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  • shaveyou's Avatar
    415 198 Posts Joined 06/08/2019
    Posted 3 years, 5 months ago

    I don't see this anywhere tbh. Arena would require deliberately drafting a 10 drop just to corrupt this, Duels is way to fast for this to be playable, and I can't think of a deck this would fit in in standard constructed. Maybe, just maybe as a follow up to N'Zoth, in a deck that also runs Y'Shaarj? It would require an impossibly slow meta to even be considered, let alone playable though.

  • shaveyou's Avatar
    415 198 Posts Joined 06/08/2019
    Posted 3 years, 5 months ago

    I imagine it would, the corrupted card seems like its set to be a completely different card, with its own battlecry.

  • shaveyou's Avatar
    415 198 Posts Joined 06/08/2019
    Posted 3 years, 5 months ago

    Just so happens I was working on a Hero Card for a project I've been working on, so at very least I can get some balance tips.

    Feedback coming!

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    fungusABao - Cenarius, The Wild God. I have a couple of issues here. Firstly, druid having a good board clear feels weird. It's always been one of their weaknesses, and honestly, they don't have many, so I feel like this one should stick around. The Tree of Life effect is fine though. I'd also reduce the Hero Power to 2 armor.

    fungusABao  - Anub'Arak, The Traitor King. Battlecry is fine, I feel 10 armor is overkill, even with the inability to hide behind taunts. That's still a game over for any aggro/burn deck. Odd Warrior is polarizing in wild as it is, this would be even more so imo.

    Kansas - Brann, Bold Explorer. Love that Hero Power. The Weapon doesn't feel overpowered for the cost, absolutely no complaints here.

    Linkblade91 - Liadrin, Fallen Lady - Restricting it to play, rather than summon was a good idea. Divine Shield seems to get forgotton about in paladin more than it should, and this could help boost the synergy, if they ever wanted to go down that route again.

    anch4rman - Swarmlord Lunara. I'll start with a minor gripe. Shouldn't it be Swarmqueen? I'd say stick with the first version. It does punish the opponent if they can't clear a board on 2/2s on T8. but druid should punish for not being able to clear minions. The second actually feels more OP, as it's one thing to clear a board of 2/2s, but it's another thing to clear 4 1/1s every single turn.

    Bloodmefist - Rafaam, Prime Evil. I think there's a limit on token submissions. You may want to check that before any further refining.

    That's all I've got time for at the moment, sorry if I missed you, I'll do another round of feedback tomorrow.

  • shaveyou's Avatar
    415 198 Posts Joined 06/08/2019
    Posted 3 years, 5 months ago

    I think this will struggle. Stowaway draws the "cast when drawn" cards better, so I think this might be relegated to a Pogo deck in wild. I really like this archetype, but I just can't see this working.

  • shaveyou's Avatar
    415 198 Posts Joined 06/08/2019
    Posted 3 years, 5 months ago

    I worry that Hench-Clan Hogsteed could hurt the N'zoth turn, by pulling a 1/1 instead of a 4/3 Rush. Do you not think Plated Beetle or Vicious Scalehide be better in that slot?

  • shaveyou's Avatar
    415 198 Posts Joined 06/08/2019
    Posted 3 years, 5 months ago

    I can see this finding it's way into a Pirate build. Skybarge is a Mech, and Pirates are also cheap/ can be discounted.

    I really struggle seeing this making a Menagerie style deck though, the dragon slot on the new N'Zoth feels like it should be a big body/active effect.

  • shaveyou's Avatar
    415 198 Posts Joined 06/08/2019
    Posted 3 years, 6 months ago

    Definately fits a extreme low curve aggro deck best. At the moment, I don't see this having a home, but if we get a few aggressive demon buffs/ cheap aggressive minions, then maybe? Denying a board clear, is the reason Loetheb was played by aggro after all. This is worse at that, but better at denying an on-curve taunt.

  • shaveyou's Avatar
    415 198 Posts Joined 06/08/2019
    Posted 3 years, 6 months ago

    A while back, I played around with a Menagerie Shudderwock deck in wild. This is perfect for it, and may actually make it close to viable. I like it.

  • shaveyou's Avatar
    415 198 Posts Joined 06/08/2019
    Posted 3 years, 6 months ago

    Maybe a new toy for Rez Priest? It being in ping range removes a lot of other options, such as pulling it with Commencement.

  • shaveyou's Avatar
    415 198 Posts Joined 06/08/2019
    Posted 3 years, 6 months ago

    For the Survival combo, you could play Kiri the turn before, making it a 10 mana combo.

  • shaveyou's Avatar
    415 198 Posts Joined 06/08/2019
    Posted 3 years, 6 months ago

    Honestly, I'm completely stuck. I will concede that a Deathrattle shudderwock is hardly the most original idea, so I'll likely just run with this. Any issues jump out at anyone?


