It's not unusual that we get a patch right after an expansion fixing some of the more overtuned cards, but this time we'll be getting a patch because of the previous expansion's overtuned cards. Whether or not it will have any impact on Wild remains to be seen.

Anyway, let's take a look if our community members have found a way to include some Alterac cards to their creations, at least.

Control Paladin

Fallugaloog has been tinkering with this heal-heavy Control Paladin list and welcomes help in perfecting it. Did everyone still remember that Blackguard was a card?

OTK Priest

More healing, kind of. Many Wild Xyrella decks are utilizing damage-dealing Deathrattles, but LogicalTroll has chosen the opposite - healing with cards like Zombie Chow and Corrupted Healbot. One just has to remember to flip the switch with Embrace the Shadow before playing the Hero card if winning is what you want to do.

Ignite Mage

If Freeze Shamans frustrate you, Maven has the answer. Ignite OTK continues to be strong during Alterac meta as well, and this particular list has gone through the true test of the climbing from Bronze to Legend. It also comes with a helpful extensive guide if you're planning to give it a go.

MortalWombat has also arrived to a similar list after their testing whereas doingtheobvious has chosen the Mozaki way instead.

Deathrattle Hunter

Blizzard keeps giving Hunters more Beasts to resurrect, and Korgano has answered the call. The deck has the potential of creating an impermeable wall of Mountain Bears if everything goes according to plan.

OTK Warrior

While most players are likely to use Reflecto Engineer only to get one of the easiest achievements of the expansion, MarkMcKz is naturally using it for an OTK combo as well. No need for Emperor Thaurissan ticks since Warriors got To the Front! now.

Eager to join the Wild battle in the snowy Alterac Valley? Keep yourself warm with more community decks.

Came up with something awesome yourself? Create a Wild deck and share it in the comments below. Don't forget to include a guide!