Although Fractured in Alterac Valley is still close to a week away from going live, releasing on December 7th, there is already a way to play with the new cards and you don't even need to own them!

Alterac Valley's new cards cards have been added to Hearthstone Duels' mid-run buckets, so you'll be able to add them to your run's deck and experiment with them ahead of time. That isn't a guarantee though and we've not had much luck in seeing them on our own runs, but maybe your luck will be better.

It's a triple! Thanks to AgentCroque for the screenshot!

Fractured in Alterac Valley cards will be usable in your starting decks once the expansion goes live next Tuesday and you open them from card packs or craft them using arcane dust. If you want to simulate some card pack openings, head on over to our Alterac Valley card pack simulator.

Quote From Tabayrak

Starting tomorrow you can find Fractured in Alterac Valley and Goblin vs. Gnomes cards in buckets and the new treasures will be live!

But Wait, There's More!

In case you missed it, this isn't the only Duels novelty: in fact, now you're able to include Goblin vs. Gnomes cards in your starting deck and there are 15 brand new Passive Treasures that you can draft. We wrote an in-depth commentary for each of the new treasures, highlighting possible uses and synergies with some classes!

Have you had any luck playing with the new cards in Duels? Let us know your experiences with them in the comments below.