Blizzard has announced the replacement for BlizzCon 2020 - Blizzconline!

  • The event will take place on February 19 & 20.

Blizzard hasn't provided a ton of details quite yet, stating they still have a lot of planning to do. Read on for more details.

Quote From Blizzard

Attune your chronometers, flip your hourglasses, set a notification on your phone—however you mark the passage of time, save the date for BlizzConline™, set to take place February 19–20, 2021!

While circumstances are keeping us from gathering in person this year, we’re putting together a little something early next year to channel the spirit of BlizzCon into the form of an online show. We still have a lot of planning to do, and it’ll be some time before we’re ready to share more details—but we wanted to provide a heads-up on how you can be a part of the online fun.

Gear Up for the Community Showcase

One of the events we’re planning for BlizzConline is the Community Showcase—an opportunity for cosplay crafters, artists, and other community creators to participate in the show and put their talent on display through a mix of world-class competition and exciting exhibitions. And thanks to the all-online nature of the show, we’re able to make these events accessible to even more people from around the globe. We’re also assembling a special March of the Murlocs and inviting everyone to send us images and videos to join in.

If you’re interested in participating in the March of the Murlocs or the Community Showcase, please be mindful of the appropriate health guidelines for any group-based photos, videos, and other submissions. Read on to discover what you need to know to begin your preparation!

Cosplay Exhibition | Cosplay Contest | Art Contest |
Digital Storytelling Contest | Talent Spotlight | March of the Murlocs

Cosplay Exhibition

Entry Deadline: January 4, 2021

Are you someone who enjoys regularly attending conventions in cosplay? Or maybe you’re looking for the right opportunity to get started on your own cosplay-crafting journey? Either way, the Cosplay Exhibition is for you! This just-for-fun showcase of original cosplay from Blizzard’s universes is open to people of all levels of skill, whether you’re a seasoned veteran, a casual cosplayer, or somewhere in between.

The all-online format also gives us a chance to do something we haven’t been able to before: invite the animal kingdom onto the virtual stage! So if you fancy dressing up your fuzzy friends and want to show off your dog, cat, or other critter, we’d love to see your pet cosplay as well.

We’ll be showing off original exhibition submissions during the online show—so simply send us photos and videos you’d like to be considered, and you may spot yourself (or your animal pal) onscreen next February.

For guidelines on how to properly submit your cosplay for consideration, what we’re looking for in terms of quality, and other important criteria, make sure to read the complete official rules.