Welcome to the year 2022! Regardless of the new year some things just don't change; our community members have kept sharing awesome decks to play even during the holiday season.

Highlander OTK Rogue

ScarletSakura has been meddling with this off-meta Highlander list at Diamond ranks with good results. The new objective spell Snowfall Graveyard is in a key role in enabling the game-ending combo.

ScarletSakura also shared a Highlander Hunter with high Legend winrate.

Quest Highlander Mage

"Quest Mage" doesn't sound that exciting at first but Esparanta is using the rarely-seen Raid the Sky Temple instead of the too-often-seen ones. As a true believer's list, the deck also contains both Yoggs.

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OTK Handbuff Hunter

The biggest issue with Tundra Rhino combos is the fact that the aforementioned Beast costs 5. SpectreCular is fixing this issue with a Stormpike Battle Ram - just remember that playing any Beast after the Deathrattle will use up the cost reduction, so timing is everything.

Mill Rogue

Shadowcrafter Scabbs has superseded the older Hero card staple Valeera the Hollow in Blackiron's Mill list. Another newer card inclusion is Blackwater Cutlass, and those cost reductions could come very handy with slower cards like Vanish.

C'Thun Druid

Martian Buu's C'Thun Druid, which anchorm4n already mentioned in his Wednesday post, doesn't seem to be a one-hit-wonder as a Chinese player has also reached #2 Legend with a very similar list (as shared by LovelyDuke on Twitter). The deck is mentioned to be especially strong if you manage to dodge all Mages.

Eager to join the Wild battle in the snowy Alterac Valley? Keep yourself warm with more community decks.

Came up with something awesome yourself? Create a Wild deck and share it in the comments below. Don't forget to include a guide!