The second part of our foray into the Initiate Set reveals to us some massive powerhouses. Demon Hunters are certainly prepared to go toe-to-toe with the other classes, at least in Standard.

We're always accurate in our reviews, of course, and if you disagree with us we'll politely debate you in the comments (even though you're absolutely wrong and we've definitely never misread any of the cards in previous reviews, or made wildly inaccurate predictions).

Feast of Souls Card Image

Poor unfortunate souls! So bland! So gluey!

Quote From ShadowsOfSense

I smell a nerf target.

Card draw is clearly not something that Demon Hunters are going to struggle with, but even still, Feast of Souls feels overtuned. Coordinated Strike becomes a 5 mana Deal 3 damage, Draw 3 cards; Command the Illidari an 8 mana Deal 6, Draw 6. Not to mention any incidental minions you happen to have out simply become more fuel for the fire. It's entirely possible that some of the skill in playing this card may come from knowing when in your turn to play it, so you don't draw too many cards!

This is… ridiculous card draw. Two mana cheaper than Cult Master and completely unaffected by incidental Deathrattles or other effects which might halt its ability prematurely. The only downside to this card is that you'll often be spending the last mana of the turn on it, so you won't be able to make use of any of the cards you draw until the next turn. A small price to pay for such massive advantage. I predict this is going to get complaints worse than Divine Favor ever did.

Blade Dance Card Image

Dance Dance Decapitation

Quote From linkblade91

Blade Dance is most comparable to Savagery, another card that wants to use your hero's Attack as a form of additional removal. In that sense, the comparison is very favorable. For one mana more, you can hit three times as many minions, in a class that can quickly escalate their Attack via weapons such as Aldrachi Warblades and the Warglaives of Azzinoth. For 10-mana, an Inner Demon/Blade Dance combo will destroy just about anything…and its buddies. You could also see this spell as a Blade Flurry that doesn't destroy the weapon, which is certainly appreciated. All-in-all, this is a good card that will definitely see play in a deck that wants to control the board even a little.

Soul Split Card Image

Phylactery sold separately.

Quote From Demonxz95

Soul Split is a cool card that compares unfavorably to its Mage counterpart, Molten Reflection. That said, it still has some neat tricks up its sleeve. The most obvious one would be to copy a large Demon. The problem with that is that they cost more than 6 mana.

That would be where I introduce you to my good friend, Raging Felscreamer. With Felscreamer, you can reduce the Cost of your Hulking Overfiend down to 6, where you can play it and use Soul Split on it in the same turn. Pretty neat if I say so myself. If you're lucky to get Fel Summoner to die on your turn, you can do this with less mana and on more possible targets. I'd love to see a "Big Demon DH" deck come into fruition and this seems a card that perfectly goes into there. I think it will need more support first before it really takes off, but the groundwork is there. You could also cheat out a Supreme Abyssal… eh, who am I kidding, that'll never see play.

Raging Felscreamer Card Image

Lead singer of Karazhan Korpse.

Quote From Demonxz95

Raging Felscreamer is reminiscent of Dragon Consort to me. Dragon Consort would be a pretty strong card for Dragon Paladin, but that's never been a hugely popular deck. This card falls into the same use. It is worth noting as of the time of writing this review, that DH has no 2-Cost Demons, meaning the only ones you can use with it are Vilefiend or Imprisoned Vilefiend (lol) to get a 0-Cost Demon that turn. Just like Dragon Consort however, you can also save the Demon for a future turn, perhaps getting out your Hulking Overfiend on turn 6. Unlike Dragon Consort, it also doesn't have the tribe it affects, meaning you can play a second Raging Felscreamer and double the cost reduction effect and the next Demon you play with cost 4 less. If DH gets some more larger Demons, I could see that being a useful strategy. More 2-Cost Demons would also be nice so that you could get maximum efficiency out of a curve play if you want/need to.

Illidari Felblade Card Image

It's not her fault people are so clumsy around her weapons.

Quote From Demonxz95

Illidari Felblade paints a picture described elegantly. It's good. 4 mana 5/3 with Rush is fairly vanilla by itself (and is better than Cursed Castaway) and can get the job done although it will die fairly easily to most things.

But "it'll die fairly easy to most things" doesn't stop Illidari Felblade, and do you know why? Because it becomes Immune when it Outcasts (is that the proper future perfect tense terminology? Eh, who cares?), and because it becomes Immune, it becomes a fast killer. At 4 mana, it will effectively deal 5 damage and leave a 5/3 on the board. That's pretty good, right? Exactly.

Hulking Overfiend Card Image

You should see him when he's angry.

