The weekend is here and so is our weekly Wild spotlight! Swizard already shared two great deck guides this week (Odd Mage & Midrange Beast Druid), and now we'll take a look at what our other community members have come up this week.

Egg Warlock

TwoSuns1124 is fully committed on the self-sacrifice theme with this Egg-heavy list starring some of the new Alterac Valley cards and Disciplinarian Gandling.

Deathrattle Quest Priest

SpectreCular has come up with this Quest Priest that also has some Big Priest features as well as a surprise Mecha'thun win condition through Xyrella, the Devout.

For a meme-ier take on Big Priest, Byss2 has shared a Mayor Noggenfogger variant.

Dragon Paladin

Just Dragons is the plan that Florences has run with, using the sheer stats to overcome the opposition. The newest addition Brasswing might well be crucial in those stabilizing turns later in the game.

Big Spell Mage

JackThePerson has shared this take on the newly-pushed Big Spell Mage strategy that also got help from the recent Grey Sage Parrot buff.

Burgle Rogue

The archetype seems to be somewhat popular in Standard thanks to the interaction between Maestra and Wildpaw Gnoll, and now that the former has been fixed it should work even better. Pyronix has brought the shenanigans to Wild, including the obligatory Tess Greymane in the list as well.

Eager to join the Wild battle in the snowy Alterac Valley? Keep yourself warm with more community decks.

Came up with something awesome yourself? Create a Wild deck and share it in the comments below. Don't forget to include a guide!