The rest of the neutral Commons! They're here! The penultimate review starts off strong.

You know the drill. The review? 100% accurate. This pre-review blurb? Charmingly whimsical. My ability to think up more ways of expressing the same, definitely true facts? Wearing thin!

Burrowing Scorpid Card Image

Killing an enemy under cover of a sandstorm? Very da-rude.

Quote From linkblade91

My first thought when I see this card is Fire Plume Phoenix. The Scorpid is a Beast, a 5/2 instead of a 3/3, and it can gain Stealth, but for the most part it will function the same way. FPP saw some play for its Battlecry, so I imagine someone will find a good use for this guy. Stealth Rogue seems the most obvious, but Beast Hunter could utilize him as well; a couple of handbuffs later and you have a cheaper Stranglethorn Tiger with higher Attack, one who kills off an enemy unit. That's not nothin'. If all else fails, you can always go face with the Battlecry.

Felfin Navigator Card Image

It speaks volumes that it got lost on its way to Battlegrounds.

Quote From ShadowsOfSense

I'm gonna be completely honest, I'm far more excited to see this guy make a splash in Battlegrounds than I am looking forward to their Constructed capabilities.

This isn't bad, necessarily, but it will require a dedicated Murloc deck to be played, and nothing suggests to me that one of those will be particularly powerful. Without that, it simply isn't enough stats for the mana cost to bother playing.

Disguised Wanderer Card Image

Come on down, stop on by, hop a Dragon and fly, to another Outlandian Night!

Quote From Demonxz95

This is a bit of a weird card that got my attention when I first saw it. I love cards that try to use extremely unconventional statlines (like Warmaul Challenger), and the Inquisitor definitely fits that mold as a 9/1. A 9/1 can be a bit scary at times, although it can usually still be taken out pretty easily. A Mage can of course just ping it down, and some other classes can deal with relative ease. Some other classes though might have a harder time dealing with it which could possibly make this card a threat in Arena where removal is much less common.

You could possibly even abuse the Deathrattle with cards that allow you to trigger it multiple times (which will be a Wild endeavor as these cards will be rotating out). These can of course all be killed by a simple 1-damage AoE, but it's still funny to think of.

Rustsworn Cultist Card Image

Cult is such a strong word; she prefers contractually bound family!

Quote From Noxious

Cool! I can definitely see this being used in aggro decks, especially of the Warlock variety. Warlocks can definitely get some good traction out of this, creating enough worthless imps to use [Hearthstone Card (Demonic Pact) Not Found] with zero hesitation. The 3/3 stats aren't too exciting for a 4-cost minion, however there's no reason to play it without getting value out of its deathrattle, so the final "math" concerning the amount of health and damage this minion can give you is anywhere from 3/3 to 9/9. Sick.

Ruststeed Raider Card Image

Hop in, loser, we're going Taunting!

Quote From linkblade91

A 5/8 with Rush for 5-mana is pretty good! A 1/(X) minion with Taunt, for 5-mana? Not so much. This card's play-ability will live and die on how useful you can make that initial swing, because afterward its effectiveness will fall off a cliff. With 2-Attack it could at least kill some Treants or something, but it can't even do that. Is this the new Amani War Bear? Certainly doesn't look like it. I'm disappointed.

Scavenging Shivarra Card Image

You're always on target if you pick the targets after you've thrown.

Quote From linkblade91

This is similar to Dyn-o-matic, except…you know…terrible. Without a restriction on the effect like Dyn-o-matic, you can't work around the card to your own benefit, running Demons or whatever you'd need to do to avoid getting popped by your own guy. Instead, we're left with a minion whose primary use-case would be when you have no minions on the board, in which case…will a 6/6/3 with a mini-C'Thun effect save you? Highly unlikely, unless your opponent is flush full of Imps. There are better ways to save yourself on turn-6 or later.

Dragonmaw Sky Stalker Card Image

The sky wants a restraining order, but the best we can do is a grounding.

Quote From ShadowsOfSense

Another case of a decently strong Deathrattle that won't see any play because it's just too fair. Even in Dragon decks, this Deathrattle doesn't warrant any kind of automatic inclusion. The closest this will come to being played will be some experimentation in Highlander lists which are approaching a critical mass of Dragons, Deathrattles or both.

This'll see solid Arena play and little to no constructed representation outside of random Dragon effects.

Bonechewer Vanguard Card Image

Nobody has found the van yet, so they must be very good guards.

Quote From linkblade91

The second Gurubashi Berserker-esque Taunt minion, this one is thankfully much more appealing. 10 Health means you can theoretically proc the effect multiple times, leading to a cascade effect of an ever-growing Attack. Bladestorm in particular could be combo'd with a surviving Bonechewer Vanguard to create a huge swing to the face, like a Divine Spirit/Inner Fire combo would. Even without such shenanigans, a 7/4/10 Taunt with an upside is a worthwhile investment for a deck that wants to stick around for a while, all the while leaving open that growing threat I mentioned. Unlike Gurubashi Berserker, Taunt means your opponent will have to deal with it eventually, making the effect more reliable. All-in-all, should be a decent enough wall, moreso in Arena.

Supreme Abyssal Card Image

Expensive branding for a lackluster product? It really is Supreme!

Quote From Avalon

More like Supreme Abyssmal, amiright folks? On a serious note, it is clearly overstatted for its cost, but the downside it's tied to will probably relegate it to the status of meme. Unfortunately, the fact that it costs so much prevents it to be experimented in Silence Priest, an already fragile archetype that wants to close the game as fast as possible.
I'm not a lore expert, but I read some comments saying that this minion is actually an important character and World of Warcraft named Supremus and that he should have received a better treatment.
It's strange: Team 5 usually gives big lore characters small stats and good effects, but I guess this time it happened the exact opposite. How ironic.