Quote From linkblade91

The most obvious comparison one can make here is with Batterhead: they took two off his Health, added it to his Attack, and made him a Demon. So why not just stick with Batterhead, seeing as how it's still in Standard? Well, turns out the differences are pretty significant if you think about them. 5-Attack is likely to kill something, meaning the reload mechanic should be that much more consistent versus 3-Attack. The two Health shouldn't make too much of a dent in its survivability, so the trade-off was perfectly alright. Finally, the Demon tag means you can Discover a copy (Netherwalker), get it out sooner (Raging Felscreamer), and/or perhaps even Recruit it outright (Pit Commander). The tribal synergy is something that can be further explored in the future, as well, making Hulking Overfiend a staple card for Big-Demon Demon Hunter decks.

Wrathscale Naga Card Image

The wrath scale goes from 'mildly vexed' to 'WHY ARE THEY EVEN RUNNING MCT?!?'.

Quote From linkblade91

Under the right circumstances, Wrathscale Naga is extremely powerful. With only 1 Health it'll be hard to keep alive, but you would never play him before you're ready anyway. Both Coordinated Strike and Command the Illidari are effective combo options, quickly racking up the deaths and thus the effect procs. Keep in mind that the Naga doesn't specify the effect is only for minions, meaning you could seriously damage the opponent's face with this card while still working to control the board. The card is cool, but how effective will it be? That's currently an unknown (although I suppose that's true of the whole class right now).

Eye Beam Card Image

Every deck needs a good support.

Quote From Demonxz95

Eye Beam is a somewhat hilarious, yet also awesome card at the same time. At its base, dealing 3 damage to a minion with Lifesteal for 3 damage is okay. Not "great", but it's not bad if you need to cast it for its full cost, although that's not a card that you would consciously put into your deck if you could avoid it. At 0 though, it's just awesome. If you top-deck it, you can play it for 0 on the same turn you draw it, and we even have a few Outcast effects that draw.

Depending on how easy you can get its Outcast effect to happen, this card could be mediocre, or very strong.

Wrathspike Brute Card Image

Et tu?

Quote From linkblade91

I love Taunts. I would go so far as to say it's my favorite Keyword, so it's nice to see that the new class will also be getting them (looking at you, Rogue). That means this card is right up my alley. Wrathspike Brute functions in particular as a strong counter to a token or aggro deck, reciprocating damage with each strike against her. Keep in mind it doesn't specify "enemy minions", meaning it will apply free face damage against your opponent as well. Late in the game, you could box your foe into a corner with this minion, keeping them from attacking because the return damage will kill them.

Flamereaper Card Image

For the Gryffindor in the family.

Quote From Demonxz95

Team 5, when are you going to make Cleave a keyword?

In all seriousness though, this seems like a very strong card. 7 mana for a Flamestrike is fine, but 7 mana for the potential of three slightly small Flamestrikes in exchange for some face damage is quite good. It's no doubt going to be an extremely strong control card for DH, although Control doesn't appear to be DH's main archetype. Of course, the other problem is that Ooze or Zephrys will simply just get rid of it.

A Control DH deck might take a bit of time to form (if it does), but as soon as it does, then this card is for sure going into that deck.

Altruis the Outcast Card Image

My blades they don't mess around.

Quote From Demonxz95

Altruis is a really cool card with quite a bit of potential in my opinion. While there are probably quite a few builds that can use him well, I want to use him in an Aggro deck as a board control tool. Yes, I realize "aggro" and "board control" are a bit contradictory, but because Aggro runs a lot of low-cost cards, it will be able to trigger this effect several times a turn with ease. Because it also deals face damage, it does still accomplish some aggressive goal of face damage.

You can easily combine it with something like Twin Slice to get to free triggers of this for 0 mana (as the Second Slice will always go to the right-most part of your hand). Cheap Outcast effects which cantrip themselves (such as Consume Magic or Crimson Sigil Runner) will also be quite effective with this, being able to draw a second card and get a second trigger off.

I'm half-expecting a bug upon launch where playing the only card in your hand will trigger its effect twice (as the game will detect that it's technically the left and the right-most card in your hand), but even without such a bug, it's still a card I'll be excited to try out. It's in the Initiate set too, so everyone will be able to do so.

Nethrandamus Card Image

Greater Obsidian Spellstone

Quote From linkblade91

The effect is pretty cool, and it's nice to see the Upgrade mechanic from Kobolds & Catacombs make a return; on a minion, no less! However, with its return comes similar baggage: you need Nethrandamus in your hand to upgrade the Battlecry. Up to 10 minions need to die while the dragon is in your hand to fully maximize the effect; doable with cards like Coordinated Strike and Command the Illidari, but it's still a gamble as-to whether or not Nethrandamus will be available when you're ready/in need of the mass die-off. This is a far cry from Dragonqueen Alexstrasza, who requires nothing beyond being Highlander (not a small thing, either, but she's still more reliable). I hope people will experiment with him, because he seems like a fun card and powerful in the right situations. I'm just concerned that the restriction on him might be too much effort for what will amount to a giant ball of stats.