Hail, Champions! We did a covered a very on-meta deck last week with Aphelios + TF, so today we wanted to go in the opposite direction and showcase a very off-meta deck. Specifically: after last week's buff to War Chefs, we wanted to dust off this old Emoosives deck to see how it held up in the current meta. Warning: the results were not so great.

It's a very "fair" deck, which is a polite way of saying it struggles to compete with the power creep of recent additions like Aphelios, Zoe, and Wiggly Burblefish. War Chefs does indeed feel much better as a 2|2 instead of a 1|3 and put your early board in a much better position, but it's still not as dominant as it was with its original 2|3 statline -- and even if it was, it probably still wouldn't be enough of an edge to make this into a top-tier deck.

To be clear, this isn't a bad deck; It just has a lot of tough matchups in the current meta. So if this deck is so lackluster, why are we still showcasing it? Because it's fun! In other words: if you're happy with your ranking for the season or if you're just looking to blow off some steam in Normals, this is a good deck for cutting loose. If you're trying to grind for every LP you can before the season ends on Friday, though, you probably want to stick with something more "try hard" like a Draven + Jinx, Pirate Burn, that aforementioned Aphelios + TF deck, or the Zoe Invoke decks we recently covered. So with that in mind, let us show you how to flip your opponents the moose!

Lulu Zed Emoosives Strategy

Greathorn Companion Card Image Fae Guide Card Image Ghost Card Image

This is an cheeky board-control deck with a sneaky finisher combo: if you can give Greathorn Companion elusive via either Fae Guide or Ghost, it can often attack unblocked for 10 damage (15 if you have Relentless Pursuit; 16 if you have Riposte). Elusive + Moose = "Emoosives", get it?

Lulu Card Image Zed Card Image

Your early game is going to reminiscent of older Demacia Bannerman-centric decks. A lot of your power is going to come with the tempo your champions provide on Round 3, so plan accordingly. If you've drawn an early Lulu, try to focus on keeping your units alive and progressing your "Allies Supported" count -- the Support keyword is useless if there's not an additional unit alive to receive the benefit. On the other hand, if you're going with Zed you can be more aggressive in your first few rounds so that enemy blockers are either cleared or at low enough health that Zed can finish them off with his Quick Attack ability.

Between the various Support effects and your buff spells, you have a lot of flexibility in how exactly you attack. Take your time and try to think about what is going to be the most awkward for your opponent to block around. Also, put a lot of thought into when you should open attack versus develop -- in general, you want to develop on Rounds 2-3 and open attack on 4+, but you should consider the board state, how your opponent can punish you, and how well you can deal with your opponent's board.

Young Witch Card Image Fleetfeather Tracker Card Image Flower Child Card Image

Young Witch in particular can put in a ton of work, especially in the first few rounds. Applying her +1|+0 and Quick Attack to a Fleetfeather Tracker will usually result in a free assassination on any enemy; on a Flower Child, it's also usually a free kill on something with the added benefit of permanently buffing the Child. You can also use her to make Lulu awkward to block or use Lulu to buff her to a 4|4 Elusive to push some extra damage.

If you can flip Lulu, things start to get really interesting. On defense, you almost always want to cast Help, Pix! on either Lulu or your strongest unit to punish any development from your opponent. On offense things get a little more interesting -- you have the choice of using it defensively to protect one of your attackers (again, often Lulu), you can use it to make a troublesome blocker vulnerable and drag it to whatever Lulu is buffing to 5|5, or if you opponent has a thin board you can drag a blocker to a chump attacker to push more damage. 

Your ideal finisher is the aforementioned elusive moose, which means trying to save either a Fae Guide or Ghost for that purpose. That said: don't invest too deeply in this win condition as Hush, Equinox, Sharpsight, Frostbite, and Stun will all stop you cold. If those weren't enough to discourage you, there's also a glut of cheap elusives in the current meta like Sparklefly and Zap Sprayfin to mitigate the damage. Instead, consider using your elusiveness for a more tempo-oriented play like ensuring your Lulu can attack safely or to push more damage with a buffed Flower Child

Lulu Zed Emoosives Mulligan Guide

Your ideal opening hand has the following:

If you have the 1- and 2- drops but neither champion, it's usually best to toss the 1-drop but keep the 2-drop. Always toss Relentless Pursuit and any of your 4+ mana cards. 

Ranger's Resolve is usually a worthy keep. If you suspect your opponent is running Avalanche, dig fairly aggressively for Ranger's Resolve and toss any Young Witch.

Lulu Zed Emoosives Decklist

Lulu Zed Emoosives Substitutions

  • Lulu is your primary champion here, but unfortunately, she isn't a strong crafting investment. If you only have 2x copies you can substitute a 3rd Zed or a 1x Fiora; if you have less than that and are tight on crafting resources then you probably look to a different deck.
  • You should have the 2x Zed from your starting collection.
  • The 2x Genevieve Elmheart, conversely, are an extremely worthy Epic craft. In a pinch, you can substitute any combination of 3rd Zed, 1x Garen, Cithria the Bold, The Empyrean, or 1x Tianna Crownguard.

That will do it for this spotlight. Would you like to see more meme-oriented Runeterra deck spotlights in the future? Let us know in the comments below!