The card reveal season is here and as usual we got a small taste of what's to come with a freebie legendary - Blademaster Okani! Let's see if our community members have figured something out with the card already.

Off-topic reminder: Don't forget to grab two free packs for watching Masters Tour Ruins of Alterac for 4 hours.

Shudderwock Shaman

In addition to Swizard's Handbuff Paladin we already spotlighted after the patch released, MarkMcKz has shared this deck where Okani's Battlecry is being used for maximum evil - to lock our opponent out of the game via the Hero Power and Shudderwock by "choosing both".

Clown Mage

Neoguli has been tinkering with the idea of Carnival Clown in Mage, and Echo of Medivh seems like a tech choice for some proper shenanigans. Puzzle Box of Yogg-Saron should also bring some extra clownery with it.

Holy Wrath Paladin

ChristianHearthstone has continued sharing a plethora of Wild decks to try out, and this one brings back Shirvallah, the Tiger in combination of Northshire Farmer to guarantee the best possible target for Holy Wrath OTK.

Freeze Shudderwock Shaman

NebuchadnezzarHS has used the freeze strategy for getting Legend for the last three seasons, so the deck definitely falls under the tried-and-tested category in case you're looking for something to complete your own climb with.

Aggro Demon Hunter

Kurtrus, Demon-Render has a pretty busted Hero Power, doesn't he? WhiteDelight used this list for a rather painless Legend climb on his alt account and ended up with a 75% winrate over 24 matches.

Planning to venture to Onyxia's Lair? Prepare yourself for the Wild challenge with more community decks.

Came up with something awesome yourself? Create a Wild deck and share it in the comments below. Don't forget to include a guide!