    Feedback incoming!


  • shaveyou's Avatar
    415 198 Posts Joined 06/08/2019
    Posted 3 years, 6 months ago

    They created this, with Kael'Thas in the same standard year? Play this, then follow up with Lunar (next spell costs 2 less), then Solar (Next spell casts twice), then Survival of the Fittest, and boom +8/+8 to your whole deck, and a 12/15 Kael'thas on board. Better hope Druid gets no survival tools for the next year.

  • shaveyou's Avatar
    415 198 Posts Joined 06/08/2019
    Posted 3 years, 6 months ago

    Quote From linkblade91
    shaveyou - I would think this card's strength and whether the cost+rarity are warranted really depends on what Deathrattles are available at the time of its existence (referring to Standard). A rather obvious assertion, but what I mean by it is that I don't know if this card needs to be a 10-mana Legendary. Shudderwock, for instance, retriggers all Battlecries for 9-mana with a 6/6 body included; are Deathrattles that much better to demand a higher cost card without a body?Text

    I did think about that, and came to the following conclusion.

    1. Shudderwock demands a level of deckbuilding. Due to the targeted nature of battlecries, and the lack of targeting when they are replayed by Shudderwock, means that potential powerful cards/battlecries potentially hurt the Shudderwock play. Outside of the OTK decks, I feel this has been the limiting factor on Shudderwock's viability in general. With Deathrattles, there is no random targeting, outside of that which was already random. The only deck-building is to make sure you don't fill your board with weak things (such as the tokens from Haunted Creeper for example)

    2. Deathrattles are balanced around your opponent being able to respond. Outside of a few key cards (Play Dead, Reincarnate etc) a deathrattle is played with the expectation that you can't kill it immediately. This has no such restriction. If a minion died once, it's triggering again, which no counterplay, outside of Counterspell.

  • shaveyou's Avatar
    415 198 Posts Joined 06/08/2019
    Posted 3 years, 6 months ago

    I'm stumped for this week. Breaking from hunter for once, what d'ya all think of this;

    Feedback (Every post that isn't submitted/haven't said they've submitted from the last 24 hours)

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    KANSAS - Strength of the Wild

    I can see this being used as a Pyroblast using Stonetusk Boar more often than not. I'm struggling to see other targets for it at the moment. Evasive Chimera, Hench-Clan Hogsteed and possibly even Angry Chicken are other possibilities, but I still don't feel either of those as 10/10s are worth the investment. It would only really work in a Kael'thas deck imo, or as a finisher with the Boar. I do love the artwork though.

    Anchorm4n - Spy Mastery/Diversity

    Personally, I prefer the Spy Mastery flavour to Diversity. It feels more Rogue-like. As for balance, it's difficult. The best balancing card imo would be Dragonqueen Alexstraza, but you need to factor in the duplicate condition, the fact random dragons are probably stronger on average than random legendaries, and that you don't get the 8/8 body. I'd go for the "all cost (1)" on this basis, although not being able to do anything for a turn hurts Rogue more than most.

    allthehype - The FInal Reckoning

    Starting with a complete tangent, I'd love a Libram that permanently buffs Silver Hand Recruits. Back to the card in question, I think this is pretty balanced as it is. 2 5/5 taunts in two cards probably cost in at 8 mana, making the permanent buff to the recruits cost 2. It's strong, but not broken, unless there is a lot of Silver Hand Recruit summoning cards, such as Lost in the Jungle. I cry a little for Wild though.

    Bloodmefist - Burning Crusade/Wrath of the Legion/Call of Sargaras

    Question on Burning Crusade, how does this work? Does it discard a card, summon an infernal, and repeat, causing the infernals to get damaged each time, or deal damage, then summon infernals? I'm awful at balancing discard effects, so I'm not going to go too heavy on this, but the latter feels very, very strong. Wrath of the Legion feels cleaner, and a better balance since you can't fill the whole board with 6/6's.Call of Sargaras feels too weak, and would be better at 8 mana (which obviously isn't an option.) I'd personally go for Wrath of the Legion.

    Hordaki - Prepare for War/Into the Battlegrounds

    Personally, I dislike both. Having disruption effects like Dirty Rat/Deathlord is fine, but 7 minions (potentially) is too much, even for a 10 mana legendary. If you're set on the idea, I'd say Into the Battlegrounds, having the ability to choose trades with Prepare for War is just too strong.

