Another week of adventuring in the Wailing Caverns is behind us, and the new cards are slowly finding their respective homes in our community members' decklists. Let's take a closer look at some of them!

Mecha'thun Rogue

Swizard is using the new Shroud of Concealment not to stealth minions but to tutor them; a strong effect when you REALLY want to draw those few minions you have.

Mecha’thun Rogue
A Mecha'thun Rogue Deck created by . Last updated 2 years, 10 months ago

OTK Priest

I can't blame KmemBM for false advertising, it indeed isn't an Inner Fire Priest. Instead, the game-ending Health swap is done with Topsy Turvy. The new Cleric of An'she has been included to help with card draw/tutoring for combo pieces.

Big Spell Shaman

Big swings are the name of the game with MCMitta's Shaman list. The deck has some neat combos to ensure that your strategy gets rolling and stays that way.

Quest C'Thun Druid

Neoguli has been tinkering with the original Druid Quest and came up with this list that quite reliably enables a 60 damage C'Thun-combo.

N'Zoth Warlock

The rust returns. Again and again. If you want to have fun with a ton of Primes, stewartpid's deck should give you what you want.

Preparing for the Wilds of the Barrens? Arm yourself with more community decks.

Forged something awesome yourself? Create a Wild deck and share it in the comments below. Don't forget to include a guide!