The theorycrafters have been spoiled with plenty of card reveals so far, and some old archetypes seem to be getting support even for the Wild side of things. However, in this post we'll concentrate on already-playable decks shared by our community members, as usual.

Off-topic reminder: Don't forget to grab two free packs for watching Grandmasters Playoffs for 4 hours.

Jade Druid

Speaking of old archetypes getting more support, Neoguli has been tinkering with Jade Druid and added some newer helpful cards like Jerry Rig Carpenter and Wildheart Guff to the usual core of the deck.

Lady Prestor Evolve Shaman

Not your average Evolve Shaman list, but it's from MarkMcKz after all. Before the deck can get maximum value out of its evolve package, it aims to play Lady Prestor and hopefully swing the cost of the minions up a bit with the dragonic transformation.

Quest Warlock

The Warlock Questline has outshone the older Quest cards, but that doesn't mean you couldn't have some fun with the latter. ChristianHearthstone has jammed double Rafaam as well as Prince Malchezaar to this Quest list that aims to have fun with random 0-Cost legendaries.

Overload Shaman

The Shaman Questline hasn't quite recovered from the latest round of nerfs it suffered a while ago, but the variety of options in Wild still allows some Overload fun, as Teuton shows with this list.

Aggro Doomhammer Shaman

Even more Shamans! This list from China (shared by LovelyDuke) doesn't use any direct face damage spells you might expect from an aggro list, but instead packs a decent amount of value minions alongside your primary finisher, Doomhammer.

Planning to venture to Onyxia's Lair? Prepare yourself for the Wild challenge with more community decks.

Came up with something awesome yourself? Create a Wild deck and share it in the comments below. Don't forget to include a guide!