 11 months ago

    It's no longer "Today" and I'm not seeing any buffs on my cards on my phone.
    Is the change delayed? Or do you reckon it will be Thursday instead now?

  • Scorpyon's Avatar
    120 92 Posts Joined 05/28/2019
    Posted 4 years, 11 months ago

    The FTP grind with MtG is sooooo much easier than Hearthstone and much more rewarding. 
    I have only played for a month and feel like I already have a fairly substantial collection and haven't spent a penny on the game.

    It's really not as horribly slow and grindy as Hearthstone, so I would recommend keeping going with it - you get (usually) at least a pack a day (and more), so it feels like good progression - whereas with Hearthstone you can barely make a noticable addition - probably due to Hearthstone being so limited on cards, etc.

  • Scorpyon's Avatar
    120 92 Posts Joined 05/28/2019
    Posted 4 years, 11 months ago

    Seeing some of the comments in this thread makes me feel so much more encouraged about adding people after a game only to say literally nothing and watch them flip out because they wanted to be flamed and didn't get their attention-quota for the day. 
    Hehehe! Delicious :-P

  • Scorpyon's Avatar
    120 92 Posts Joined 05/28/2019
    Posted 4 years, 11 months ago

    Just a couple things on my mind here:

    1 - I'm afraid that the link you posted (with the url) doesn't seem to work - for me, atl east. Maybe it does for others and I'm just unlucky? I don't know. Foruntaltey the one at the bottom of your post does, but I was almost tricked into assuming it was just not working until I noticed others giving feedback on the deck, so I wondered why I couldn't see it. :-P

    2 - I wondered why this deck is called Boom Hunter when it doesn't seem to use Flark's Boom-Zooka or any Dr Boom-based card? 
    It seems more like a standard Bomb Hunter deck? Just a little confused :-)

    I know it's just a name, and probably sounds like a silly thing to worry about - but I was curious. :-P

  • Scorpyon's Avatar
    120 92 Posts Joined 05/28/2019
    Posted 4 years, 11 months ago

    Doh! We need a {card} tag that works for Magic on here. 
    It's hard work going and looking up all these cards that I haven't memorised yet to know what they do! Haha!

  • Scorpyon's Avatar
    120 92 Posts Joined 05/28/2019
    Posted 4 years, 11 months ago

    I'm totally done with Hearthstone for now. 
    I auto-received my rank 5 start for the season and I realised I don't even care about it any more. 

    One more game against cancer-Lackey Rogue and I have realised I just have no love for this game any more. In fact, the only reason I am even playing is to generate gold so I can enjoy the single player content which is now more enjoyable than anything on standard ladder. 
    That's a damning indictment of the game really.

    Meh... I'll probably be back on in a few days and I know it.

    At least Magic : Arena is still fun....

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