The bundle for this week's Book of Heroes adventure launch featuring SI:7 Anduin is only available for a very short period of time.

Historically, the last couple of Book of Heroes bundles have been available in the shop for around two weeks, but Anduin has a different fate. Available through Monday, February 8, the bundle is in the shop for less than a week! This could be data showing that there is no reason to keep the bundles around longer because of lower numbers of purchases but we think this may be due to the upcoming Chinese New Year skins and how they will be taking up quite a bit of space in the shop.

Act quick, if you want SI:7 Anduin as you only have until Monday to get him and the 5 Priest packs that are included.

Have you purchased SI:7 Anduin? Let us know why you went for the bundle, or didn't, in the comments below!