    Wailor - Bastion/Philosophers Stone/Perfect Storm

    Bastion is fine, if a little plain. Philosopher's Stone feels a little strange flavour-wise. Would a bank robbery theme not suit this better? Perfect Storm is bad. I get Priest should be better than Shaman at Board clears, but the same effect as Plague of Death, only costing 6 more? Sorry, I feel like I'm being harsh, but nothing here is jumping out at me. Bastion is my favourite out of the three, just an ultimate recovery tool.

    Basilanguis - Extinction

    Everyone gets a Pyroblast! The flavour carries this. I don't want to like it, but I can't help myself.



  • shaveyou's Avatar
    415 198 Posts Joined 06/08/2019
    Posted 3 years, 6 months ago

    Thanks for the feedback everyone. It seems like the majority of the concerns raised were regarding the flavour, which is tricky to fix without just reskinning the card, and tbh, I really like the idea of a Raptor school. I've renamed the card to try to evoke the flavour slightly, but I think I'm fairly settled (wouldn't refuse further feedback though!).

    Anyway, Feedback time!


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    Spellcaster in Training - I've already given my thoughts on this.

    Notebuying Slacker - I feel the flavour is off here. Is the minion buying notes off of you? And that's why you get the coins? I feel like there is an interesting space to have a Spellburst which is improved by triggering it with the coin, but I'm not recalling any coin generators in standard atm.

    Sturdy Quarterback - Is that Blood Bowl art I see. I have no issue, but I do see why you feel it doesn't fit in with HS. It's still my favourite here though.


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    Well that's value. With the amount of spell generation that Mage has, this is a pretty solid way to generate near infinite resources, for a minor up front cost. I still prefer Masked Prowler personally.


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    That's still a strong tutor, but toned way down from the original busted version. The art still feels off for the expansion though.


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    I'm sure there's an otk I'm missing here, but I can't spot it. I'd say the balance is fine, but the flavour feels off, for a school based expansion.


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    The Lorekeeper - First issue, this would be in the same set as Lorekeeper Polkelt, so a name change is in order. other than that, Dead Man's hand on a stick. Can go infinite easily enough, but with no mill tools in standard atm, that's not a huge issue. It's a good value generator, and could shine in the right meta, without being overbearing generally. I like it, and I prefer it to….

    Wind Totem - It could fit in a totem deck, and it's a card I can imagine being added, but it's just a bit….dull


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    Mad Researcher - This needs bringing down a little. Premium stats for a 2 drop, which also draws 2, would be played in every Zoo deck. The discard is irrelevant for them, and the hand refill is much wanted. This could be a 1/1 and I'd still worry it was too strong. I'd drop the stats to 2/2 and reduce it to draw 2 discard 1.

    Trapmaster Alanna - This needs hitting with a massive nerf bat. Getting 10 mana worth of free stuff, with the drawback of slightly lower stats and having to cast a spell, is insane. This could potentially act as a Glacial Mysteries on a stick, putting a copy of each secret in the deck into play instead? It could still highroll in Hunter, or cap at 6 for Rogue, but would be much more balanced.


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    Shrieking Banshee - Stealing minions has been a contentious point throughout HS's history. Mind Control got nerfed early on, Sylvanas got Hall of Famed, as did Mind Control Tech, while Shadow Madness, Cabal Shadow Priest and Potion of Madness all have stat limitations. The reason for this is it's not fun, for either player really. Winning games because MCT/Sylvanas high rolled doesn't feel satisfying, and losing to them is rage inducing. If you're committed to the concept, but all means, run with it, but I don't think it will be received well.


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    Archmage Karlain - I don't believe this works the way you think it does. Reducing a cards cost below 0 doesn't work afaik, for example, if you hit a Kobold Librarian with 2 x Thauriassian reduction, and then played Nerub'ar Weblord, the Kobold would still cost 2, not 1. I may be wrong, and tbh, haven't checked, but I believe this is the way it works.


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    Untitled Hunter Secret - I'm not feeling it tbh. I get that it can work as a secret activator, so it's slightly different that just having a 3/2 weapon in the deck, but I can't say I like the design. Sorry


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    Explosive Archer - If I understand correctly, it's a one shot Zentimo that only works for damage spells? This could be really cool with something like Explosive shot, creating a ripple effect. I think the wording on the first is fine personally.


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    Cult Aspirant - It's fine. I think the first one is better, but either way, something with this effect is going to be seen as being very similar to Headmaster Kel'Thuzard. It's a solid 3 star, but I can't imagine it going higher.


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    Freezemeister - I like it. It's a solid card, but maybe not as flashy as your other idea

    Attentive Student. I like it. Of the two, I think the second (Book Shuffles) is the better, and a really good spin on Shadows of Death.


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    Ancestral Crescent - Good idea, we've not had Overload support like this in standard for a while (WotoG in fact), and it would help push some archetype up, which Shaman desperately needs right now.

