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Joined 06/25/2019 Achieve Points 145 Posts 61

WailordKari's Comments

  • WailordKari's Avatar
    145 61 Posts Joined 06/25/2019
    Posted 4 years, 10 months ago

    I’m going to call it now: Blizz will regret printing this. There’s just too many things you can do with it. You can trade in a wide board and then get it back for seven mana, you can counter AoE, you can bring back just a big thing or two and you’re still dumping a lot of stats on the board, something like Summon Mage or Res Priest could take advantage of this nicely.

    Craft this the second the patch hits. Pretty sure we’re looking at the new Zilliax here, a big legendary flex card that goes into nearly every deck. (Granted, less so these days, but still.) And I’m not sure I like nearly auto include cards that go into almost any deck, but as long as they keep insisting on printing them, well... it is what it is.

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