    Golden Justicar - It's a little plain. I prefer the crescent.

  • shaveyou's Avatar
    415 198 Posts Joined 06/08/2019
    Posted 3 years, 6 months ago

    Welp, I somehow missed 2 weeks. Or maybe 3? I lost count. Work sucks.

    Anyway, Hunter made it into the Hall of Winners, but only as a dual class card. So....hunter card....

    They're clever girls Brent.

    Hunters spellburst card was.....lacklustre to say the least. Deadly shot on a stick isn't great, as deadly shot itself is a somewhat niche card, and that niche doesn't exist while Lackeys, tokens, and dudes clutter the meta. Instead, I suggest this. Inspired somewhat by Troublemaker, this gives Hunter a powerful board swing, and would incentivise running cheaper spells.


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    Wailor - Spell Damage +2 is huge, but mitigated by the fact you need to cast a spell first, before you can use it. People underestimate just how good Spell Damage +2 is. As for wording…. I'm not sure honestly. Negative Spell Damage is something that I believe Blizz have said explicitly they have no intention of introducing, but ignoring that, I feel cleanest way would be option 2. As for balance, I do feel a 3/2 would be more balanced, or even looking at a slight stat boost and a move to 3 mana. Art is fine though, it's very Scholomance Academy.

    DemonXZ95 - Masked Prowler - I love it. Maybe a little on the powerful side, but the Quest, and the Archetype probably need a shot in the arm to return to viability. 

    DemonXZ95 - Stitching Arm - I'm less sold on this one. It feels really out of place in SA. The balance and idea are fine, I just think Masked Prowler is a lot better.

    Linkblade91 - If Hunter could play a solid control strategy, I'd put this down as a potent finisher. Anyway, it would support a GA deck, but also aid a big beast deck, which I always like. It reminds me a bit of the balanced mana cheats, such as Gather Your Party. It's solid, but maybe lacking a wow factor.

    TheHoax91 - Spellburst on a Hero card is weird. I mean, it's innovative, but it's also really weird. Where would the Icon go? Anyway, that aside, I would say this needs nerfing. Seriously, this could be 6 mana and still be viable. You're talking about introducing a permanent spell damage effect, which is repeatable, and in a class with access to some really strong stall tools, which get better with spell damage. This could easily be 6 mana, and would still have a possibility of being the most hated card in the game.

  • shaveyou's Avatar
    415 198 Posts Joined 06/08/2019
    Posted 3 years, 7 months ago

    This is the first bundle I've passed on. I could justify it even if it just had different voicelines, anything on top of that would have been a bonus, but paying for yet another Jaina skin, plus 200+ dust just isn't worth it. 

    The completionist in me is raging though.

  • shaveyou's Avatar
    415 198 Posts Joined 06/08/2019
    Posted 3 years, 7 months ago

    Thanks for the feature! I guess I'd better get round to finishing that write up now...

  • shaveyou's Avatar
    415 198 Posts Joined 06/08/2019
    Posted 3 years, 7 months ago

    Firstly, it's free. You don't have to play it. The reward is minor, and afaik, it doesnt need to be completed to play the other classes further down the line. This isn't the Scholomance adventure.

    I can see why they started with Jaina, especially as its basically tutorial + for difficulty, but I think some of the other heroes will be more interesting stories. I'm looking forward to Thrall and Garrosh.

    For solo content, I'd like to see 1 "classic" adventure, 1 Dungeon run style, and one of something different per year. Don't really care what, but so far, the only time they deviated from the other two was Boomsday. Personally, I didn't enjoy it, but it was nice to see them trying something else. 

    As for Dungeon Run content, I personally think that the original was one of the worst, only beating Rumble Run. They made massive steps forward with Witchwood (new Avatars, dual classes) Dalaran Heist (Multiple Twists, Anomaly mode, Choice of Hero powers) and Uldum (improvements on Dalaran Heist, returning dual classes, more flavour). All of them have issues without question, and I think the Plague Lords were a mistake, especially for content that you want people to complete multiple times, but I can see them learning each time, which makes me want a new one. Not more than one per year though.

  • shaveyou's Avatar
    415 198 Posts Joined 06/08/2019
    Posted 3 years, 7 months ago

    Hmm, not massively feeling this theme. I feel the "pure" deck building restriction fits paladin so well, it would feel weird in other classes.

    Oh well, here goes anyway.

    Like Demonxz95, I want to get a hunter card in the Winners Gallery. I thought I'd play around with a card that would be (semi) playable if randomly generated, rather than being entirely dedicated to a "pure" theme. I'll have a think and see if I can come up with anything better, but as well, thoughts are appreciated.

    I'll jump back later and give feedback when there's a couple more cards to look at.

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